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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 228x221, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2309077 No.2309077 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favourite shitcoin and we'll tell you why you should sell immediately.

To start things off BAT cause this is the dumbest shit even by /biz/ standards: who the fuck can legitimately think that this 10 men team will find a better algorithm for advertising than Google, the fucking 2nd biggest company on planet earth worth 700 billion?? You thought people would've given up on the idea of paying users to look at ads after all the PPC companies disappeared 10 years ago but apparently you can still find retards willing to pay $300 million for this trash...

>> No.2309124
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>> No.2309135
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>> No.2309149

Swarm City
It is basically 2 coders, one guy calls himself the "System Architect" even though his qualifications show that he is a marketing guy and he doesn't contribute that much to the coding. They don't have mobile app developers on their team, their website is not functioning, they don't have a good marketing team. check out their youtube and website if you don't believe me. This coin boasts to replace uber, airbnb etcetra

>> No.2309247


rdd is a fucking chrome extension letting you transfer bitcoin to people on facebook. ever wanted to donate money to some normie on facebook? exactly

>> No.2309278

it's not even sexy at all. it's like command line interface donating

>> No.2309292

Basically, 90% of the stuff on coinmarketcap.

Funny thing is, many coins that are actually useful aren't getting a great increase in price, while scam shitcoins are mooning. Fucking beatbean and moon coin increased in value for God's sake.

>> No.2309293
File: 46 KB, 750x1000, eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try roasting this I dare you, you know bitcoin is no longer king when every other coin is built upon ethereum

>> No.2309312
File: 374 KB, 1536x2048, 1489052922053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is "we"?

>> No.2309326

>Exchange lost 14 million worth of ETH
>Owners have the vast majority of Ether in circulation
>It's still based on pure hype and doesn't have any real use yet
>Smart contracts is just a cool name for programming
You babies will never understand why BTC is king.

>> No.2309352

> doesn't have any use yet
Literally buys you the same drugs bitcoin will on alphabay, in addition to fuelling all decentralized applications running on the network

>smart contracts is just a cool name for programming
exactly, programming where your application is always online, openly available to everyone without them having to trust you whatsoever

meanwhile bitcoin is the tulip mania of the 21st century which derives its value from the expectation that you can find someone even more autistic in the future to buy them off you

>> No.2309353

Pre-mined, Vitalik bends over to wall street and now Russia, no hard cap on coins and leader of this irrationally exuberant bull run. It's not immutable, a hacker hacked DAO which had a significant amount of people invested and stole all the eth. They hard forked. Shitty move. Smart contracts are alright, but overall, as is tge problem with any of these coins, can be copied without any issues.

Also the ICO made it so that a tiny amount of whales have most of the ETH. Eth costs for cpu power are now getting challenged by shit like Iota, which has no fees. You can't compete with free. Once all the big updates pass for ETH, expect some new thing to just pull its code and make it better.

>> No.2309364
File: 38 KB, 670x503, 20120226_Brendan_Eich_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the funniest thing about BAT is that you can't spend your BAT tokens you received from watching ads. All you can do with them is donate to your favorite websites.

Also, it's not enabled by default in their shitty browser and no sane person would turn the ads on anyway and of course noone's going to install BAT chrome extension when there's adblock already.

Google and facebook ads are valuable because they snoop on every user, know their interests, age, possible income and all that shit, which benefits advertisers, because they could run targeted ads for people who actually want to buy their product. While BAT Is pro-privacy, which means there could be no targeted ads.

The most retarded overhyped coin so far.

>> No.2309389

BTC derives because it's by far the most stable currency. It has been around for more than 8 years and never had any major problem, it proved itself to be reliable, which is the most important thing for a coin, being crypto or not. Why do you think so many people are jumping into the crypto boat? Because they know they can cash in. How they can cash in? With BTC.

When you make your mad gains with shitcoin 101, what do you do? Exactly, you turn them into BTC so that you can cash in. Why you turn them into BTCs? Again, because it's the safest currency of a extremely volatile market. If BTC crashes, the entire market will go with it.

>> No.2309401

BTC is valuable because*

>> No.2309411

*when it crashes.

Also, reddcoin is just a pump and dump. It's shit, always been shit always will be shit. More people eating shit does not make shit any less shit.

Bat token has amazing scam level transaction fees.

