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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 147 KB, 800x600, E40B193B-C2A2-43FD-BBBE-E6726A341DC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23088266 No.23088266 [Reply] [Original]

>not here
>not in town

>> No.23088279

What game is that? Looks old as shit.

>> No.23088320


>> No.23088331

Anyone who doesn't play a neccy is a fag.

>> No.23088376

sorc was always my first toon so I could do mf runs

>> No.23088417

i only ever played barbarian i tried paladin once but it was such a wuss

>> No.23088460
File: 90 KB, 686x526, 090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Necroniggas where you at

>> No.23088474

Age of Empires

>> No.23088482

I played this game. Lotta fun. I'm from a non english speaking country. Care to explain me this Not here, not in town? I don't get it.
I was young when I played it, so I don't remember many specific details.
The sound of legendaries dropping is burnt into my brain, although I don't remember if it was from I or II

>> No.23088498

Zoomer please go

>> No.23088556

Stay awhile and listen

>> No.23088563

its the characters voice when you try to do an attack while in town. great game btw OP

>> No.23088617
File: 362 KB, 498x542, 1594808100470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that comfy feeling of doing hell cs runs one after another with the boys

>> No.23088629
File: 10 KB, 416x416, https___specials-images.forbesimg.com_imageserve_5d825aa26de3150009a4616c_0x0.jpg_background=000000&cropX1=0&cropX2=416&cropY1=0&cropY2=416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23088633

Oooh shit, I knew it was some obvious shit :)

>> No.23088643

Boner or nothing

>> No.23088647

I remember Knight Lore on the 48k Spectrum was a bit like this

>> No.23088656

Not a zoomer. Just a late millenial, no snowflake m, with bad memory.

>> No.23088664

Ive seen this game once before, its torchlight apprently it was really good

>> No.23088677

For me, it was the rogue encampment soundtrack. god...

>> No.23088698

based oldfag employed artfag negromancer

>> No.23088720

imagine the smell of all those sweaty horny pent-up rogues....

>> No.23088778

failed high school because of this game

34 now and i have never played anything this good

>> No.23088806

You and everyone else champ

>> No.23088884

Nobody played this shit. Everyone was too busy playing age of empires and Starcraft.

>> No.23088898

Since I know everyone here is mostly white, what coins do you hold?

>> No.23088929

microsoft really showed the world how they can make even a game feel like windows with age of empires.

>> No.23088970


>> No.23089020

The /dnd scam netted me so many accounts

>> No.23089160


excellent bait friend

>> No.23089177

nobody taking your bait

>> No.23089195

It has been 20 years and I have never made a necromancer

>> No.23089207

>had the one person from our group that would scam cd keys for all the boys

so comfy just take me back already

>> No.23089214

fuck i love playing world of warcraft
that brings back memories

>> No.23089252

fucking this

>> No.23089351

rolled a Zod this will bring great luck to my village

>> No.23089397

I just want op soilwork to return so I can hit level 99 again just by doing nothing.

>> No.23089429

the skeletons always caused my internet connection to time out

>> No.23089444

There is unironicly no limit to the amount of money I would invest if the programmers from opsw made a crypto. Those bots were the best.

>> No.23089451

RuneScape. I thought everyone had played this at some point in their life

>> No.23089474

I believe your trips.

>> No.23089625
File: 33 KB, 326x422, andariel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorceress and andariel were hot. i require tiddies with my demons.

>> No.23089674

pic related is one of my most fondly remembered faps

>> No.23089809
File: 1.61 MB, 1293x1293, 1531521462348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23089851
File: 358 KB, 799x600, pgems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you *did* use mass botting to amass a fortune in pgems to sell for real dosh, right /biz/?

you weren't some chump who farmed for gear MANUALLY, right?


>> No.23090104
File: 80 KB, 1011x1390, FE9C6C9A-76F7-4310-B4CC-C8DD2B4E6F16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23090305

that shit isnt worth anything is it?

>> No.23090352
File: 328 KB, 561x561, 1563107713885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ladder resets
>boys jump on and start playing straight after the reset
>a week later, boys start nagging me to come back
>jump on
>get rushed to hell cs as a lvl 5 din

>> No.23090459

>rolls through with a whole screenload of skeles, skele mages, and reanimated dead, sending you to lag hell

heh nothing personal kid

>> No.23090500

Some1 wanna buy some HRs for crypto?

got shit on west, east and europe (ladder)