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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2306883 No.2306883 [Reply] [Original]

wheres the crash

>> No.2306950

i wake up from 3 hours of lseep expecting a crash i only see altcoins crashed and i had pulled half of my btc out of altcoins

>> No.2308244
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i'm sure hell be fine

>> No.2308268
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There isn't one.

This is real mooning.

Bitcoin doubled it's value every year since inception. This time, it quadruples it.

>> No.2308281

Bottom will be between 2k and 2250$ sold everything and placed buy orders

>> No.2308344

>altcoin faggots thinking they missed bitcoin and riches lie in some scamcoin

Keep buying eth retards, I'm sure eventually someone will accept eth as payment and "muh smart contracts" meme will never end

>> No.2308391

>we're seeing something unprecedented
>it's a good thing though so that means it's perfectly sustainable

>> No.2308394

Are you mad at ETH or?

>> No.2308425

will there be a dump at 3k?

>> No.2308436

Ahaha omg normie detected

>> No.2308441


>> No.2308492
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I have 5k to buy BTC with and I'm waiting for a dip.

>> No.2308496


>> No.2309672


Bitcoin stays the same. The US dollar and other currencies are losing value.

>> No.2309741
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you're going to be waiting for a long time

>> No.2309810

I actually think you might be right.

Even normies like Martin Shkreli who has been making fun of btc and disregarding it as BS is now taking it seriously, speculating on it and even said it might reach $10k in his most recent broadcast.

The last crash was caused by MtGox and I don't see Coinbase pulling a Gox.

>> No.2309838

There's a price wall at $2,900 now larger than the one at $3,000 at present but it's slowly being eaten away at the moment.

>> No.2309857

If crashes are caused by an exchange that's just a nice safe dip to buy, because it's rationally speaking it has nothing to do with btc itself.

>> No.2309882

There's never been a point where anything was wrong with BTC until the recent scaling issues, and it's still climbing up crazy even with those issues.

1 Aug will be a deciding day. If the transition to segwit goes smoothly then the sky is literally the limit.

>> No.2309912

I saw Martin say "there's nothing wrong with money". How can someone so smart be so dumb?

Although I suppose if you have a fuckton of money you are inclined to ignore it's problems lol

>> No.2309927

It's because his life is so heavily invested in fiat. How could a hedge fund manager ever say fiat is a bad thing? Even the smartest people get blinded when a change could impact their livelyhood

>> No.2309951

$2,900 wall broken, next stop $3,000.

>> No.2309957

I suggest you watch his latest broadcast.


Look how baffled he is at the transfer speeds of BTC.
Fiat is somewhat stable in the west right now but soon it won't be and it's technological inferiority is already showing.

>> No.2309977

Baffled in a good way?

>> No.2309991

This too can be an issue. A lot of people dismiss crypto without even looking into it.

Let me tell you when you go from waiting days for a bank wire to transfer and having to pay huge fees to your transfer being received in literal seconds for a miniscule fee, is when you realize crypto is the real deal.

When you realize you don't need a bank account because you can just be your own bank then you realize crypto is the real deal.

Anyone who gets a taste of it will be converted.

>> No.2310022


every time someone says crash or bubble the price goes up $100

>> No.2310027

how is he baffled?
bitcoin IS fast compared to conventional transactions
it's just slow compared to other cryptos

>> No.2310041


the correction will be at 8,000 to 10,000 usd

>> No.2310049


He is used to fiat transfers, which take days, sometimes even weeks. Large international transfers can take months and hours of phone calls to clear it with your bank and the receiving bank.

Banks are scared shitless of being accused of money laundering and the regulations they have to meet are endless.

Indeed. Just imagine trying to explain crypto to some old fart who's worked in heavily government regulated finance his entire life where everything has to be double, triple and quadruple checked.

>> No.2310050
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It just tore through the Bollinger bands.
That means it's probably going down now.

>> No.2310074

>not understanding bollinger band breakouts
y...you trade actual money?

>> No.2310086

>bitcoin is slow
This faster = better meme needs to die. There are trade offs.

>> No.2310095

Watch it drop.

>> No.2310098


>> No.2310120

it's not crashing

threat convinced me to buy back in at price i sold so i lost nothing

>> No.2310126

also i stayed up all night for nothing

>> No.2310164
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Seem to be regaining volume.

