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23076252 No.23076252 [Reply] [Original]

Come on biz what went wrong with this one? Is it the pajeets they hired this week? Is the fact that they kept delaying their defi vaporware? I fucking told you, this shitcoin will bleed out to sub 1 cent becuase it does that EVERY year. You should be holding the Fantom Foubdation accountable for being a bunch of slow fucks that ride what’s trendy and cool every year instead of actually getting shit done.

Why do you think this shit crabs at ICO level then dump to sub 1 cent each year? What have they actually accomplished in the last three years? Just answer me those questions Biz.

Press S to spit on the fantom faggots and this dead shitcoin.


>> No.23076276

i sold fuck these chinks, they hired Andre only as a white face to their org for westerners to trust.

>> No.23076285

do you hold this? if not, why do you care?

>> No.23076364


Fantom is one of the projects that I come back to each year to ride the pump and dump then watch from the sidelines as it bleed outs to sub 1 cent. I like the tech but it’s wasted on this literal chinks and pajeets. I genuinely feel bad for the bizlets who keeps falling for their shtick. Fuck the fantom faggots tho.

>> No.23076426


It took you this long to realize that Fantom is one of the long cons here in Biz? Nobody with half a brain actually hold this shit once it pumps to ICO you just get out and make easy money.

>> No.23076450
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>> No.23076475


Biz ahhhhhh muh micro penis can only get so erect keep fudding.........NOT. Just sold this piece of shit. I can’t keep a straight face anymore while this shit bleeds me money. Fuck you Chen. Good job ruining your project.

>> No.23076481

I saw these exact comments verbatim in another thread

>> No.23076536


Blessed fuddee. I was starting to get mad at you retards for revealing the game so early. But glad I sold at 5c and got out of this pump and dump shitcoin. Adios retards. See you again next year.

>> No.23076568


You must be a newfag because I keep having the exact same conversation with Biz each year HAHAHAHAHAHA. Fuck off newfag.

>> No.23076599
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>I saw these exact comments verbatim in another thread
thats because i posted the same thing in the other thread. doesn't make it less true nigger, seeing something previously is not an argument against it.

>> No.23076622

that's a handsome based coder whose IQ probably exceeds yours a lot. You are such a retard if you base the long term prospects of a project by past market cycles.

>> No.23076665


This is the true red pill on Fantom. It will never break ICO level but Fantom is also easy money if you’re in the discord tranny channel responsible for the pump and dump each year.

>> No.23076770


These fucking scampump of a shitcoin might actually break the cycle if they’re actually getting shit done. But they just kept repeating the same mistake of hyping vaporwares then disappearing for a while before coming out with a new shit to hype then disappearing again. I suspect the foundation doing it on purpose at this point.

>> No.23076904

>Come on biz what went wrong with this one?
All Defi coins are dumping and the market (crypto & stock) doesn't look great in general.
But if you know a bunch of good coins pumping like Defi coin did during summer, give us your tips.

>Is it the pajeets they hired this week?
Those are web devs, they only work on the site since months.

>Is the fact that they kept delaying their defi vaporware?
Delaying doesn't mean it's bad you know.

>Why do you think this shit crabs at ICO level then dump to sub 1 cent each year?
Ok, I'll give you that. They shouldn't have never released the sale of the ICO in 2018 during a bear market, especially when they had nothing to deliver. If FTM was out in 2019 with Andre Cronje, the chart would look different.

>What have they actually accomplished in the last three years?
Mainnet, wallet, Fantom Finance, partnerships with Dubai and Afghanistan, a great dev team (Andre Cronje + GoFantom), Weiss Rating shilling them, being listed for free in big exchanges, etc.

So that's all what you get? FUD are getting so lazy, you probably come from a shitskin country. Please go away and go back to your siesta.

>> No.23077065


By foundation you mean Chen? Nah, he’s a dumfuck if I ever saw one. He wouldn’t be able to come up with an elaborate scam. I’d give you the discord for the pump and dump but dyor. Fantom is one the project they pump and dump each year before moving on to the next.

>> No.23077163


Kek much as I hate the fantom faggots I gotta thank them for letting me quadruple my LINK stack from their pump and dump shitcoin from this year alone. Ez money biz. Thanks for playing.

>> No.23077387

Well at least the retarded fantom shillers finally shut the fuck up about muh andre, muh uniswap fork, muh whatever bullshit they’re hyping this year. Buy AVAX.

>> No.23077392

>Hahaha Fantom pump n dump each year, I just bought the bottom and sold the exact top you fucking stoopid losers!!!
I don't know, I was wrong, even shitskin are not that obvious at lying, so what's your goal? Tell us because at this point nobody is going to trust your shit.

>> No.23077524


Shill me Avax. It reminds me of Fantom back in 2018 when it’s all hype no substance. Not that Fantom isn’t a hype scam anymore but Avax looks like it’s about to dump to sub ICO level.

>> No.23077597


Don’t bother with AVAX. Trading with 5% of the supply and one another 7253th ETH killer like Fantomscam. Literally just avoid dumbfucks that brand themselves eth killer or uniswap forks or defi suite shits like Fantom and you’ll make money.

