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File: 33 KB, 1239x651, BUYARK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2305471 No.2305471 [Reply] [Original]

don't let this opportunity go to waste...

>> No.2305526
File: 32 KB, 590x578, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no btc. buymoar and hop in ark now?

>> No.2305559

it was in mid pump prior to the BTC madness... now the BTC madness is calming down and ARK has stabilized at around 19-20k sats.

Do what you will, but this coin is going up.

>> No.2305561

I think 19k is the lowest it is ever gonna go after this dip form 27k. 19k was the previous peak so it makes a lot of sense it is at the current floor. A lot of buy orders going though.

>> No.2305591

the volume is in a good spot now... all she needs a decent thrust and a solid meme triangle and we'll be sailing to the mooooon

>> No.2305649

come on throw me a couple (you)'s faggots, this baby is fucking PRIMED for lift off

>> No.2305674

I made the other thread - I agree. I think that the price will be kept down by whales accumulating though. Way too much manipulation going on

>> No.2305675
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>> No.2305685

I bought because it was slow but I still don't know the technicals behind this coin. Looks solid, but like they have a hand in everything.

Quick rundown on why ARK is useful?

>> No.2305695
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STOP MOONING, I NEED MY BTC inb4 it fucking goes to mars

>> No.2305712
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Prepare for liftoff, bois

>> No.2305715

This. Saw heavy manipulation but still bought at 20k sat.

>> No.2305719

Ark will bridge all others together...read the white paper faggot

>> No.2305723


>> No.2305725
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>ARK released late march
>very stable all this time, even during BTC/ETH rushes/crashes
>Lead dev is from LSK project, also developed software for satellites and oceanic surveillance for NATO
>solid, big team
>they have hosted several AMA's on their slack (ARAGON, Trezo, BANCOR to name a few)

>Smartbridge tech allows the linking of blockchains together... revolutionary concept... read more on their site

>IPFS devs along with SHIFT coin and Filecoin
>IPFS is going to DECENTRALIZE THE WEB and replace HTTPS

>> No.2305736

fuck I missed the 19k train, I don't wanna buy at 21k

>> No.2305739


>> No.2305742

That 2nd confirmation seems to take soooooo long

>> No.2305751

And during that time, ARK is up by fucking 11k sat.

>> No.2305752

ALSO this coin has YET to be added to Poloniex... when it does, it's a guaranteed boost of godly proportions...

>> No.2305762

>0.6 BTC

Fuck dude

>> No.2305768

School me, what can you take from the graph when there's more green than red

>> No.2305774

Cheers. Now I wish I'd bought more. Its doesn't sound like a memecoin

>> No.2305775

Press S to spit on those who sold below 20k form our rocket.

>> No.2305779

should I buy at 21k yes or no


>> No.2305784

fuck it, i'm in

>> No.2305788


Absolutely nothing. Look at the overall trends.

>> No.2305791

Oh it's FAR from a meme coin... I've been shilling for weeks!

>> No.2305795

yes make it quick

>> No.2305804

Same, see it here but not sure what it means

>> No.2305805
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are you guys aware of supply and demand?

>> No.2305808

i'm poor as shit
will the $60 i have in ark get me a lambo?

>> No.2305809

it's gone up to 22k fuck

>> No.2305829

Fucking get in on it. hodl

>> No.2305834

look at the chart, there's still a lot of room to grow

>> No.2305836

I might take a couple of years to get there. It is just those of us with more capital gets it sooner.

it will be 25k within 5 minutes, or at least get half of in and HODL

>> No.2305838

Yea, but if it's significantly more in the green does that mean the price is likely to be driven up because theres more buying demand

>> No.2305844

got in, this shit's flying to the moon I can feel it.

what are the realistic expectations for this week?

>> No.2305850

I hope these fucking confirmations go through at next dip. I should have started this transfer an hour ago but I said I wasn't going to buy any more.

>> No.2305860

people are buying, why is it going back down?

>> No.2305864

realistically, it will have to test the ATH first and we may see another dip from there but if it breaks through and it also breaks $1 barrier this shit will takes us into another galaxy.