>> No.2310202
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>BTC will crash guise!!
I keep hearing this since 2012

>> No.2310227

I think it'll crash today, indicators too wide

I said yesterday it might take a week but it went up far too much last night

>> No.2310228


since when does "tearing through the bollinger bands" mean anything besides rebounding to the moving average or maybe the bottom wall?

it's not even squeezing right now if you're to believe the bands haha

although any TA in this market is practically worthless

>> No.2310245

Should crash at any hour today, etc is rising

>> No.2310252

eh, it'll do the same thing it did last week
it'll recover and we'll all make fuckloads on money

>> No.2310314

>every time someone says crash or bubble the price goes up $100


>> No.2310335
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>> No.2310380

Same here cunts

>> No.2310418

You were the guy that killed lemmy, right?
Don't do that to bitcoin as well you sucker.

>> No.2310472


>tfw only $172.56 in BTC

God damn it

>> No.2310564
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>that perfect dip, confirmed by all metrics
Don't you feel silly now.
Now for the double top (this part is pure speculation).

>> No.2310631
File: 53 KB, 383x350, alt coin crash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ETH up 7.5%
>LTC up 7%
>XRP same
>ETC up
>DGB same

The value of all but 2 major alts has increased in USD terms along with BTC. The only thing that has changed is the purchasing power of BTC has increased (so the alt/btc pairing has dropped). Nothing has crashed, you can just buy 10% more alts with btc. If you held alts before the recent surge, you actually made money.

99% of /biz/ doesn't understand this because 99% of /biz/ consists of financially illiterate man-children playing pretend investor.

>> No.2310654

Nobody said it crashed retard

>> No.2310662


officially confirmed you have no fucking idea what you're talking about

i'm not saying it's not going to dip, but that's not a double top. there's no fucking shoulder faggot.

>> No.2310681

I quoted the wrong guy, It was meant for >>2306950

>> No.2310709

>Bitcoin doubled it's value every year since inception.
Not really, we had a three year dry span after the last crash.

>> No.2310719

Nobody fucking cares about the dollar value of scamcoins as they are traded in BTC. Idiot.

You also just proved his point that it's smarter to hold/buy BTC than scamcoins.

>> No.2310722

Ahh yes
Fucking retard

>> No.2310808

>Nobody fucking cares about the dollar value of scamcoins as they are traded in BTC. Idiot.

No, they're also traded in USD on multiple exchanges and are measured in USD exactly the same way BTC is valued in USD.
Also the rate that that they dropped against the BTC pair has been slower than the rate BTC increased in USD, so they're value has actually increased as well.
So you can't say alts have "crashed" when their value in USD (only thing that matters) has actually increased.

Look at Monero, it's gained MORE than btc today. If anything, Monero holders should be calling BTC the shitcoin by virtue of it's performance.

>> No.2310860
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Do I win the prize for being right twice in a row?
>RISE drop rise DROP
>inb4 it didn't double top
Call it a bull trap. Same shit.

>> No.2310876

You're just repeating the bullshit you sad earlier.

Exchanged your BTC for altcoins? You lost money.
Bought some altcoins with fiat instead of buying BTC? You lost money.

No matter which way you try to twist it, scamcoiners lost.

Again just because you can buy SOME altcoins on SOME exchanges with fiat doesn't mean many people do, or that the reference point isn't its value in BTC (or possibly LTC for altcoins that are worth very little) as it has always been.

>> No.2310883
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Fucking kill me now. Missing out on all these gains.

>> No.2310899

fair enough

like i said i'm not saying you're wrong, you're just using the wrong words

im tethered til i wake up 2 days from now

happy satunonuesday everyone.

>> No.2310906

>Spends 10 minutes saying Bitcoin is NOT an investment
>16:30 "I'd like to make a real investment in BTC"
Martin is a bonafide narcissist and yall just gas him teh fuck up

>> No.2310984


No you didn't lose money you ignorant fuck. You made money, just not as much as as if you held ntc TODAY. Losing money and missing out on profits are not the same fucking thing.

Value of all coins is measured in USD, just like bitcoin is.
Bitcoin is up 12.5% USD today.

If you held LTC today instead of BTC, you would still be up 7.5%
If you held ETH today instead of BTC, you would be up 10%
If you held MONERO today instead of btc, you would be up 20%

Objective fact. If you put your money in Monero, you would have made more than putting it in BTC. Monero has outpaced it.

Missing profits is not "losing money" you Ignorant mother fucker.

>> No.2311001

>Value of all coins is measured in USD

Again a false assumption and the majority of altcoins you can't even purchase in USD

>> No.2311041

>Buying high selling low
Dumb ass

>> No.2311056

Protip: Buy some LTC now.

