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File: 2 KB, 510x255, 510px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23100128 No.23100128 [Reply] [Original]

Predictions for the UK economy going into 2021 - Mega-Recession?

>> No.23100134

Mega recession averted due to Quant being based in London.

>> No.23100158

What do you think lad? Our country is a bunch of fat nigger paper pushing retarded supported by a horde of Deanos cooking up Nando's burgers. There is absolutely no substance to our economy whatsoever. Its an absolute shithole.

>> No.23100205



>> No.23100242

mass graves

>> No.23100264

flushed down the shitter if we get more lockdowns and chain ourselves to the sinking EU again thanks to based boris

>> No.23100338

Let's put it this way; I sure hope you spent the last few months stockpiling essentials like food.

>> No.23100474

more faggots getting paid luxury wages to sit on their arse doing nothing instead of going on universal credit like they should do when they get made redundant
high net worth fags like me paying for them all over the next 20 years
migration ideas biz? thinking of malaysia

>> No.23100497

more oligarchical corruption like the $12 bilion paid on track and trace which used an excel spreadsheet for the database
how do these crooks get away with it?
12 fucking billion for an excel spreadsheet
i wish this was a joke

>> No.23100562

they're clearly exit scamming

>> No.23100609

Who cares about the UK? It’s a Muslim backwater country

>> No.23100844

This si 5 years old, it seems the government is avoiding all this debt repayment by printing money. Of course, this creates more serious problems, like making money worthless, which is just what you want when trying to fight off a depression.

I have no fucking idea how to prepare myself against the coming collapse, because any way I can think of means I will be screwed either by the government or by people.

>> No.23100854

Fuck the UK

>> No.23100885

Molymeme was wrong on a lot of things but he was right about massively reducing the state.

>> No.23100925

Hello lads and welcome to the daily (((demoralisation))) thread brought to you by the 77th Brigade.

In this thread we seek to divide, disenchant and divide native English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh men, discouraging them from having optimism for the future. This, we hope, combines effectively with the "that is a man" and "imagine the smell" narrative our brothers in Israel have pushed. Of course the last thing we want is positive white men making money and raising large families.

This thread is in NO WAY a sign that the (((British Establishment))) and (((Banking Oligarchy))) are terrified at the rapid shifts in geopolitics.

Lastly the rapidly disintegrating Covid narrative was in no way a knee jerk reaction to try to implement the control and tyranny we planned under a (((NWO)) which is no longer possible.

Remember, flee for your lives, nothing will ever change and we spend tremendous resources on 4th generational information warfare like this because we're totally secure on your island.

>> No.23100943


>> No.23100994

How can I profit from this?

>> No.23101014

>the rapid shifts in geopolitics
You mean like the cUcK is the 51st state of USA?

>> No.23101044

nope, it is New Pakistan

>> No.23101097

Can it get any worse? As far as I’m concerned if you already work in an 8 till 5 job 5 days a week for someone else and you get paid at the end of the month and have little to no disposable income then life is shit anyway. We already can’t go out and relax without wearing a stupid mask. If you are single with no kids or dependents then kys is an option if you can’t afford to leave the country.

>> No.23101126

>universal credit
isn't that shit like 75 quid a week? how the fucking hell is it even possible for anyone to live on that? i mean rishi has said he couldn't live on that amount.
cameron added 700bn to the UK's debts in his first year. more than all the previous 11 years combined. 120,000 poor and disabled people dead thanks to cameron and co. we treat the peasants worse than any civilised country. that same finger-wagging tory scrutiny will apply to everyone, the public is about to get a very rude awakening as to what it is they've voted to power.

>> No.23101150

Just either try to get furloughed or go on bennies and buy shitcoins until you have enough to emigrate mate. There's no point even staying here anymore.

>> No.23101203

Wait, you are getting paid?!
>120,000 poor and disabled people dead thanks to cameron
Ha! We get that many immigrants coming in every year, so who cares, right?

>> No.23101215

What does the uk produce other than moving fiat from account A to B and making lunch for those who do?

>> No.23101222

It's mostly to do with the US's waning power and Russia's rise. Europe is going to move towards Dugin's 4th position which is very good for native Europeans and very VERY bad for (((occupiers))).

>> No.23101250

Weimar conditions create Weimar solutions anon.