>> No.2309428

Someone do ZEN

>> No.2309442

Fully agree with this dude. In a sense, BTC actually IS already the new fiat for cryptotraders

>> No.2309453

>when it crashes
I hope you like having your entire gains ripped out of you if that happens, along with a total crash of the market. If ETH crashes, basically the only thing that would happen is a temporary downtrend and correction, If BTC crashes, the market would be reduced to almost nothing in terms of trust and investment

God, how can you people be this dumb? You should pray for BTC not to crash if you want to keep making money.

>> No.2309484

>If BTC crashes, the market would be reduced to almost nothing in terms of trust and investment
You mean like after Mt Gox? Sounds good 2 me

>> No.2309488

Haven't read much into it, but at first it seemed like a good idea, but
>All IOTA's which will ever exist have been created with the genesis transaction. This means that the total supply of IOTA's will always stay the same and you cannot "mine" IOTA's. Therefore keep in mind, if you do Proof of Work in IOTA you are not generating new IOTA tokens, you're simply verifying other transactions.

100% premined and if PoW doesn't get you anything, why would anyone want to mine it ?

>> No.2309489

Ripple, kek anon. Not even a fucking crypto. I would rather support the “devs“ of HTML5, moon, alien or even fucking Bittbean before I waste a single $ on this garbage.
“look we are re-marketing the idea of paypal as crypto & promise you not to shit all over you although we hold all them coins for you in a centralized ledger“

>> No.2309498

I know. I am just saying it WILL crash as opposed to it may not. The majority of the money came in like 2 months or so ago, looking at the marketcap graphit almost tripled in a month. That just means when those people are satisfied or panicked, they'll pull out.

BTC will crash, so will ETH, just when is anyone's guess. It could happen this summer or in two years. The market can stay illogical for a long time.

>> No.2309503

yeah sounds retarded

>> No.2309517

It depends on what causes BTC to crash

>> No.2309527
File: 35 KB, 512x278, Stratis_Logo_Gradient.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite shit

>> No.2309530
File: 8 KB, 580x200, wingslogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fire away

>> No.2309541

Did BTC crashed after that? It has a major dip, sure. But recovered its value soon after. What this anon is talking about is a total crash.
I'm sure you saw some ''expert'' in economics saying this and is now parroting. I have news for you, people have been saying that the market will ''crash'' ever since 2010, always for different reasons.

This retardation that we are seeing right now in the market will end(and it should), sure, but that doesn't mean the market as a whole will crash, it will just have a downtrend, then a correction and then it will stabilize.

>> No.2309565

> centralized consultation company helping firms to adopt blockchain technology
> issues a token for god knows why so the owners get rich quick no matter what
> /biz/ obviously eats it all up

>> No.2309572

Like I said, it may crash, but if that happens the entire market will follow. BTC is the pillar that sustains this shit, this is what some people need to understand.

>> No.2309591
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>> No.2309603

Well yeah, I don't mean it will ever hit zero. Hard as fuck correction would be the better word. My bad. I still think it has a place, and I will wait to jump in with larger amounts. It's just that right now it's euphoric, and can turn real fucking fast if whales pull out. >>2309541

>> No.2309610

You forget 1 major problem bitcoin has.

When it hits 21 million BTC who's going to do the computations for the transactions. We're already looking at major mining operations required.

You're assumption that a limited currency is a good thing, it isn't. You need a slowly deflating currency to provide more cash for investment.

>> No.2309618

Is that a cow? No it's Mooooonero coming to the rescue!

>> No.2309623
File: 34 KB, 977x358, chrome_2017-06-06_13-57-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comeon bat dont fail me now

>> No.2309652

dump all clitcoin boys, it's shit

>> No.2309653

connecting 4 points on a chart with a line honestly thinking it will predict the behaviour of thousands of individual traders ahahahaha

>> No.2309660

It's what every other trader's probably doing

>> No.2309661

Here's the thing, more and more countries are going balls deep into crypto. More stores are now accepting BTCs as payment, especially in Japan. The tendency is that crypto will grow from now on, not shrink.

What will probably end is this ridiculous volatility that we are experiencing right now and thus, people won't be able to have retarded gains like they are now.
>When it hits 21 million BTC who's going to do the computations for the transactions.
Are you even following the ''recent'' news? People have been debating on how to solve this issue for a long time now. Thing is that both sides have strong points and are having a hard time deciding what to do, but we probably gonna see how it gets resolved in august.

>You're assumption that a limited currency is a good thing, it isn't.
Satoshi made a limited circulating supply with the specific purpose of avoiding inflation.