>> No.23077891


Yes biz sell this scam for another scam. Never learn bizlets. You’d think after getting jeeted, gooked, chink’d by Fantom they’d learn their lesson. Just be a LINK maximalist because these ETH killers are all scams.

>> No.23078182


First of all Emin is not like Andre who is a verified scammer. Avax has revolutionary tech while Fantom is just reusing old nakamoto consensus. Avax don’t overhype like this piece of trash Fantom. P

>> No.23078445

Holy fuck can we let this scam shitcoin just die already? Why are we even botherinf with uniswap forks and literal scam hypes like Fantom.

>> No.23078755

Fantom scam was running on fumes and now it finally ran out of steam. Glad to see scamcoins like Fantom finally take to the grave along with it’s brainlet bagholders. They’re a bunch of fools for thinking it’s going to be /our/coin like Chainlink. No, your eth killer is not going to kill eth. No, your stable coin minter is not going to replace Maker. No your uniswap fork is literally a copy paste hype bullshit. Don’t get me started on the finance vaporshit they’ve been teasing since time immemorial. What the actual fuck do they have? Muh pretty wallet? That’s it? Fuck outta here retards.

>> No.23078843

Fucking nigger coin

>> No.23078918
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>Tfw fantom fudders are all Link schizos

u guys getting desperate now

>> No.23079011

He pooed all over your loos

>> No.23079325


Ok goys stop. You just might kill this nigger scam for good lmao. It’ll dump below 1 cent naturally but don’t kill it, we need this shit to pump and dump ad infinitum in the coming years. Easiest money of our lives.

>> No.23079680


Don’t know what you’re talking about. Could’ve made a lot of money from this pump and dump piece of shit back in 2018 but I didn’t out of principle. Scams like Fantom and along with their Pajeet foundation should just disappear.

>> No.23080134


Yes this shitcoin is still crabbing below ICO after THREE years. Shitcoins like fantom is the embodiment of everything thats wrong in crypto. It deserves to die along with the horde of its blindfuck supporters. But free money is free money bruh. Hope you don’t missed out on the next pump and dump next year. Remember when it dumps to at least 1 cent that’s when you buy, then dump when it gets to 4 cent.

>> No.23080383


Based retard. I throw in at least 10 grand from my stablecoin stack in fantom each year. I always 4x at least lol. Then wait for it to dump again sub 1 cent then buy back in. I don’t know why biztards would rather hold onto a bleeding scamshit that hypes vaporware instead of making money.

>> No.23080527


>> No.23080934
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Finally feels good to be vindicated each year. I called out these scammers when the original chink team exit scammed back in 2018. Played along with the pump and dumps. Made tons of money but the retarded fantom faggots left me with a bad taste in my mouth. Let’s play again next year amigos when this shit is still crabbing below ICO.

>> No.23081492

Looks like the dumbfuck shillers finally capitulated. Toppest of kek

>> No.23081637


Nah true capitulation is when we finally see $0.003. Trust me, I see it every year with these retards and their pink wojaks. Then they will be replaced with a new generation of bagholders while we the pump and dumpers 10x our money Lmao.

>> No.23081877


Yo are you bebis from the pump and dump discord? You fuckers did it again lmao. What’s the next pnd after fantomscam? I heard it’s xbtc. Should I stock up on that?

>> No.23082173


Is it xbtc? Fuck I already bought something else. Fuck you bebis. But thanks for ez fantom scam money.

>> No.23082398


Not bebis lol. But I’m in the discord channel for three years. I would sell any FTM you have now for a re entry at 1 cent and below at least. Don’t listen to the pajeet shillers here. Just look at their TG channel it’s pathetic KEK.

>> No.23082821


Let this shit die already man. We get it. It’s a chink scam by Andre. Three years and all they have is muh pretty wallet and a stablecoin minter. Let it die man.

>> No.23083547

poor bebis getting slandered by name on the board now lol

>> No.23084032
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>muh uniswap pork will kill ETH

>> No.23084303

Lmao at this new pajeet tier fud. Now fantom somehow has been around for 3 years and pumped and dumped every year on here, when it literally only started being shilled on biz early 2019.

>> No.23084360


Charts never lie retard see you at sub 1 cent.

>> No.23084453


But the uniswap fork and delayed finance bullshit is making me unironically bullshit! I mean bullish KEK. These literal pajeets don’t see why Fantom is cyclical on it’s pump and dump like clockwork each year. I fuxking hope they lose all their money on this shit.

>> No.23085132
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Made the chart better. Fuck this PnD.

>> No.23085233


>Nooooooo stop fudding this pajeet scam! I’m still stuck staking for another 6 days ahhhhhhhhh

>> No.23085319

mine is stuck for another day kill me. you know its a scam when they make you wait 7 days for NO fucking reason to unstake even after it expires.

>> No.23085757

i dont think its a scam just slow shitty coin.

i think its going to go up .50-1 but just dont know when

>> No.23085937

>making a chart out of CMC on a smartphone

>> No.23087309

Ahhhhhh fuck you justin bebis!