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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 192 KB, 841x750, bat JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23090020 No.23090020 [Reply] [Original]

stick a fork in it. It's done.

>> No.23090079

>investing in a free browser plug-in token

You deserve to lose all your money.

>> No.23090118

Bat is one of the few useful tokens that hasnt mooned yet. Everythings going right for brave and bat is being bought up by the team at unprecedented levels all the while the supply is going to dry up

>> No.23090216

At this point is seems like Brave’s advertising model would require insane buy pressure from advertisers to have even a drop of an effect on the price of BAT. It would need like Google Chrome user base numbers and advertisers to move the price.

There’s just not enough demand for BAT. Team still has insane amount in the UGP (I know someone keeps track of that, but Eich himself pointed out like less than 6 months ago how Brave was nowhere close to running out of BAT). Basically, this shitcoin is a decade away from $1, let alone $5. Do yourselves a favor and get out now. Wish I sold at the last pump.

>> No.23090247

>Cost basis: $0.00

>> No.23090285


It's already a top 50 by market cap despite seeing ZERO adoption and crabbing for literally years. What the fuck do you want, top 10? For ad revenue?

>> No.23090350

>tfw UNI and BAT are my only holdings

>> No.23090405

i dont enjoy crypto because of BAT

>> No.23090486

saying theres no adoption is laughable and does everyone forget all the projects that crabbed for years and years before breaking out? Are you all new fags?

>> No.23090512

This can't be happening I just earned half a bat on the browser just now this can't be fucking happening

>> No.23090902 [DELETED] 

Didn't Read; Never Selling; Forever ThotPosting

>> No.23090976
File: 2.77 MB, 640x1136, 21321_88217312_21.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't Read; Never Selling; Forever ThotPosting

>> No.23091159

Yeah, that's the trend. Extremely high market cap projects crab for years and then breakout. Just like XRP!

>> No.23091248

respect, but it's all over

>> No.23091267

online ad biz is a 100B per year industry....imagine capturing 10% of that.....what does 10B a year pumped into purchasing bat do to price?

>> No.23091521

issue is only way it'll take off is if a large market adopts it
only way I could see this happening is if Trump strikes section 230 of the communications act and liberals throw every conservative off their platform, leaving them no other choice

>> No.23091682

>20m users
>Chart doesnt look like a pump and dump scam
>Advertisers are reporting that brave is delivering the best campaign results they have seen in a decade
>Repeat ad campaigns
>Growing at over 10% across all metrics MoM

The price is the same now as it was when they had 100k users. All that tells me is that nobody is speculating on BAT/Brave. Just wait until this takes off. Could be at 30m users, or 50m or 100m. The point im trying to make is the price doesnt remain flat forever while you keep growing. At some point people notice that there is a huge gap that has to be filled, and that could mean $.50 straight to $40 in a couple months when it starts. Honey was bought by paypal for $5B at 20m users. You figure out the rest.

>> No.23091718

the great thing is itll stay around the same price while BTC and the rest of the market crash for real, happening very soon

>> No.23091750

kek glad I pulled out of this literal scam a while ago

>> No.23091815

The problem we have right now is that its too centralized, so even though things are looking up, retail like this board isn't interested right now (defi is actually decentralized and something normal people can get excited about). With Bats growth tho, the flip will be switched, but I don't know if it will be from people like the ones on this board or advertisers.

>> No.23091826

This. $.08-.14 is the literal floor on this. BAT is one of the few that can recover though. The only thing that is going to move coins going forward is actual growth metrics. I say this because people are going to be checking out and the only reason a coin is going to be purchased is because it has to be.

>> No.23091903

Fuse is a better buy anyway. BAT token is not needed.

>> No.23091950

decentralization is a meme, and retail is full of mouthbreathers. BAT will probably be bought up by people outside of crypto.

>> No.23092896


>> No.23092916

i wanna knock that stupid bitch out

>> No.23093064

id hit it

>> No.23093336

Thats what makes braves ecosystem so fucking good. Having an extremely effective marketing platform and forcing you to play their game by buying BAT. As more and more advertisers flock to brave brave has to buy more and more bat we are seeing this now 50% of the total bat purchased by the team has been in the last 3 months.

>> No.23093826

Its just getting started I think. The next 6 months - 2 years is where we are going to hopefully see the system start to scale dramatically. The product suite is being expanded, more locations are being served and location granularity is increasing. Campaign minimums will come down, and sales teams will be diverted and expanded. User growth will probably start to pick up more, and the browser will be advertised harder. This is the type of stuff that you see when revenue grows from 2x to 10x and then 100x in just a couple years.

>> No.23093941
File: 1.37 MB, 720x1280, 9128312_88712_8772.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're just getting started, lad. Self Serve, BAT SKU, VPN, they're actually marketing their Zoom competitor finally.

Damn straight, lad.

>> No.23094587

Has anyone ever considered that Brave could be acquired? Amazon buys Brave and takes a snapshot of the blockchain and users have 1 year to exchange their BAT at a 40:1 ratio or something like that?

>> No.23094634

Lmao you shitskin..

>> No.23094796

Im a white anglo saxon protestant, and im also a BAT Chad.

>> No.23094967

Havent held BAT for 2 years. Real close to getting a 20k stack. But then I remember that nobody cares if a browser is better than chrome in 2020. There are too many other things going on to care. I will buy at .12 in December.

>> No.23095733

fucking lmao this poor token

>> No.23096034

It's time to give up. BAT will soon drop out of top 50 then 100. Dead token.

>> No.23096134

Imagine actually believing this. 20m users. Honey was purchased by paypal for $4B at 17m users.

>> No.23096152

>paypal paid for bravecuck spyware data
>therefore my camwhore token will pump

>> No.23096302

Are you autistic?

>> No.23096779

honey does way more than brave does champ if what you were saying was true they would buy brave

>> No.23096790

>no argument
I accept your concession.

>> No.23096791


>> No.23096804
File: 279 KB, 460x356, 1601986619476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been using Brave for 4 or so months now and I never ever received BAT, and yes I have the whole ad thingy enabled.

>> No.23097244

20m users don't matter if they don't throw their money at BAT. There is no reason to buy/hold BAT and that's precisely why it's not going anywhere price-wise. Whales are not interested in boring "safe" tokens like BAT. You can't even cash out your BAT without KYC or paying ridiculous fees, fuck uphold. Brave used BAT for cryptotards to shill their Browser and they don't really care about it anymore. Token economics are fucked and VCs prefer investing in Brave directly rather than buying BAT from exchanges. Let me make a prediction; BAT will be forever in $0.2-0.3 range with occasional pumps and dumps that won't last for a week.

>> No.23097531
File: 85 KB, 1398x686, bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bat literally trades in a comfy channel
you can literally swing trade your way to a IRL waifu

>> No.23097863

bat is going back to 15c by the way

>> No.23098187

What’s an insane amount of UGP left? 40 million of a 1.5 billion supply?
Eich said that because they get 15% cut on ad spending and 5% of tipping

>> No.23098764

>What’s an insane amount of UGP left?
At least 100m.