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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23094790 No.23094790 [Reply] [Original]

All others coins are scam to get your BTC, right?

>> No.23094811


>> No.23095766

Correct, but if you time them properly (ongoing hype/buzzwords + early entry) you can always dump on stupid newfags to accumulate more sats

>> No.23095792

Although eth is a bluechip too.

>> No.23095827

sorry gramps, in 2020 every coin is a scam to get your eth

>> No.23095846

>implying they will not convert them back to BTC like I did with several uniswap airdrops
ngmi, an eth killer might appear at some point, but a BTC killer? Nope...

>> No.23095860

btc doesnt need a killer, 1mb is enough to do the job

>> No.23095882

Bitcoin is also a scam in 2020, my dude. It doesn't mean you can't profit from scams.

>> No.23095903
File: 18 KB, 750x167, CA636955-7302-49E5-AA4F-D2D8EEDA2AB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this fucking new, how many times you need to get slapped before you finally realize BTC is going to replace central banking system?
Corps are burning and losing USD with an impressive speed

>> No.23095943

btc has no value and is backed by nothing. it will evaporate one day, almost instantly, and whoever is holding the bags will cry.

>> No.23095967

BSVtards being retards every time of the day

>> No.23095981

why do shills still insist on this FUD more than 10 years later?

>> No.23095987

$CVP $LINK are the tops trust me

>> No.23095989
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>> No.23096036

btc along with all forks (and the forks of those forks) are going down the drain. PoS is the obvious future.
Satoshi never accounted for economies of scale and how the network would eventually be controlled by one or two entities.
why pay chinks a 1-2% annual inflation (that dump immediately on the market) when you can literally pay owners of the protocol to secure it far more efficiently? figuring out PoW vs PoS is the most important IQ test in crypto today

>> No.23096079

>why pay these people whey you can pay these other people
So the IQ test here is if I want to sell my valuable BTC backed by the electrical power of whole countries and give money to this new group of developers that casually own a large part of the supply of their new coins, which casually gives you more say the more coins you have. Proof of Stake is Proof of Rugpull.

>> No.23096091

>owners of the protocol
anon I...

>> No.23096106

he just exposed himself why PoS is a scam

>> No.23096145

But it’s so fucking easy to understand than PoS is basically a big button that, not just central banks, but literally anybody can press, with a nice sticker on it
and if the brand new shitcoin is capped, there will be someone else with a 2.0 or with some new exotic rules

>> No.23096158

What you don't get is that BTC isn't inherently valuable because of the electricity. What, is this POWR token?
You have a protocol. You have a quasi-society with owners. But you need security to prevent attacks on the protocol. Who do you pay for security?
A foreign entity, who have incentives go against your society, and that will incur a 1-2% inflation on all users of the protocol?
Or should the members of the society, the investors, who have every incentive aligned with the protocol, be the ones in control of security, thus preventing losses in protocol ownership and actually increasing protocol ownership by quasi-taxation of the unloyal investors who don't stake?
It has nothing to do with how the coins originate. Solving pointless algorithms on a shitty computer on a server rack on the other side of the planet doesn't make BTC a valuable asset.

>> No.23096220

>Who do you pay for security? A foreign entity
For fuck’s sake, don’t compare a bunch of devs that owns most of the supply (and infinite protocols and dev teams exists, this is already inflation btw) to BTC miners.
Everybody on earth can miss BTC, you just need energy, the most democratic form of vote in the universe. Miners are NOT a foreign entity.

>> No.23096237


>> No.23096262
File: 62 KB, 702x802, 440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btc has no value and is backed by nothing. it will evaporate one day, almost instantly, and whoever is holding the bags will cry.

Newfags and niggers gtfo od this board

>> No.23096452

Yes goyim, everything is a centralized scam, only BTC is decentralized and not owned by the Chinese


DO NOT buy ETH, AVAX, XRP, these are centralized. Only buy real decentralization with BTC.

>> No.23096486

btc's peak was 20k, like link's was 20 and UNI's was 8. everyone who isnt a brainlet sold then, all that's left are bagholders crabbing slowly down. ethereum might be the only non-shitcoin, because it functions as the nexus of all the other shitcoins.

>> No.23096573

btw guys, just a reminder, on reddit they're riding TSLA towards a 100x and total market dominance, while you're all sitting here throwing money into pajeet scams and rugpulls.

>> No.23096734

Oof still thinking eth isnt linked to the king. You will pay for your insolence one way or another