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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23047409 No.23047409 [Reply] [Original]

>eroding (((capitals)))
>eroding (((debt)))
prove me wrong

>> No.23047471

>making it impossible to accumulate sizable capital of you starts from middle class
Yeah good stuff. The very rich are protected against inflation retard, inflation only fucks over hard working middle class and help retarded debt slaves (not even actually because lawners take inflation into account)

>> No.23047505

>taxing the very rich in addiction
Now try to get the fuck out from that SOVIET STATE, NIG

>> No.23047685

If you have a dept with an annual interest rate lower than the inflation rate you're all set. Profit

>> No.23047903

you support the elite, faggot?

>> No.23047940

It depends

>> No.23047964

buy 100ish BOMB

>> No.23048022

The true elite will never be affected by this, they control the trruly valuable stuff, i. e. land, real estate, rare artwork, collectibles, precious metals etc. Only the second grade plebs is mainly or exclusively invested in anything as volatile and inherently wothless as FIAT money, stocks, crypto or other shit. If the econonmy crashes and hyperinfaltion runis the proletarians and middle class, they will be there to buy everything for a penny so they get even richer, whereas the rest goes to hell. This happened in the great depression, this happened with the kikes and their auxiliary bootlickers when hyperinflation hit Germany in 1923. Do you think they were hated for no reason by hard working Germans?

>> No.23048024

if the means of income for most people is that of holding a job and money means nothing, they often lose their job.

if rich people's means of income is from production, they will always win. they have more assets, they have money for gold, they have relations, they have connections. rich people will always get ahead.

drowning the whole pool means people at the bottom die, not the top.

>> No.23048071

No problem, the true elite isn't affected by liberal politics at all, too.

I'm not talking about hyperinflation of course, a controlled inflation can be good to get rid of debt.

>> No.23048106
File: 229 KB, 1080x1472, 1597860691332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cost of living increases
>The meager wage you earn doesn't increase along with it
>Can purchase less and less
>No reason to save because your money's purchasing power decreases with every passing day
>Can never do anything but wageslave until the day you die with no hope of accumulating capital, doomed to live your whole life hand-to-mouth

Wow, thanks MMT and socialist politicians!

>> No.23048327

Not a real problem, cost of shitty salaries increases too.
>muh i can't accumulate capital!
You don't, if you already have a shitty work

>> No.23048364

>controlled inflation
No such thing you commie bootlicking kike shill.

>> No.23048389

Based. Fuck MMT and it’s political shills. Politicians want MMT so they can decide who gets the money first, after they get their cut of course.

>> No.23048395

>cutting social welfare to pay (((interests))) to kikes
ok nig

>> No.23048404

it would be good if it was not printed directly in the hands of bankers and big capital

helicopter money fucking when

>> No.23048421

OK fren, so I guess we agree. Misunderstanding on my part.

>> No.23048440

> The very rich are protected against inflation retard, inflation only fucks over hard working middle class and help retarded debt slaves
Fuck yeah, I'm leveraged to the tits. Gimme that free shit.

>> No.23048448

>creating a law to borrow money from kikes in the first place
Our problems could be fixed by ending the fed, not paying any of our lenders, and using what gold we may have left as the backing for a new currency. We need a reset to free market money and interest rates. Central planning and Keynesianism never works.

>> No.23048490

>Central planning in 1950
ok, maybe
>Central planning + big data
phew, it could actually work darn well

>> No.23048530

Nope. Feeding in a model 50 years of bad data with people like Greenspan and Bernanke making decisions will create a model with terrible output. Only the market can determine what is the most valuable commodity to use as money (gold, bitcoin) and from there, interest rates can be set according to the market (DeFi).

>> No.23048599

Really glad that in the time I've been gone theres still one singular poster that sits on biz all day every day spamming this same image with a low quality topic. Beautiful

>> No.23048609

Then we’d all see rising consumer prices. Printing money doesn’t create more stuff. Savings and production does.

>> No.23049189

>Only the market can determine what
Who told you that the market hasn't a role in the planning?


>> No.23049334

Amazing non-arguments, anon.

The Cantillon Effect will cause hyperinflation within the next 3 years with this "inflation is a good thing" mentality coupled with the helicopter money that will start coming more frequently.

>> No.23049390

It's just a matter of perspectives.
Hyperinflation is a strawman argument to avoid the "controlled inflation" argument.

>> No.23049479

It's not a stawman argument, you retard. It's the inevitable outcome of targeting higher inflation when you have taken all means of controlling that inflation off the table. The Fed controls infation by raising yields, and in our current economy raising yields by even 2% would cause a catastrophic collapse in the stock market.

We're deep in the debt trap, and as I said in my last post, as the helicopter money comes faster and harder the Cantillon Effect will cause the velocity of money to explode.

>> No.23049540
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if the 'true elite' didn't care about inflation, they wouldn't have stopping inflation as their number 1 goal of financial policy

>> No.23049600

Why then is the velocity of M2 at an all time low right now?

>> No.23049610

>The meager wage you earn doesn't increase along with it
the cost of labor would go up just like the cost of everything under inflation, dumb dumb

>> No.23049731

Because the helicopter money hasn't started flowing yet, and the banks aren't being forced to lend... Yet. The key words in that statement are both "yet."

