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23091245 No.23091245 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23091332


>> No.23091461
File: 1.20 MB, 1763x989, F181BFEC-14B2-412B-9AE3-A1BDDB6DA0A5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes yet another video shilling xDai
>price dumps 30%

Nothing personnel, kid

>> No.23091609

>5th Stake FUD post of the day

Thanks for the buy signal, just bought 500

>> No.23092558

same here, added to my bag

>> No.23092624

So fucking dumb how low the price is. You can literally be a top 1000 holder for 2k. 32m market cap. It's mind blowing. It doesn't fucking need Reddit.

People are literally retarded. Look at most of the coins that people buy here. Blows my mind.

>> No.23092725

People are betting on other Ethereum killers. Billions in those. Well, uh hello, xDai is an already working chain that has fees less than a penny and instantaneous. It's already fucking here.

Let's say Polkadot or OMG or whatever the fuck actually runs. Okay, now what? xDai is already at that point.

Dumbass investors.

>> No.23093049

It's all good you don't have to be mad...
Just hold those bags to the ground...
Yeah that's right, u a good donkey...

>> No.23093182

I rest my case

>> No.23093438

this guy looks like a pothead retard that somehow managed to make a youtube video..why would anyone trust this monkey

>> No.23093725

Listen all you sad pajeet motherfuckas Im easystaking right now it doesnt matter that I could have 4xed my stack overnight by trading easystaking is my game and holding bags to the floor is the game

>> No.23093787
File: 14 KB, 780x225, POAPxdai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SuperPhiz, someone pretty involved in the ETH community said xDai is his favorite L2 solution recently.


Watch at 51 mins 20 seconds.
This reminds of LINK in the sense that literally so many projects are starting to use it, but then price action lags for months. POAP just wrote pic related about it a few days ago as well.

>> No.23094200

3.5k now, will buy 100 more when I get paid

>> No.23094239

>tfw top 50 holder

>> No.23094875

Bree and cvp on suicide watch