>> No.2305881

It seems to get a lot of activity from ling ling, so expect this to get a boost pretty soon in short term.

Long term, this is at least a $20 coin.

>> No.2305919

notice all the sell orders for low quantities like 1 ark or 5 ark or 30 ark... this is a BOT/WHALE to keep the price artificially LOWER

These mean literally nothing... this thing was at 25k+ just moments before the BTC newb zerg

>> No.2306000
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>> No.2306028

>people transferring funds through btc instead of eth
when will you people learn

>> No.2306030

23k now

>> No.2306036
File: 451 KB, 1540x768, roadmap_brief.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent activity

ARK is meant to be a push-button deployable blockchain that can be replicated and forked by startups and other companies that seek to utilize the ARK business model. In other ways, it is comparable to coins like LSK and SHIFT. These are coins that will utilize IPFS, a decentralized means of storing data.

>What is IPFS?

IPFS is a peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and more secure. It has been lauded as the next iteration of the internet and a replacement for HTTPS. For more on this:

IPFS Wikipedia

IPFS.io site

Newsweek article

There are several coins that are currently implementing IPFS in some form or another, ARK is one of them.

>B-but how is ARK different?

ARK is developing 'Smartbridges' -CONT-

>> No.2306042
File: 107 KB, 1171x231, dip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would buying too large of an amount would cause a dip?

>> No.2306049
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It is developed by the ARK team to allow intercommunication between the BTC, ETH, ARK, and LSK blockchains, among others.

>What does that mean?

One example of using Smartbridge is the transfer of payments through various blockchain networks. This allows users to send a transaction with a specific amount of ETH from ARK, directly to the holder of the ETH account, once the information is processed and verified. Other applications will eventually lead to the transfer of data for user profiles, service ratings, contracts, and other applications. The use cases really are endless.

Another use case could be a 3rd party coin exchange service may look for specific triggers and handle cross blockchain payments for their customers. For example, You have ARK but want to pay for a movie using Netflix Credits but you don’t have any Netflix Credits. You could go through multiple steps to transfer into these credits to watch a movie but because you are a member of Bob’s coinshift platform, you can send an ARK transaction to bob with the instructions to pay for the video you want to watch with Netflix Credits on your behalf. This would not require Bob to be there and would be handled by the Centralized and Decentralized system that Bob’s Coinshift provides instantly for the consumer.

>> No.2306099
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>> No.2306102

bless op

>> No.2306112

that means MORE TIME TO BUY!!!!

whales never lose

>> No.2306114

proof I'm not some P+D shill faggot

>> No.2306124


nigga i'm using ETH, it's just taking longer than normal right now

I'm not buying at 24k. I'll wait for dip or save it for something else

>> No.2306127

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we're back to 24k
see you guys in 30 minutes when it dips to 20k again

>> No.2306175


God fuckign damn it

>> No.2306184

25k and climbing my boys

>> No.2306192
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i-it'll dip, right guys?

>> No.2306199

Lol funny to see my quote in there. Hodling 6000 of these now. How much you got? You probably got in real early huh?

>> No.2306201

WHY THE FUCK does it take so long to transfer funds


At least they'll plenty more moon missions in the months to come... right? Right?

>> No.2306215

about to crash again. sell sell sell

>> No.2306217


>> No.2306223

been holding 20k since mid may, gonna keep it till it gets added to Polo

>> No.2306232



>> No.2306247

sell now and rebuy dip!!

>> No.2306264

Nice, hope you aren't planning to just dump it all though. What kinda price point are you looking for? Any guesses as to when it'll get added? Is that based on the devs applying or just Poloniex's discretion you think? Volume threshold maybe?

>> No.2306269

Relax m8 that mindset is why people buy at ATHs
Watch it dip to <23k within the hour

>> No.2306305

no real price in particular, and no I wouldn't sell it all, I'd sell half and keep 10k indefinitely

Polo is tricky. A lot of devs don't like it, and a lot of people think it is a scam. The operators of the site supposedly have done some scammy stuff related to hosting ICOs and there have been rumors that they alter prices

To get added it would need a pretty decent daily volume 500btc+ daily I would imagine. And the devs would have to agree to it of course... not sure if they have any terms, haven't really seen them talk about it on their slack channel.