It's not 1:1, and any increase in nominal wages will lag greatly the explosion in prices. Likely the difference will be made up by helicopter money from the government directly. Again, the Cantillon Effect will cause the inflation to be compounded extremely rapidly.

>> No.23049818

>he thinks the ((((consumer price index))), which conveniently excludes housing, college tuition, and healthcare, the three largest expenses in the average person's life, is a valid measure of inflation even when discounting/ignoring the other jewish lies like ((((hedonic quality adjustments))) for items which are included in its talmudic tabulations and kiked calculations.
>he therefore falsely believes that his 1-3% """cost of living raise""" is allowing him to keep up with inflation

>> No.23049923

Don't forget CPI also leaves out food, which has seen double-digit inflation since the beginning of the year.

>> No.23049987

With the introduction of digital currencies and the new technologies you can control the amount of cash flowing in an entire state.
Regulations are bad when they're blind and there's no feedback with real economy, you can actually control everything nowadays.

>> No.23050024

>Then we’d all see rising consumer prices.
Yeah, so what? The point is incentives to keep the money flowing, retard, not to magically give people wealth as the economically illiterate supporters of UBI would believe.

>> No.23050507

>money like blood
Money should be destroyed too, richness has to be an incentive, but low income classes need to be protected.

>> No.23050754

You mean keep people on the hamster wheel. There’s a reason everyone over 65 is a Walmart greeter - their savings can’t keep up with money printing.

>> No.23050829
File: 70 KB, 332x312, feelsbadman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at the end of the day. the problem is jews are in power

>> No.23050858

>a controlled inflation can be good to get rid of debt
That's functionally the same as making debt free people with some cash in the bank (hard working middle class) pay for the debt of retards who enjoyed their free money but don't want to suffer the consequences.

If you want to kill debt just make present debt void and make interests illegal in the future, why are you want to scam the middle class out of their hard earned money?

>> No.23051011

yes goy, hate your fellow goy who has 20k debt and not the jews controlling the whole system to enslave you

>> No.23051012

This but unironically. Jews are foreign subversives and should not rule over us

>> No.23051395

>pay for the debt of retards who enjoyed their free money
A sovereign state owns de creditors, not the opposite

>> No.23051441

well then they should stop being retarded and put those savings in a decent stock or property

>> No.23051504

Inflation would be a good thing if wages increased with it but they don't

>> No.23051667

>gamble in the stock market we control goy
>just buy property with another one of our loans goy
People used to be able to hold on to their savings and gain interest without having to speculate.

>> No.23051787

Instead of complaining you should just use debt like the rich do

>> No.23052011

Inflation also reflects the underlying reality of reducing supply of resources per person.
If you don't want inflated financial products like the dollar just convert the dollars you get into something deflationary like gold or bitcoin. Gold isn't guaranteed to be deflationary though, new supplies can be discovered.

>> No.23052048

yeah and those were the same times when there was no social mobility and plebs worked in the fields because there was no liquid capital available to everyone. Fuck you and fuck gold standard idiots.

>> No.23052064

i used to get 5-6% interest on my ING Direct savings account back like 2007-2010 (can't remember exactly.) fucking crazy to think of how good we had it.

>> No.23052082

Inflation only hurts the working class
This board may be half decent at understanding trading and assets but they're fucking abysmally retarded when it comes to how economics works
If /biz/ would put down the /pol/ koolaid and read a fucking book this board would be 200 times better

>> No.23052123

>how economics works
economics don't work by definition

>> No.23052341

>Inflation only hurts the working class
lol, literally the opposite, mr. gaslighter

>> No.23052865

> inflation only helps the working class
Explain please.

>> No.23053209

Inflation should be reflected in the prices of stocks right? So if you don't have enough capital to invest in property or safe storage situation for PM then you should be able to minimize capital degredation via inflation with your capital in the stock market?

>> No.23053259

Until we go to war yes.

>> No.23053275

The problem is things will inflate but your wages will stay the same. So your debt won’t be eroded away easily. This is happening at a slow enough rate that in 50 years from now we will be working for the equivalent of today’s purchasing power of 5 bucks an hour.

>> No.23053286

Does not only hurt would be the correct supposition here.

>> No.23053306 [DELETED] 

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>> No.23053319

You's post be about to git delete!

>> No.23053636

this is because of bank monopolies and not because of inflation itself, all the more reason to step to a helicopter inflation model

>> No.23053707

So only real assets can hedge against depression?

>> No.23053783

How to protect against Castillon effect?

>> No.23053834

What if this computer God of yours says the only way to fix a problem is catastrophic collapse? That is the logical solution employeed by natural law and evolution right? That which cannot continue indefinitely won't. Simple as.

>> No.23054037

Social darwinism was a meme, created in order to avoid the rich toget slaughtered like pigs by the poors.

We are now in a post-scarcity era, this doesn't mean that we can do shit all day, drink and multiply. We could rationalize everything and exist according to a purpose.
Accumulating money is not a purpose.

>> No.23054279

Technocracy is a meme. Have sex.

>> No.23055846
