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23061820 No.23061820 [Reply] [Original]

>signs executive order forgiving all student loan debt
What are the economic ramifications of this?

>> No.23061861

none. its a kike scam anyway.

>> No.23061881

they'll never forgive it all, maybe $10k or $20k at the very most.

>> No.23061888

the jews will get their money one way or another. they dont "forgive"

>> No.23061926

it would be a big help to a lot of millennials and gen z. colleges need to be overhauled though, they're part of the reason why people are having trouble paying off their debts.

>> No.23061945

Will never happen. Neither party gives a shit

>> No.23061946

If only Trump was actually Hitler

>> No.23061957

way to teach everyone they need not be self responsible or self reliant

>> No.23061968

It would piss off someone like me that paid off 36k.

>> No.23061978

They don’t teach it to banks or corporations

>> No.23061984

anyone who didn't fall for the college debt scam only got lucky, myself included. If my circumstances were different I would've signed up for $200k of student loan debt like a good fucking goy because "that's just what you do"

It's a fucking scam and student loan debt should be forgiven, fuck the banks

>> No.23062014

Anyone dumb enough to fall for it, should have to pay it in full and become a wagie. Anyone else should get paid by them.

>> No.23062031


higher education serves an important purpose. i can't believe i even have to say this. be watchful of who controls your universities and what sort of graduate they produce. it's a good indicator of cultural health at large.

>> No.23062042

>Anyone dumb enough to fall for it

Not you, of course. You're so smart, and you were super smart and totally based and redpilled when you were 18 ;-)

>> No.23062051

People ITT should read IOU by Jon Lanchester

>> No.23062078
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Imagine defending predatory Jewish banks exploiting teenagers by loading them up with six figures of debt when they don't know any better, when they've been indoctrinated their entire lives that they absolutely must go to college or they will live in poverty forever

>> No.23062083

Never going to happen

>> No.23062091

That's SOCIALISM. Good Republicans only like that when it goes to wall street or the DoD.

>> No.23062124

but he is just signing a blank piece of paper????
bloompf fags????????

>> No.23062564


>> No.23062754

>you were super smart and totally based and redpilled when you were 18
me but unironically

>> No.23062762


>fell for it
>couldn't be in my role without the PhD I earned
>making 160k a year working 4 days a week (now from home permanently cuz of da rona)

>> No.23062771

The only way this would be legal is if the government picks up the tab, in which case it's a few hundred billion added to the national debt in one stroke.

>> No.23062904

>he spent 8+ years in college lol
>t. making 300k 3 years out of college as SWE with free masters + bachelors in 5 years

>> No.23062947

Can someone explain how student loans are a scam?

>> No.23062963

it's bullshit you can't just forgive one type of debt. colleges are just as predatory as credit card companies. i want my credit card debt canceled if they get their student debt canceled

>> No.23062988

Debt doesn't matter so who cares?

>> No.23062993

This is absolutely ridiculous and any politician promising "free" money should have been hung. With that said, we're all fucked either way and the FED is basically giving away millions every single day to all these over leveraged corporations with billions in toxic debt.

If we're just going to completely give up pretending our fiat has value, then I shouldn't be required to pay taxes on it.

>> No.23063129

Department of education could do it tomorrow. Federal government owns most of the debt and can make it go away.

>> No.23063252

One negative consequence of forgiveness is that the loan raises your credit scores by showing you have different types of debt. Pay off half of it. Your scores will go down.

>> No.23063284

I'm not great at prophecies, but i'm sure some semites will profit

>> No.23063537

I used to work with some boomer doctors when I was in the Navy and they told me stories of way back when doctors and lawyers would graduate and immediately file bankruptcy to discharge student loan debt since their early year cash income could easily float them through the bad credit. Damn that must have been nice.

>> No.23063585

then people who are too stupid (or naive) to avoid taxes will pay for it. hopefully college at least teaches you how to avoid debts.

