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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 81 KB, 1280x720, uni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23087412 No.23087412 [Reply] [Original]

For all my UNI holders when do you plan on selling. Obviously not right now.

>> No.23087425


>> No.23087634

I sold my last stack of 1100 and used the money to farm UNI
Safer that way
The 1100 was free so all good

>> No.23087673

Selling at 0.85$

>> No.23087760


>> No.23087773

You might get your chance

>> No.23087797

I pity anyone who sells now

>> No.23087815

this thing will perpetually go down below $0.01
like doge does.
it will bleed out forever.

>> No.23087816

I'm glad I didn't realize wtf was going on until the second day, then claimed my tokens and sold very near the high.

God bless America.

>> No.23087878

we'll see if it pumps closer to the 16-18th october or maybe march once the 180 day cooling off period ends and fees can be switched on

>> No.23088219

>when do you plan on selling
Higher than when I bought. So it just needs to go +100%

>> No.23088303

Most definitely. The entire point of the coin will soon be realized come the 17th, and price will moon as a result.

>> No.23088357

are you being ironic? there is no point of this coin to be realised. it's a useless governance coin on a broken website that lists scam tier shitcoins and is relentlessly exploited by bots. everyone who buys this thing will be dumped on by LM pool farmers endlessly until they sell at $0.00001

>> No.23088406

Don't you people realise the price went to $8.50 because every goddamn person on the website was given 400 UNI and effectively became a buyer? That is what it took to get to $8.50. EVERY PERSON "BUYING" $3000 of UNI. And you think somehow that could happen again and we could go > $10 LMAO. How can anyone be so insanely retarded? It's literally impossible to go above $5 ever again

>> No.23088452


>> No.23088506
File: 17 KB, 454x324, 690796EB-89C3-4B20-A667-765CFFF9386A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this and the other fifty threads like it all a CHICOM op to acquire governance of Uniswap?

Not sell marr clypto to pan head!

>> No.23088697

I know the supply is supposed to increase but has it yet?

>> No.23088719

3k unrealised gains. I am being justed by a free coin.

>> No.23088752

If you can't see the value in a governance token for the largest DEX on the internet then you're truly retarded. Whales will soon accumulate so they can vote on treasury decisions, including whether fees get redistributed to holders.

>> No.23088814
File: 39 KB, 427x427, 1596233842283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tards, take your FUD and fuck off. Airdrop is not buy pressure, it's sell pressure. UNI mooned because of hype. Uniswap is still a hype platform, it's a name brand. It WILL GO BACK UP. This election horseshit is what's fucking alts and by extension UNI.

>> No.23088817

are you retarded ?

>> No.23089198

You do not appear to understand how airdrops work.>>23088406
It's hilarious that people fall for this retarded pasta.

>> No.23089231

I wouldn't bet on uni being similar to idex or etherdelta, a curiosity some mde money on but most just lost, to scams and fees

>> No.23090002

I'll see you at $0.15 next week. Sell now or you'll regret it. Remember: there is ONLY sell pressure. There is, and never will be, ANY buy pressure.