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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 639x378, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23080979 No.23080979 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for exploring large RSR transactions to get to the bottom of what is actually being dumped on the market and where. It is also for legitimate discussion on the project. If you make a claim, include a source.
Please don't shit it up with "$56 eoy" or "total supply: 100000000000" tier faggotry.

>> No.23081072

alright, you start then

>> No.23081109


>> No.23081135
File: 23 KB, 1145x422, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is address 0xDc2A3e304A4D48e9d93B351596d0D97314d5dF7D
It has two instances where large amounts or RSR (250MM and 100MM) were moved out (and then back in?) to it.

>> No.23081211

It's going to move slowly as I'm posting as I find things. I also can probably only get away with doing this off and on for the next couple of hours as I'm meant to be waging. Feel free to help out.

>> No.23081248

Show me these 2B tokens moving, That's what I'm looking for.

>> No.23081261


>> No.23081345
File: 21 KB, 1191x267, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is probably just a whale.

>> No.23081391

Pretty strange behaviour though

>> No.23081649

What’s the diagnosis, doctor?

>> No.23081776
File: 65 KB, 1149x734, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 0x0D095A0B3B89621508a520c15388ace20599ce68

Plenty of back and forth here including a couple of 20MM transactions.

I have now searched everything from the 25th of August to the 27th of July i.e. during this price dump and still haven't found the 'liquidity' tokens. Just got the last 10 days to go. It's taking a while because I can only pull 5000 transactions at once.

>> No.23081813

So far all I can say is that I;m still thinkin about thos beans

>> No.23081989

Setup a google sheet
Import range the etherscan table
Query the imported table for transactions larger than X, group by wallet address


>> No.23082008

Ok I have searched every transaction since 25th of August. There is nothing larger than >>23081135 which is an order of magnitude less than 2B. I'm now going to group by address and sum in case the liquidity tokens are going out in small chunks. Don't say I don't do anything for you fuckers.

>> No.23082065

Google is pozzed and I'd still be limited to 5000 transactions at a time because that's all etherscan allows.

>> No.23082134

if this is before they even moved the tokens imagine the dumping when they begin kek

>> No.23082254

fucking LOL

>> No.23082553

OK done this. the highest volume is
which is just Binance, so nothing insightful here.

>> No.23082588
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>> No.23082680

This was the contract which sent to
Which is now dishing it out in smaller amounts to various other addresses, which then seem to be sending it to exchanges.

>> No.23082719

Ok, so what does this all mean? Is Reserve toast?

>> No.23082747

Is this a quality post on biz? Am i fucking dreaming? Thanks anon.

>> No.23082938

Most of the 2B unlocked for exchanges have not been sent to exchanges. 500MM have ended up on Binance and Huobi. The rest still to come. This could mean either
1) They send the rest to those exchanges and just dump to oblivion. This would solve no purpose unless they were dishonest in the medium article about these tokens not being used for funding. Not impossible, crypto scams are common.
2) They send the rest to Coinbase, which is happening sooner than we think

>> No.23083066

You're welcome fren, I'm going to go back to work now. Next time clueless fud/shilltrannies reeeee about what is happening with the liquidity tokens you can politely fill them in.

>> No.23083309


thnx for spoonfeeding. i couldn't see any case why they would want to dump the price even more? my only concern is, if their company is out of money they could sell to fund the project

any clue wqhere i could check their companys financial status?

>> No.23083368

wait RSR actually has 100 billion supply?

hm, maybe I should sell after all
who the fuck decided to make this 100 billion supply?

>> No.23083383

WHO. THE. FUCK. CARES. Buy CORE and fuck this plebbit coin.

>> No.23083419

this shit is already gonna be 1 sat by the time the tokens unlock anyway. Absolutely dead in the water project. Charlie ditched. It's so fucking over. I was one of the biggest Twitter supporters. Dumped at 3 cents and not buying back.

>> No.23083464
File: 46 KB, 1243x359, treasury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go bud

>> No.23083504
File: 24 KB, 700x271, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They could be simply lying about this, but it really doesn't seem like that kind of outfit.
> not reading the whitepaper
> buying without knowing one of the most fundamental properties of the the token
Biggest sell signal I have seen in months.

>> No.23083557

Lots of green IDs in this thread. Blessed.

>> No.23083575

Yep found it, see
>>23082680 and >>23082938

>> No.23083854

Haha fucking hell it's really dumping hard

>> No.23083872

is there any place where we could check the companys financial stability? is this even a company lol?

>> No.23083922

Why would Peter Thiel lend his name to this project? His reputation is on the line here.

>> No.23083931

he left months ago from this sinking ship

>> No.23084092
File: 188 KB, 669x787, Screenshot 2020-10-06 at 21.49.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HUUUUUUGE volume on RSV, kek.

>> No.23084679

Pretty sure RSV use in the app is still off-chain. Anyone care to correct me?