>> No.23063630

in 2011 i paid off 50k in student loan debt with inheritance instead of buying bitcoin, which an acquaintance from the gym had shilled to me for months. i will gas every synagogue minecraft server in the world if trump forgives student loans

>> No.23063631

because most college degrees are a scam, and loans make it easier for people to make the mistake of going.

also because when everyone can get a loan for something, it artificially drives up the price. without the loan how many people would pay tens of thousands of dollars for information you can find in a bookstore?

>> No.23063691

usury is a sin

>> No.23063848

it’s not hard to get your credit card debt canceled, just let it go to collections and make sure you dont have a job where they can garnish wages. most people with debts dont have anything that can be legally seized. they cant take your homestead or car for instance. bankruptcy isnt even necessary because the debtors dont have much power to do anything. only the irs can take your house, but they dont go after poor people who dont file. anyway just do some research, you’d be surprised what you can get away with if you dont mind your credit taking a hit.

t. havent filed irs taxes in 7 years, stopped paying cc bills (except for one card i want to keep for now) and student loans a year ago. ill pay taxes and debts when i make it, not before.

>> No.23063879

Young people are freed from the shackles of illegal and immoral usury causing more $$$ to flow into the economy. The only cost is a handful of bankers heebs get rightfully shafted.

>> No.23063912

This, bootlickers seem to forget banks get to blow money like millenials during pay day and never have to be accountable for shit. They get a blank check to spend like retards in the form of (((loans)))

>> No.23063931

Based AF

>> No.23063940

The loans themselves are not a scam. The problem is the loans (and scholarships and bursaries) enable the colleges to jack up their tuition fees + ancillary fees + textbook costs (MASSIVE SCAM) + double additional courtesy fees + tip. And colleges kept adding more bullshit humanities and social science type degrees on top of the core areas of study like STEM and law and technical trades just so they could vacuum up more kids have been told that they must attend college their entire lives to that point.

>> No.23063951

You can declare bankruptcy and discharge all debt EXCEPT student loans. They are the only debt in existence that cant be gotten rid of through bankruptcy. So even if you lose everything and declare bankruptcy, the federal government will garnish wages, tax returns, and can even put a lien on your house to get the money back. Its fucking criminal and unconstitutional, but when your financial system is run by kikes, anything goes >>23062078

>> No.23064002

>stupid retards decided to enroll in collage on their own will
>decide to take gender studies and retarded shit like historical studies.
>cry about going to a collage that makes you pay 100k instead of going to a community collage where the same damn course is like 500$ a class.

>> No.23064028

Its also pointless to defend it anymore. If we can just print trillions of dollars for the second time in 12 years, just to hand over to poorly run, and over leveraged corporations and banks, then the argument against giving it to actual flesh and blood everyday Americans is moot. The government has been telling people with student loan debt to suck it up for a long time, but then bends over backwards and BRRRRRRRRRRRs money corporations and banks? Stop simping for Globohomo Kike inc. and support your fellow white man you cunt.

>> No.23064394

>The loans themselves are not a scam.
They look like predatory lending to me

>> No.23064397
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Would be a roastie bail out as they hold 2/3rds of the student debt, whilst at the same time paying no net tax.

>> No.23064448

people that owe student loans arnt paying them anyway and don't have a lot of savings either.

>> No.23064531
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>> No.23064562
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the best solution is to forgive student debt, make the BANKS not the taxpayer eat the cost, discontinue federally guaranteed student loans, and force public universities to slash their administrative bloat costs

>> No.23064653

>They look like predatory lending to me
Oh in that sense they absolutely are. Big loans to naive kids with no collateral.

>> No.23064679

if you got in debt you are supposed to use that as leverage to make more money in the future.
student debt is the equivalent of modern day Darwinism.
Thank god they can't file for bankruptcy and have it taken off.

>> No.23064826

Your fault for being a good goy

>> No.23064868
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You're welcome, by the way

>> No.23064891

A small increase in liquidity

>> No.23064918

chek'd and kikepilled

>> No.23064927

market go boom in profit, banking jews kvetch but get over it because they make more money from economy booming.

