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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 144 KB, 1100x801, 5c9b51177563b07c1211a696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23063071 No.23063071 [Reply] [Original]

>Whew I wish my company named Boeing could continue to trust our single weather oracle but maybe it's time to end our 80 year contract with this impeccable centralized weather provider
>Now, the right thing to do is to setup a Chainlink oracle and pay 300 million per month for a really slow, inaccurate and relentlessly expensive solution for decentralized™ weather forecasts

Can somebody explain me how the fuck is a decentralized oracle better than pretty much everything that has been working like a charm since the invention of the computer? I mean seriously, nobody thinks decentralized oracles are a real thing right? Lmao because that'd be incredibly stupid

>> No.23063357

>80 dollars per data call
>still can't be a node operator
>still isn't decentralized
>still can't stake

this is fine

everything is fine

>> No.23063384

alright just in case you aren't trolling, it's not about single parties using data for day to day operations. It's about trustless transactions between two parties. If you have a smart contract that is automatically executing based on the weather data, it can't be coming from a centralized source. They could instantaneously manipulate it to get the contract to execute in their favor. Decentralized consensus solves this problem

>> No.23063404

Escrow has worked for centuries...

>> No.23063417

escrow requires humans

>> No.23063438

so? nodes require humans

>> No.23063457

that is fine and the idea is good but chainlink still doesn't have a decentralization mechanism. They are just acting as a middleman data provider by on-boarding "trusted" oracle operators, which is no better than the current system we have.

>> No.23063480

because it is a complete fucking meme, and no, you don't need chainstink

>> No.23063499

> neets are human

>> No.23063554

Chainlink isnt decentralised in that way, anytime there is a disagreement with provided data it will be settled by an authority.

>> No.23063598
File: 439 KB, 1440x2559, 38426A9A-62F6-4683-B7F0-1BE58106CB01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this is what I call FUD
i chuckled


>> No.23063954
File: 219 KB, 812x1200, 20201002_095752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder the twitter frogs and the discord magic trannies from delphi have yet another hilarious fud campaign planned for before eoy. They probably want to time it with the bitmex futures expiry date.
> Daily reminder the twitter frogs and the discord magic trannies from delphi have yet another hilarious fud campaign planned for before eoy. They probably want to time it with the bitmex futures expiry date.
Daily reminder the twitter frogs and the discord magic trannies from delphi have yet another hilarious fud campaign planned for before eoy. They probably want to time it with the bitmex futures expiry date.
> Daily reminder the twitter frogs and the discord magic trannies from delphi have yet another hilarious fud campaign planned for before eoy. They probably want to time it with the bitmex futures expiry date.

>> No.23063997

cute linko

>> No.23064030

god damn you are a midwit.

>> No.23064031

>how is better for airplane
More reliable.

>> No.23064538
File: 1.79 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200926-023923_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this is what future tech is going to be, internet of connected bullshit- with data and behind the scenes verification systems running against even the most mundane shit in life. Welcome to the gay distopian future thats going to spawn the space race and lead to the corporate galactica with names like the google galaxy, planet starbucks and the microsoft milkyway. All this built so the day humanity makes contact with another space race, they will instantly be able to hack out network and find out every single fucking thing about this alien race they just came into contact with and know all its weak points and map its empire allowing them to systematically target and destory points of value. Only then will we realise one supercomputer network that no one truly controlled was a mistake. But you'll be rich enough to see it coming and old and wise enough in a post singularity timeline- so as to have fucked off to taiplanet and gotten those sweet sweet milkers from tigermommy to supplement your mundane existance before having a front row seat to the heat death of the universe. Personally, im all in.

>> No.23064584

chainlink is a centralized piece of russian shit

>> No.23065579
File: 274 KB, 736x1444, SOYJAK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whew i wish my company named Wojak's horse and buggy transportation could continue to trust our horse and buggy approach but maybe its time to end our thousands of years of usage of horses with this impeccably crafted buggy wagon
>Now, the right thing to do is create a metal vehicular contraption that will cost thousands upon thousands of dollars to make for a slow, unreliable, and relentlessly expensive solution for Automobile™ Wojak Transportation

Now would someone explain to me how the fuck a mechanical automobile is better than pretty much everything that has been working like a charm since the invention of the saddle? I mean seriously nobody thinks mechanical automobiles are a real thing right? lmao because that'd be incredibly stupid

>> No.23065723

Imagine what happens to DMG when Boeing puts planes on-chain. ;)