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23056431 No.23056431 [Reply] [Original]

how do i fit in more as a neet in a blue collar job? i find im too intelligent and i speak too proper and were both uncomfortable and im getting along much better with the foremen and that further ostracizes me from the regular guys. its gotten to the point where im afraid to ask to borrow tools or issue any commands and while backing a truck i allowed it to reverse over some specialized survey tools while doing a tight 3 point turn. the foreman came and turned red screaming at the dump driver and i went to go to the portable bathroom. i think they knew it was my fault and nobody said goodbye today

>> No.23056505

as long as you endear yourself to management you will be able to get away with high autism. best not to get out of your wheelhouse op

>> No.23056565

>too intelligent
yeah right

>> No.23056585

>i find im too intelligent and i speak too proper
That's funny because you type like a retard or a nigger

>> No.23056827

Yes, I am human.
Smoking these Meats.

>> No.23057102

>too intelligent
>fucked up on the job

yeah, you're too smart, that's why they don't talk to you.

>> No.23057140

stop being such a prententious faggy fuck, put your head down and work, thats how you fit in as a blue collar worker. If you were so smart you wouldnt be working blue collar jobs. I bet your one of those adhd/ssri'd zoomers always on their cell phone, to awkward to socialize, and generally come off too neurotic and autistic, but then try act like their hot shit. I eat newbies like you for breakfest kiddo. Stay home and trade ur internet tokens instead of fucking up MY jobsite okay?

>> No.23057198

The absolute state of this wagie raging.

>> No.23057261
File: 34 KB, 300x300, 1577595287000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek you sound like a guy I know on the job, (electricians). I love him.

>> No.23057361
File: 467 KB, 1054x526, 1579974601979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya of course im gonna fucking rage when skinny fat, know it all KEKS fuck up my jobsite worth REAL money. This isnt like holding chainstink to 0.

he sounds pretty based

>> No.23057390

god damn jannie niggers scripting the best insult from my post. FUCK YOU JANNIES

>> No.23057472

You suck the foremans cock and you move up he chain.

Talking, chatting, or being friends among the other peons are worthless. They don't control your future, salary, employment.

Go frame some faggots for simple stuff and divide them. If you aren't a real fuck up, you can run opposing stories and then sell one to the foreman and he'll thank you for being a good pal as you get rid of the troublemakers.

>> No.23057583

Stop using words like "ostracize" and trying to sound eloquent, chances are you just sound like a faggot, even to most other intelligent people.

Don't act like you're better/smarter than anyone. Especially if you went to college. You can tell people if they ask but never bring it up first. I've seen so many faggot engineers try to assert authority over blue collar workers or talk down to them because they perceive some sort of class superiority due to having a college degree. I always pull them aside and I'm like hey faggot, he makes $50k more than you and has 2 decades of experience with this process, maybe you should ask him his opinion instead of discounting it because he doesn't have some shitty piece of paper from a state university degree mill like you.

Get fit and grow a beard, it's free instant respect and a ticket to not being seen as a faggot by other men.

Keep your head down and figure out how to be good at your job, it'll save you when you let a little autism slip.

>> No.23057694

This is very clearly the theoretical thoughts of a 20-something faggot who hasn't done shit with his career.

Good luck "moving up the chain" when your former peers don't respect you because you didn't build relationships with them and spent all your time polishing the boss' dick. You'll be promoted to some low-level management job as a favor for being a corporatecuck faggot, but you'll never get further because you don't have a crew who will cover for you and everyone above you knows you're a suck up faggot.

>> No.23058119

"Where I'm afraid to ask to borrow tools." Spend some cash and acquire your own tools. Own up to your mistakes as well and be careful not to repeat them, even if this means working a little slower.

>> No.23058268

Construction has such a high attrition rate he might not be working with the same people.

>> No.23058610

1. stop reading books. this will put a cap on your vocabulary.
2. browse 4chan and reddit. this will further degrade your intelligence.
3. start talking like one of the boys; slowly, minimally, and hopefully with cutting jabs
4. listen to rap or country depending on your locale. this will help you get the correct lingo.
5. drink beer, have children, watch sports (yes these will all kill your chances of making it but it will help you fit in)

>> No.23058677

Based and normiepilled

>> No.23058927

I wrote a good post but then accidentally hit back. It would have been useful advice if it was posted.
Basically talk normal, revert back to your original regional sound, establish rapport. Redneck types are the most accepting and easiest to get along with.Italians are weird but OK. Mexicans are a mixed bag. Blacks can be hard to connect with so it's best to find the weird ones, much like Mexicans a surprising amount like anime, and they prefer spirits to beer. Yankees are just weird all around, even the working class ones. Give up on trying to fit in, just connect with individuals and you'll be accepted by the group eventually in your own way.

>> No.23060171


Be a chameleon and act/talk as a retarded blue collar normie.

>> No.23060226

Some seething wagies in here boy, am I glad I'm not running the rat race.

If you're that smart, do your own business. Like me :)