>> No.23065048


>> No.23065058

link 1000 eod

>> No.23065086

500B for niggers and now a few trillion to gender study majors
can't get any better for my shitcoin bags

>> No.23065153

But many universities will go bankrupt and will cut jobs

>> No.23065216

theyll be cutting the jobs that run up tuitions for the students and add almost no benefit. i can almost guarantee if those jobs are cut tuition will more than pay for their regular operating costs. it did decades before when they were delivering the exact same product to the students
and no, professor wages will not be cut, they are the same as they were in the 60s. research is the only area that is needed that is more expensive (just to the growing nature of scientific research) and that is mostly subsidized by government grants anyways

>> No.23065278

Imagine defending kike usurers out of some warped idea of fairness.

>> No.23065293
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Fuck off, kike. You have to first acknowledge that they "taught" an entire generation that going to college was the ONLY viable path in life and that it was SURELY worth the costs. Indoctrinating an entire generation for the entirety of their lives and then telling them "well you should have known better" is the ultimate fucking gaslight. I don't blame most boomers/Xers because they didn't realize just how scammy college was becoming. When they were kids, college was legitimately THE best bet for an extremely successful and comfortable life. Many of them probably grew up seeing how much easier college graduates had it and we're just wishing the same ease for their kids; "if I could go back in time, I'd finish college ASAP and compound my wealth with a respectable job right out the gate. And I'd pay for my tuition with a summer job, would be well worth it."

They pushed their shitty advice to everyone. We were young, impressionable, looked up to them, and respected them We were told we would become useless crackheads if we didn't get degrees, we were told that we would never be able to get a family or get married or own a house if we didn't get a degree. We were told it didn't matter what you got a degree in, as long as you just GOT one it would put you ahead of your peers and give you the extra leg up on the competition.

And now we are here in 2020, and the same faggots who told us all this while we were too young to reason against push the "well, who told you to get that much debt?" line. Not even STEM is useful anymore because so many dumbasses forced it on literally everyone without having enough foresight to realize the ramifications of increasing the supply of degrees past the demand.

Fuck boomers, fuck college, fuck Jews, fuck niggers, and fuck jannies.

>> No.23065297
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>> No.23065383

>drain the swamp
but doesnt our economy rely on debt slaves to not be free?
current setup:
college debt up till marriage
immediately get mortgage locking in 30 years of obligation
30 years later you are 62; sell and retire to a florida ranch house

>> No.23065430
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>implying most people will have their college debt paid off by 32
>implying an entire generation of people aren't straight up foregoing marriage and home ownership all together because it's financially infeasible

>> No.23065477

lol, the govt loaned me money to study engineering here in south america. and you know what? I'm not paying for shit. I didn't graduate, but I'm making as much as, or even more than, many professionals who graduated and have been working for years.
FUCK the government, fuck paid education. if at least they would charge reasonable prices, I'd pay, but I'm not paying that much money for their crappy education. I'm gonna jew these fucking jews and there is nothing they can do about it.

>> No.23065515

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as the US, is in fact, the jews, or as I've taken to calling it, jews plus US.

The US for instance has a central bank that is privately owned by the jews. The central bank prints money and the US borrows it at interest. The US has to ask the jews for money if it wants to do anything. This is one of the main ways the jews control the US.

Russia's economy is largely based on oil so the jews had the US crash the oil market. Russia is currently hurting but still surviving. The jews want to run an oil pipeline through Syria to bypass Russia and crash their economy... to force them under their control like the US is under their control. Iran, China etc etc all of these people are future targets of the jews and why the US calls them "evil" just like how Germany was supposedly "evil" because Hitler wanted to create a new German economy.

[So it should be no surprise at all that the US and Israel back ISIS in Syria, they have no considerations for what is right or wrong, morality. The jew and it’s owned states are consumed with a blind, satanic thirst for money and control.]

That's very basically where we are, the jew controlled world vs the independent world

>> No.23065551

Can TOMO solve this problem too?

>> No.23065558

The us also collects that intrest as revenue. You know this already though, you just love being a huge faggot.

