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File: 191 KB, 512x468, FeelsWeirdMan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23100571 No.23100571 [Reply] [Original]

>Arb Vampires are STEALING all the ETH from LPs!!!

Are you guys actually fucking retarded?

I'm gonna draw up a thought experiment and put it in my next post

>> No.23100619

The anon that shrieks about this clearly has some vested interest

>> No.23100647
File: 14 KB, 472x546, uni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23100651


Also if this was true eth price would be pumping because of the demand. Which it’s not

>> No.23101229

Yep it's just arbitrage
>Are you guys actually fucking retarded?
Idiots that put their live savings into farmed shit now have an explanation that absolves them from responsibility

>> No.23101354



try again hayden

>> No.23101435
File: 19 KB, 657x527, 1565271986724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just thought of this this morning during my usual "lay in bed for an hour after waking" session

>> No.23101498


perhaps when you sit up, pull on your unisocks and rub your eyes, you'll see things more clearly

>> No.23101612

Pure cope

>> No.23101680


I know lol, when are UNI holders going to face reality?

>> No.23102866
File: 432 KB, 328x609, Motherfucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working as intended.

>> No.23102944

>be smug frogs and kikes
>"we gonna bait everybody in our pools and become the next tech elite"
>get exploited by one clever player
was nice knowing you all, really great experiment, thanks for vampire bro the data is gold and cofirms dawkins theories

>> No.23103693

if anybody wonder what the theory is, it is about suckers, assholes and griefers and what kind of demographic is most resilient. The spammers are dishonest assholes, the suckers are the idiot who used and bought into uni, the griefers are the players like vampire bro and those that opposed the assholes and fucked the suckers when they got the opportunity