>> No.2311062

Won't shave a third until $10k

>> No.2311077

shhhh come on let me keep accumulating

>> No.2311109

>false assumption
>If I just say it's so, then it is.

You're here because your stupidity is more easily identifiable on leddit where you aren't anonymous. All major exchanges have a USD market. Now you can fuckoff newfriend

>> No.2311302

i have a bad feeling about what's incoming

>> No.2311352

Here it is


>> No.2311463

It's still rising, suck my dick.

>> No.2311565

Nocoiner here. Should i wait until btc goes down a bit and then buy?

>> No.2311577

a bit no
expect to crash hard and then buy

>> No.2311579


>> No.2311681
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How can you people not take 5 minutes to just look at the history of bitcoin and know about the 2011 and the more prominent 2013 crashes to actually know how the fuck this works?

crash won't come until there is a mass volume influx of buyers to allow whales and quick actors to sell off when the ATH never ceases at an alarming rate, making the price have a drastic drop (15-20% from ATH) and thus causing mass desperation selloffs by normies to try and keep from losing their investments too much.

The rise from 1800 to 3000 has been at an alarming right, but has been relatively steady, with corrections after each little spike.

Also people are looking too grandiosely at BTC, thinking that just because the price is high, that warrants a crash. Its relative to its growth, not its price.

Look at Bitcoin and then look at Bitbay and while one is worth thousands and one is worth cents, they have near identical growth patterns gaining 2-5% slowly with moderate spikes up, but corrections that always bring it back.

Once bitcoin gets past the $3000 buy wall, we'll either the gradual rise to $6000 when the normies will flood in for "free money" or the spike will instantly come around $4000 when media attention will bring up "in just 2 months bitcoin went from $1500 to $4000, why haven't you bought one?!"

I just pray the crash doesn't hurt alt-coins too much.

>> No.2311701

>mass desperation selloffs by normies
Is there no way to prevent this shit? Haven't we learned from the stock market that panic selling is a REALLY bad thing?

>> No.2311730

new people are being born and youngsters, as well as newcomers to trading think thy know it all. Just look at people on biz getting burned by altcoins

>> No.2311773
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>I just pray the crash doesn't hurt alt-coins too much
It will crush them like it always does, people panic sell all alts for BTC and sell BTC for $, happens every time like clockwork.

I just sold all my alts because I think the crash is now, as in right now.

>> No.2311816

its pretty much expected given BTC's nature and how people buy in.

>See on news BTC is worth 4K when it was 1K a month or so ago

>Buy 1 whole BTC at $4122 in hopes of watching it moon like newsman said

>Spikes to 5K, invest even more buying at ATH

>Suddenly massive selloffs by whales and smart investors knowing instable growth will lead to collapse plummets price down to 37K and falling

>Sell everything off because I am inexperienced and don't want to lose all my money because i'm scared

And then boom, the price falls to somewhere around half of the ATH, then corrects itself to a new level base for a while until only actual investors or people who understand crypto are left.

>> No.2311993

Advantage might be: coinbase

Since most normies will buy on coinbase, they get locked out of selling for several days after their initial buys. This should help smooth out the market somewhat.

>> No.2312021

remember, true value is $0

>> No.2312041
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>I just sold all my alts because I think the crash is now, as in right now.
It's not going to crash yet though.

>> No.2312155

BTC crashing from 2900 to 2700ish now, time to buy back in

>> No.2312182
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>> No.2312333

Should I buy now or will it go lower?

>> No.2312356


Will go lower.
2300, then bounce back to 2600/2700 and move sideways.

>> No.2312384


>> No.2312410

ETH just went below $250 on Coinbase as well.

>> No.2313574
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I heard that bitcoin is not easily sold for cash, depending on where you live...

>> No.2313583

I think altcoins suffer because people see ETH as a strong buy during btc dumps and they try to swap out of everything and into it, but for the most part altcoins don't tank hard unless the coin itself is shit or it's being pumped/dumped. Over the past 6 months almost every top 50 altcoin has gone up (except in march, which was the last time we had a big hit in BTC prices...but they didn't drop too hard. Some like XEM didn't drop at all).

ETH isn't necessarily a safe harbor though. ETH price bounced all the fuck around last crash, then shot up, so if you get into ETH right when the crash hits you'd probably be good, otherwise I'd just stick it out because it'll all go up again in another month.

>> No.2313636

you realize a crash only works if people sell right?

we literally had a crash last week and you're expecting another one lol

>> No.2313903

>he doesn't know this whole system is rigged to blow