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File: 86 KB, 901x246, Official_Litecoin_Logo_With_Text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2308246 No.2308246 [Reply] [Original]

Capable of eight times as many transactions as Bitcoin in a ten minute period. Frankly if payment processors had adopted Litecoin in the past year current Bitcoin block discussions would be irrelevant (and likely the price of both coins higher). Anyone who has watched these discussions understands the immediate advantage of a network with larger transactional capability.
Faster confirmation times. The only people who don't think this is important have never spent a single coin or they have patience that the average person does not possess.
Continuous development look here at number of releases in past few years: https://github.com/litecoin-project/litecoin/releases
Upcoming new features and active development look here for whats happening in 2017: https://litecoincore.org/
Unlike bitcoin, it is possible to make changes to litecoin.
Liquidity. You can sell thousands and not crash the market. Maintains value. Look at the chart here indicating volume in the last 24 hours relative to other coins http://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/litecoin/#markets in fact volume has remained high month after month for years.
Now on coinbase and will be on bitstamp in June.
Fair release. In a crypto world of premined and ICO releases many appreciate this fact. The code was released well before the Genesis block was mined and everyone knew when it would be going live; therefore, individuals could anticipate and get their miners and software ready.
It's primary function is to be a cryptocurrency.
It will always maintain the integrity of the blockchain (no hard forks for special interests).
Recently activated segwit on it's network with virtually 100 percent consensus.
The possibility of utilizing sidechains for smart contracts without the possibility of corrupting the original non-turing complete blockchain.
Potential of using the Lightning Network as a method of increasing transactional capacity.

>> No.2308254

Who cares. that's like x3. I can get atleast x10 in that time. Fuck litecoin

>> No.2308273


lol good luck with that

>> No.2308680


>> No.2308705 [DELETED] 

Anon, dont shill biz LTC they have subhuman mandibles and dont understand the superior technology that has been and will be implemented into Ltc blockchain. Also, 100 isnt an accurate estimate. 200-300 is accurate.

>> No.2308720

The sofork in btc will kill ltc

>> No.2308732

Anon, don't shill biz our secret LTC. Biz is full of subhumas with retruded maxillas who are too subhuman to understand the tech that has and will be implemented into LTC blockchain. A foresee LTC reaching $200-300 next year.

>> No.2308771

Yeah OP.
They also don't understand that ease of use is everything from here on out, in order to get the normies using the coin.
And litecoin DESTROYS all other cryptos in this department. Just check their website. Easy to use, on any platform.

>> No.2308784

Interesting post OP, perhaps I need to stop having such a complete hard on for eth, this is probably one of the better alts (along with dgb)

>> No.2308794

Lol litecoin still with the selling points that were obsolete 5 years ago.

>> No.2308819

people can take a while to realize how good something is, particularly if it hasn't been allowed to show its potential yet

>> No.2309074

Lol instant transactions werenot a selling point 5 years ago.

Its going to make ripplefags cry.

>> No.2309409

yeah ltc will be 100 when btc is at 20k

>> No.2309413

I bought ltc when it was 25 a month ago. Its now 30...but that will go down to 25 again when bitcoin corrects itself. The coin doesn't go anywhere.... I'm cashing out for eth.

>> No.2309436

t. someone who recently got in crypto

>> No.2309445

But if Bitcoin fixes it's shit on August 1st that would make Litecoin obosolete

>> No.2309520

I use LTC to buy with fiat on Coinbase and transfer to other exchanges and buy alts. For that is great and much better than BTC. I don't typically hold much for investment's sake.

>> No.2309554


Chinese are too invested in it. They own 45%+ of the LTC coins. It will still be around most likely..

They also own 30%+ of Ethereum Classic.

Any coin that the chinese own a large part of seems to stay stable and within whatever margins they have set.

LTC - stays between $20-$30 (will it ever double?)
ETC - stays between $15-$20 (will it ever double?)

They always seem to prefer the backup coin.