>> No.23065741

The jews collect the interest. all americans get is the tax bill

>> No.23065797

Two wrongs don't make a right

>> No.23065806

See >>23065278

>> No.23065946

They really don't.

>> No.23065977


Not gonna lie. My parents told me they were saving for my college and didn't. My dad kept yelling at me so I took the loans so I could leave(I was a good student so it seemed smart). Even when I didn't like it I was told to change subjects so I did. I was told to challenge myself so I did. I was told to take a gap year so I did. Basically? All advice sucked dick. Dropped out of college and made more money browsing biz than most people make in a lifetime and also secured a cozy job in the space (wfh) no coding necessary.

Never gonna pay back these loans suck my fucking dick "American culture" made a mockery of my white bloodline

>> No.23066000

Re elected if he does that

>> No.23066066

Do you live in another country? Because if you work in usa they can seize your tax return

>> No.23066095

Legalizing marijuana and forgiving student loan debt why hasn't he done these things already. Hell the only thing he's done that I've been in favor of is prison reform

>> No.23066343
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If they forgive all student loan debt they should also reimburse all the fucking money my family spent on tuition. Fuck the banks.

>> No.23066699
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based and truthful.
I was promised a house, a car, health care, and the ability to support a wife and children if I could only obtain a degree.
I entered the job market just as 2-3 years minimum experience became the thing.
ended up doing the same shit I did to put myself through college, only by then I had to cough up my own medical insurance because the ride ends the day you graduate.
what I got was a studio apartment, a beater car, and was living paycheck to paycheck and sometimes even payday advance to payday advance when things got dire.
eventually made it to supremely comfy status but it took quite some doing and nearly two decades.
all that to say, yeah, jews are fucking awful and they should be named.

>> No.23066769

Republicans really should love obama because of all the conservative shit he did. Biden being just like obama is a horrible sign for the next four years. The two options are crazy old pedophile who wants to discredit the media and extend his term until death and crazy old pedophile who wants to keep the status quo going of enslaving everyone with debt

>> No.23066903

you don't have to be salty at other anons because you are a gullible retard.

>> No.23066916

I'd be kinda annoyed that I joined the military to pay for college.

>> No.23066955

Wining the Bernie voters.

>> No.23067024 [DELETED] 

this is the most hilarious "sour grapes" argument of all time and you see it CONSTANTLY on /biz/

just a bunch of fucking retards that went to community college because they're retarded crying about other people getting scam loans forgiven, always a good laugh

>> No.23067056

spot on.

>> No.23067072

>in the space
>no coding necessary
What? Pajeet shilling? Writing articles?

>> No.23067306

People who spent four years mopping 12h a day in the military for the gi bill gets pissed. Enlistment drops off a cliff.

>> No.23067360

I got 5k that I don't pay. Just collecting interest as we speek. Plz frogib me

>> No.23067384
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>> No.23067482

this^. in addition there's no longer any point for anyone to be financially responsible, everyone stops paying their credit card bills, and a cascade of degenerate financial decisions brings down the economy. literally, you have entire generations now; millennials and zoomers, who have debt they shouldnt have. i get that. but these kids also have ZERO ability to budget or accept accountability for their actions. if this debt is forgiven, they'll have 6 figure debt again soon enough, and then what?

>> No.23067501

>loading them up with debt
>adults who signed an agreement knowing full well what the terms were
>this is why zoomers and millennials are NGMI.

>> No.23067603

This. It would also have the ironic effect of suckering even MORE people into the college scam, since they’re now competing for jobs against people who got one for free

>> No.23067629

Very much checked, but I wanna put some really big quotes around the word """""their"""""" money.

>> No.23067713

Witnessed the kikepilled man

>> No.23067801


>> No.23067926

Just curious, if you can't discharge student loans through bankruptcy, wouldn't that be a form of indentured servitude....?

>> No.23068055
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Save this for next time

>> No.23068072

no, because there's no imprisonment or forced labor involved.

>> No.23068093

In the end, only the plans of the creator will come to fruition.

>> No.23068338

Yes. Look at you for example.