>> No.2309688

You have no clue what you're talking about. The scaling debate has nothing to do with this

>> No.2309700

thanks, friend :)

>> No.2309764


STEEM; Already has website that creates a serious income for contributers; An actual crypto asset that has useage and can possibly compete with social media platforms like reddit and youtube.

>> No.2309830

Cant zap the zen my buddy
Were safely strapped to the moon rocket

>> No.2309849
File: 41 KB, 1107x540, steem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bubble has bursted already my friend just give up

>> No.2309874
File: 101 KB, 533x492, 1496023979229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roast digibyte plz OP.

>> No.2309942

> exact same 'bitcoin with some improvements' we've seen 100 times before which can be bought for a portion of dgb's price
> o wait I can now earn 2 cents by playing minecraft for 10 hours?? I think we found the new gold standard in crypto boys

>> No.2309999
File: 73 KB, 876x431, Screenshot_20170606-074025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VRM/VRC. I have faith in this coin. Less red flags than NEM. Thoughts?

>> No.2310066

>you can't spend your BAT tokens you received from watching ads
is this true? how do the users store their coins then if not in their wallets?
if true, pajeet user btfo

>> No.2310076

>le impossible. right, digibros??

>> No.2310082
File: 19 KB, 320x312, Common_face_of_one_euro_coin[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this shitcoin?

>> No.2310094

literally has a cock and balls on it

>> No.2310111
File: 18 KB, 335x335, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT token, whalebags guaranteed

BAT token was for normies, it's obviously absolutely fucking trash

>> No.2310175

nevermind, found it, however it does not specify how a user controls their tokens:

• BAT received as a reward can only be used within the BAT ecosystem for value
added services.
• Unused BAT after 6 months will be sent back to the user growth fund which can
then be used for new users.
• Existing Brave users can get tokens by updating their app and verifying phone

>> No.2310489

that's years down the line, some 15 lambos, sailboats, holiday homes, helicopters and planes from now

>> No.2310694

Enjoy hovering on the prize worse than a beta cuck's hand on his prom date

>> No.2310789

kek spot on

>> No.2310873


>Bubble has bursted
>Nearing ATH

weak roast bro.

>> No.2311313
File: 26 KB, 291x125, hempcoin_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2311536

was thinking this was shit then saw the quads, just bought 1000.

>> No.2312808

BOScoin is better in literally every way and will probably be the first thing I buy in October since I missed the ICO because it can easily be a $100 coin.

>> No.2313365
File: 11 KB, 552x185, minerium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2313677

hahaha so funni ecks dee XDDDD

I'm sure you're a fucking genius and smarter than the guy who created javascript and mozilla. You're also probably smarter than the guy that created SNMP and one of the main tor engineers. Presumably users would have the option to reveal age, sex, preferences for more BAT in later iterations.

Also, to that retard saying that you can only donate your BAT. You can also sell it on exchanges so it's basically money. Advertisers will have to buy it and will support the price.

I want to bitch slap everyone in this thread.

>> No.2313764

holy fuck

>> No.2313929
File: 7 KB, 249x249, nvMLcJ4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead and try.

>> No.2314085
File: 7 KB, 225x225, bitcoin-logo-2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally chinacoin

>> No.2314096
File: 149 KB, 1024x759, me on the moon with my bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's like saying gold will be worthless when there's no more to mine.
do you even economics bruh? when supply runs out, relative demand goes to the moon.
the opposite is true. gold and bitcoin would be worthless if there were an infinite supply. just like ethereum will be.

>> No.2314294
File: 10 KB, 350x262, 1496692880609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>practically a cult of Vitalik
>sharding will not work
>larger attack surface than Bitcoin
>fueled by /r/ethtrader-tier idiots on margin who don't understand anything
>[the DAO bailout and its implications]
>not a single dapp with actual use
>multisig alone can solve many problems already
>EEA is literally just a pump narrative
>it's very, very difficult to write safe smart contracts yet Ethereum wants everyone to be writing them with their Javascript like Solidity
>#1 utility right now is stealing people's ETH with needless ICOs for needless platforms that don't need a token nor decentralization in the first place
>beginning to see more competition as a smart contract platform
>you can have a sidechain with the EVM (like RSK) and any possibly useful smart contracts can be ported

>> No.2314884

This is actually unroastable.

>> No.2315374

pretty good roasting.
what's the saying about shooting your foot off with c++? think what solidity is capable of.