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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23089649 No.23089649 [Reply] [Original]

Where were you when crypto died?

>> No.23089669

The slingshot is being pulled back so hard the rubber is transparent and the wood is creaking.

>> No.23089733

This. I give it 3 weeks at the latest.

>> No.23089767
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I had just started. Literally just started trading for real a week ago after lurking and researching for months. FUCK ME I WANT TO FUCKING DIE. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.23089791

Shits about to moon so hard you’re gonna shit your sweatpants

>> No.23089849

Only a few will remain. Maybe 10 coins. XRP will be one.
The best part of the anti XRP delusionists is they base their entire assumption on the basis of “XRP hasn’t mooned, therefore it never will”. Their simple minds fail to observe anything, compute mathematics, incorporate logic, entertain reason. These fools are the definition of fool. They are their own worst enemy. Their blind bias and hysterical anti XRP stance emanates from their own ignorance and frustration at themselves for being unable to understand the very facts making XRP have value. The depression and anguish these morons will feel when they indeed witness XRP explode (and I can guarantee it will), will be perhaps the worst anguish a man can exist with when it comes to a “missed opportunity”. They will have to realize they had extensive time and opportunity to examine, learn and acquire XRP, and instead hemorrhaged capital on non-starter shit show coins. They will go through grief like stages of DABDA - denial, anger, blame, depression and acceptance. They will deny XRP is truly on an upward trajectory. Some may FOMO in too late, however many entrenched haters will deny it is happening and deny it will last. The anger will occur throughout the process as they lash out, upset by missing the opportunity they had ample time to partake in. They’ll blame each other, blame you, blame me, blame family and forums and threads and every crypto retard they can point at, and even most
Importantly blame themselves. The depression phase will last years, maybe decades. They’ll be reminded of the missed opportunity in XRP every single day they awake to their peasant like existence of toil and hardship. Some may kill themselves as a result. I actually had a friend say this to me exactly after he sold a large position of XRP, “If XRP ever hits the $10 you talk about, I will kill myself.” Acceptance will be rare and only the most mature and emotionally secure individuals will truly accept the reality of XRP rising.

>> No.23089908

nice pasta

>> No.23090123

For those who are looking to get out of crypto, you may want to wait. The amount of investment from Finance 1.0 is increasing exponentially. BNP Paribas Investment bank stocks up 5% today on news they will be incorporating ERC 1400 tokens in securities. Look into companies that focus on ERC 1400, llke curv and Polymath.

>> No.23090150

crypto is far from dead, it is just starting its journey, after in the following weeks, the swamp, every swamp will be drained

>> No.23090331

Sad to see. Hope everyone from 2017 at least left with some sanity still. This board will probably be more dead than /m/ and hiromoot will rename it to something like /stox/ with only Stock Market Pajeet Penny scams.

Had fun bros, see you in the afterlife. Gonna go anhero.

>> No.23090383

Y’all are such drama queens. It’s just a red month. It always is on election years. Just chill out and either buy these dips or get away from crypto for a few weeks

>> No.23090454





Desire Finance let’s you launch your own DeFi product without any coding knowledge.

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Easy 20x by next month

>> No.23090488

Desire Finance is for monkeys

>> No.23090487

your kind of crypto, sorry, you are dead

>> No.23090502


>> No.23090592

Even stablecoins are down. It's fucking over, isn't it bros?

>> No.23091391

like how it died in march?

>> No.23091987

This is all you need. Literally.

>> No.23093389

Considering the implications of an MPC based future aka ARPA aka what Vitalik predicts the next bubble is, no kidding desu

>> No.23093723

is this bullish or bearish? help a craker out

>> No.23094329

t. a colored

>> No.23094362

Its over for defi. The uniswap blackhole exploit is present on pretty much every dex. Weve been played hard

>> No.23094520

It really is a suckers rally

>> No.23095482
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Bitcoin is never ever going to be above 11k ever again, isn't it? It's over?

>> No.23095754

Can someone explain? BTC is at that point of almost dump or almost pump where altcoins usually thrive but literally all the alts I've been watching have been bleeding like crazy the past few days after a week or so of good action

>> No.23095845

died? just look at how CVP is performing!!