>> No.2306324

What price we thinkin boys?

>> No.2306342


well, we're about to see another dip. but 25k may be new normal. for the future? HODL till 250$

>> No.2306357

theres some resistance right now, a lot of people got freaked out when it dipped because of the BTC rush so they are likely getting out now that it recovered.

This coin has been interrupted the last 3 times it has tried to take off... I've been watching it since launch. It is due for a major upward correction.

Price-wise, I see it getting to at least a dollar pretty soon. And by soon I mean within the next day or so, maybe even tonight/this AM

>> No.2306358

Yeah, I have had bad experiences with polo, do my biz on bittrex now despite lower volume. Plus bittrex has WAVES, SC, and STRAT so I don't really need polo. $10-$20 seems like an alright ballpark range, hopefully comes this year

>> No.2306360

10 years? 20?

>> No.2306376


1.5 years MAX

>> No.2306416

13btc sell orders between current price and 29999 sats

>> No.2306519
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>bought more bitcoin for fiat yesterday at like 2pm
>retarded service still hasn't sent it
>missed out on free bitcoin gains
>will get less buttcoin than I would have yesterday with the same money
>couldnt buy ark for the cheap

>> No.2306546

Are you talking about Coinbase? If so, you don't have to worry. The buy is locked in as soon as you submitted it.

>> No.2306549

No worries my dude, you didn't miss shit. Just a bunch of flakey daytraders in here now.

>> No.2306560

sadly it was a local provider and their disclaimer says the price is set when they confirm the transaction, not when I make the purchase or send the money

>> No.2306561

We still have the 30k sellwall to fight, the ARK should still have some room for you sir

>> No.2306580


there it is, buying if it looks like it will hit 20k, will probably buy at 22k if i have to.

get in soon if you've been waiting

>> No.2306590
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er pic related

>> No.2306635

It's going to consolidate most probably around 23k sats. big pennant formation (meme triangle). It's a bull market, it hasn't sent a bearish signal since this started. if i see this change i'll update, but i am not worried. ignore the sharp short term moves, look back at the chart a few days and study what it did.

>> No.2306680

>i am not worried

Me neither, but I'll tell you... these shakey handed faggots are giving me a headache. Gonna get some zZzzZzz's

adios turdnuggets

>> No.2307054

and buy buy buy pump incoming

>> No.2307439

I dont know I am down to my last 60$, for me to much shilling is a bad thing, and 2300 seems a bit high for a entry price....

>> No.2307466

Reaearch it yourself faggot this shit is gold

>> No.2307492

enlighten me senpai, what difference does it make to trade with eth instead of btc.

>> No.2307510

its faster and has lower transaction fees

>> No.2307516

When you transfer ETH it only takes a few minutes. Then just sell the ETH for BTC and buy whatever you want.

>> No.2307574
File: 55 KB, 640x562, IMG_5326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this very moment, should I put $500 into BTC or into ETH?

Will btc dip today? Eth? I'm a newcoiner and I need info. Based on historical trends, what happens today with these two?

>> No.2307595

Where do you trade in eth?

>> No.2307606

ETH. Then transfer to bittrex, convert to btc, and buy ARK. WAVES STRAT SC BLOCK SWT are also good

>> No.2307640

you buy eth, send it to an exchange then convert the eth to btc on the exchange, and use the btc to buy whatever you planned on buying

>> No.2308190

Finally my blockfolio alert went off for >25000 I set a month ago.
Love you /biz/

>> No.2308199
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we mooning boys

>> No.2308284

I believe it will be 1$ tonight -> then small dip to .8 -> back to 1.5$ by the end of the week

>> No.2308508

If we get past 27k we are in moon city.

>> No.2308538

the buys are on the left the sells are on the right, jesus christ