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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23067931 No.23067931 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Jews control the money supply?

>> No.23067951

they dont. they infected white nationalist groups and reinforced the myth that they control the money supply and america in order to give you an inferiority complex. in fact, you probably are one and doing that now.

>> No.23068074

We don't.

>> No.23068125


I think it's more that most other cultures/groups have disintegrated in the face of global capitalism, whereas observant jews still get together on the sabbath (socializing), still avoid electronics on the sabbath (mental health), and have some sense of community (nepotism) beyond their neighborhood or work place or school. The three parentheses used to be standard for all groups, e.g. christians attending church every sunday, but with social media and instant global entertainment, most of those traditions and social bonds have lost the dopamine battle to profit.

>> No.23068152

Because they worship satan. They use the control of the money supply to help them with their agenda with virtually no competition, that's why it's been easier for them to subvert so many different industries despite their low population.

>> No.23068183

Because they've handled money for thousands of years.

In more recent history (around 800 AD) they were again given control of money.

When you operate in the realm of numbers, and more so mathematics.. IQ goes up. Combine this was a strong culture, and you turn into a super-culture with mass influence over the world.

>> No.23068198

Sure, it has nothing to do with their murderous and deceitful ways, they are just smart!

>> No.23068208
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>> No.23068210

Yeah ok kike :--D

>> No.23068226
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This is now a jew red pill thread.

>> No.23068233
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ok sure

>> No.23068238

Im white bitch and we control the kikes.

>> No.23068250
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>> No.23068256

>Jews are sneaky fuckers
>People dislike them, don't allow them to own anything or work anywhere
>Jews are sneaky fuckers, start 'lending' money for high interest rates to non jews, low interest rates to jews
>People dislike jews, exterminate/expel them
>Ad infinitum in every country on the world

>> No.23068260
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>> No.23068272
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>> No.23068276

Fake quote. Why do you need to make things up anon?

>> No.23068280

This too. This is a feature of all humans.

>> No.23068287
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> t.

>> No.23068299

Yeah, because the media never gets things wrong or has inaccurate headlines, right? The only logical explanation here is that the Holocaust didn't happen I guess.

>> No.23068305
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>> No.23068319
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>> No.23068334
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>> No.23068335

I just don't see it anon, you hate these people but your reasons for hating them are based on bullshit.

>> No.23068336

As a cisgendered trans Jewish woman, I would like to apologize on behalf of all Jews for our behavior. It is something I am shameful of and something that I think every Jew can improve upon.

>> No.23068349
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>> No.23068357


>> No.23068402

The world's wealth is bound by the Eruv. ;)

>> No.23068405
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Your effort is futile. Moshiach will NOT be on your side despite your best attempts.

>> No.23068419

it was a sin for Christians to handle money

>> No.23068423

According to who? Another man in a stupid hat?

>> No.23068556

Just in general. It was literally condemned by Christianity as a whole to handle money. The Jews took it over

>> No.23068891
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>mfw blacks see whites this way

>> No.23069756

In the eyes of blacks, jews are white.