>> No.23085135

It’s got to be, or else they’re eating huge transaction fees

>> No.23085197


>> No.23085773
File: 536 KB, 1646x1250, you-just-got-reserved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23085813

There's no source, it's discord FUD so that him and his discord friends can buy in cheaper. This has been happening relentlessly right from the beginning of this project. It is what got me interested in the first place having witnessed it happening with early LINK.

>> No.23085858

No source. Check the website Peter is listed as a CURRENT investor. Meaning he is CURRENTLY invested in the project. If he isn't, they can be sued.

>> No.23085860

Almost everything on that image is demonstrably wrong.

>> No.23085887

kindly disprove each point with source sir

>> No.23085976

solid buy signal, soonTM

>> No.23086959

>Price predictions
This assumes total crypto market cap stays constant. $56 is a meme just like LINKs $1000 was, it doesn't mean there isn't decent gains to be had
>9 and 4 year old tweets taken out of context
>muh tranny
No comment necessary
>honesty about the potential success of the project
Refreshing to see in crypto
>Low views on youtube
Sub-100mcap, we're early
>Coinbase can't list
Wrong and has been debunked multiple times in previous threads
> Thiel hasn't mention since 2019
Who cares
>most think he has already dumped
lol nigga this is blockchain, anyone and everyone can see he hasn't dumped
>Social media monkeys unfollowed
The price dumped >70% most likely after these retards shilled
>2 star reviews
Literally wrong, average review is 4.5 stars
> Muh satsgang
Ancient FUD, dusty and stale

>with source sir
fuck off cunt

>> No.23087389

Thank you for this. I’ve been increasingly
nervously throwing some lunch money at RSR for the last few weeks and this fud clearup has regained my confidence in this project. I’ll keep DCAing. It’s all money I would have spent on beer and burgers anyway so fuck it.

>> No.23087666

You're welcome. Swing traders play out these stupid fud/shill cycles according to which position they're currently taking. I get the purpose of it and have been here long enough to see through it, but I don't swing trade, I research, pick a target, buy, and hold until the target is reached.
I'm willing to adjust those targets if legitimate concerns about the project come out, but the constant shitting up of threads with misinformation is tedious.

>> No.23087863

>no source

>> No.23087974

Which of those points did you need me to spoonfeed you source for, discord monkey?

>> No.23088180
File: 14 KB, 412x76, Screenshot 2020-10-06 at 23.18.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooof... classic pump and dump

>> No.23088211

> Swing traders play out these stupid fud/shill cycles according to which position they're currently taking.
it's down fuckin 80%, it's not like your some epic strong hands holder.
Show me one coin that crashed this much and "mooned"
pro tip: you can't

>> No.23088334
File: 54 KB, 1024x606, 1601568363491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently the people who sold a few weeks ago need to 'stay poor' ...the irony

>> No.23088456

Literally fucking all of them you clinical retard. BTC, LINK, ETH, XMR have all been down 80% and recovered. Those are just ones I have held through, I'd say you'll struggle to find a coin in the top 20 that has never suffered an 80% dip.

>> No.23088500

They do this because people follow those whale tracker accounts on twitter and when they see large volumes move to an exchange they start to shit themselves and sell their bags. It's low effort fud

>> No.23088568
File: 31 KB, 993x430, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an 80% BTC dip. First thing I clicked on. You're either very new, very retarded, or a scammy swingtrading discord faggot.

>> No.23088571

t.bought at 3 cents
volume is plummeting, it's over lad

>> No.23088579

Lurk more before posting newfag, you're too obvious

>> No.23088625

Nah it turned out the 250MM moves ended up on Binance and Huobi. They are the all that has made it to an exchange from the 2B. The other 1.5B must be earmarked for ???

>> No.23088638

Average buy-in was under 0.3 cents. Try again.

>> No.23088695

proof? Nobody defends a coin this much unless their down big...BIG

>> No.23088836
File: 108 KB, 389x842, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23088905

This is my ETH wallet
After my LINK did a 10x you can see I started moving it into RSR. Linkies at the time were REEEEEEing about it, meanwhile RSR is up 3x even after an 80% dip, LINK is only up 2x.

>> No.23088928

Where is the 100m Chad at?

>> No.23089416

Best post ive seen here for a long time

good job anon

>> No.23090370


>> No.23091067

Please if the man that has heavy bags here please message me

>> No.23091100

do i buy the dip

>> No.23091117

I used to have 10mm and I'm soooo glad I dumped that shit at 3 cents. What a fail. Nevin is worthless.

>> No.23091122

Please bro help ingot scammed of my whole rsr stack 5mm please I need to talk to someone

>> No.23091559

based reminds me of early 2019 posters who would infodump why a coin is good, thanks

>> No.23091611

now this period must have been pain, they actually must have thought crypto was nearly dead

>> No.23092170

This, doesn't anyone remember Thiel did to Gawker? A US start up wrongfully using his name would get annihilated.

>> No.23093467

This. Thiel wouldn't even need to be be aware if someone was using his name falsely. His team of lawyers would take care of that shit real quick

>> No.23094559

No one cares, BonFi literally coming soon