>> No.23101254

ive been saving for the past 5-10 years because i knew something bad was coming. the signs have been out there for anyone with an open enough mind (and im not talking about any 4chan cuck schizo conspiracy shit. just looming recession and fiat collapse).
if other people have been gloriously thowing their money about instead of saving it then that is there problem, not a problem for the state
you say we treat the plebs badly but what exactly do you expect?
the social ceiling has risen in my lifetime, plebs can get good jobs if they are switched on
im so bored of this inane pseudo-collectivist liberal sentimentality

how can you justify taking from my future to pay for furlough? you're punishing my good decisions and rewarding the short sightedness of others.

brain drain brain drain brain drain!!!!!!!

>> No.23101261

how though? have you ever actually tried? that shit isn't easy. most pills nowadays won't kill you if you OD, but will hurt a lot when it fails. There's not one single high-rise building around me, people here commit kys by jumping off a four-storey car park. that means not dying on impact and laying there dying in abject fucking agony for hours. there are no suitable train tracks, it's extremely hard to use a syringe without fucking up and ending up injecting into muscle (which is inclined to kill you extremely painfully and slowly) and as for a rope, well, to what do i attach it? a tree? how do i get high enough up it? how do i get the branches out of the way for the fall down?
i tried hari kari once in 2016, jumped from a dock into the waves - then woke with broken legs in a hospital.

isn't immigrants though is it, it's just thick people. they're annoying but to kill them is too much, i mean we then have to live in a country which kills people it doesn't like. when they're all dead we'll be subjected to the same shit we imposed on them.

>> No.23101271

>i tried hari kari once in 2016, jumped from a dock into the waves - then woke with broken legs in a hospital.
fucking kek

>> No.23101276

what does the UK even do? the US has limited manufacturing and low wage service economy niggers.

>> No.23101388
File: 22 KB, 615x343, 1602061063479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've known this about the UK for some time but it's still frightening to see it written out for myself and all to read

>> No.23101728

Bet on Augur for Wales, Cornwall and Scotland independence till 31 December 2029.

>> No.23101746

So that's really it huh?

I'm a citizen by decent through I've never been. Was hoping to visit this year ironically enough.

What's the mood like on the ground? Do people know how far they've fallen?

>> No.23101765

"Service economy" is one of the most disastrous and damaging memes to date.

>> No.23101878

>"that is a man"

>Shitting on /our memes/

>> No.23101941

I'm going to Vietnam, might see you down there bongbro.

>> No.23102213

This is a demoralization thread. There's one every day. On the ground people are getting increasingly angry. The Covid narrative is beginning to fall apart.

>> No.23102304

It's how the globalists imprison modern industrialised nations. Kissinger threatened Mori when the latter started rebuilding Italy. Mori was then killed by red brigade terrorists. They and Mori's wife both cited Kissinger at the trial. This was hushed up in the West.

>> No.23102332

You really think the JIDF would allow a board of white nationalists to get rich and have large families? Sexual perversion is what they pushed because they couldn't counter the redpills on /biz.

>> No.23102405

I'm pretty sure half of 77th brigade spends their time posting propaganda on /biz, 4chan and wherever else, then goes home to complain here about how much they hate the office niggers and what a state the country is in.

>> No.23102480

Did you listen to Bojo the other day? Some interesting tidbits, 1984 speak:
>He warned the UK could not return to normal after the pandemic, which would be a "catalyst" for major change.

>Evoking the UK's recovery from World War Two, he said he wanted to build a "new Jerusalem", with opportunity for all, improved housing and healthcare.

>Mr Johnson said the pandemic had "forced" the government into massively expanding the role of the state, but warned against drawing the "wrong economic conclusion from this crisis".

>> No.23102502


>> No.23102566

This virus is so gay.


>> No.23102721

Don't forget his recent declaration that he is "spiritually reluctant to infringe on people’s freedoms", while imposing further lockdowns.

>> No.23102737

Nothings going to change. Nothings going to happen. Everything will carry on

>> No.23103023

I think you just might be stupid, use a rope you mong, climb big ben like in assassin's creed and jump

>> No.23103251

if you're suicidal you're not travelling. it's a spur of the moment thing. most of the time you're just sat sulking or drinking, and in a split second it becomes too much and you wanna kill yourself to death. but can't. honestly, if i wanted to kill myself right now i think the only option would be to lassoo a passing truck with a rope to which the other end my neck is connected. and well, that's not realistic. my tolerance for heroin is absolutely through the fucking roof so that ain't happening. there's honestly no reliable, surefire, painless way. supermarkets won't even sell me enough paracetamol precisely so i don't do this shit... but even if they did, have you read about how painful paracetamol suicides are, and how horrific your paraplegic life will be if it fails? there's no easy escape.