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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23046760 No.23046760 [Reply] [Original]


I shilled you this when there was less than 200 transactions, liquidity has doubled since last week and volume is in the Millions now



>> No.23046796
File: 73 KB, 585x585, YFIEC why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25,000 total supply
15,000 circulating
Quarterly Buy Back program
Staking is live
Farming coming soon (will 20x from farming)
.3% staking gainz daily
No Lock on Staking, just minimum of 10 YFIEC

>> No.23046875

I was interested in this yesterday but I put everything into core and hit my deposit limits, is it too late?

>> No.23046938
File: 5 KB, 250x228, 1598939682819s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not too late actually
Price is hovering around $50 right now after some Whales sold in the high $60's, there might be 1 more dip after this but it's going into Triple digits soon, probably by EOD

If you get in before Farming is live you can expect an ultra easy 5x, more realistically probably a 10x or 20x

>> No.23046967

>If you get in before Farming is live you can expect an ultra easy 5x, more realistically probably a 10x or 20x
Based, is there a telegram? I'm a big fan of low supplies

>> No.23047000
File: 24 KB, 334x350, yfiec pumpingj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah the tg has over 1300 people actually, idk why or how /biz/ is still sleeping on this shit


also just look at the numbers in [pic related], this is literally just the beginning too, we're so fucking early

>> No.23047031

You recommend a min 10 so I can stake whilst I wait?

>> No.23047072

I'm definitely enjoying the .3% daily gainz, and there's no Stake Lock, you're free to unstake any time you want
I don't see why you wouldn't if you can afford 10 without too much trouble

It's a personal choice, but getting into staking early can pay dividends like you've never seen and I don't just mean with this coin, early staking is good shit in general

>> No.23047145

Gonna get 10 fella, see what the future hodls

>> No.23047289
File: 38 KB, 500x387, bogz doublephone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy 5x my guy, and welcome to the club

>> No.23048295

See you at $150 anons

>> No.23048454
File: 878 KB, 2224x1800, 1601439913595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, I'm glad some people aren't missing out
/biz/ has been good to me, so here's an easy 5x, probably will do much more

>> No.23048483

>this went x20
>so now, at the moment of maximum risk and minimal opportunity, you should jump in for a potential x2
do normalfags unironically fall for this? or is this strictly a thread for brown hands

>> No.23048510

absolutely useless y scam made to get the pajeet devs easy Eth.

>> No.23048525

>yet another yfi scam clone
This thread reeks of curry. Fuck off pajeets.

>> No.23048676
File: 645 KB, 600x809, 1601876127981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfag doesn't understand that defi projects do this all the time
>newfag doesn't doesn't know how early he still is
stay poor faggot
liquidity locked, audit clean, just listed on CoinGecko and also CoinTiger, more CEX coming, great dev team, huge telegram and twitter presence
..........yeah okay fudfags.
Easy 5x minimum within a week from here retards

>> No.23048900
File: 58 KB, 722x417, Screenshot 2020-10-05 at 15.34.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a shitstain, is this the same coin you are talking about? What is the exact name of the coin.

>> No.23049031

uniswap.info my guy
we just pumped back up to $62
$100 EOD easy

>> No.23049094

Wow dude, how much money will you be making off this rugpull? I remember I got scammed by one of these once, feel free to give me a refund. It was 30 bucks in eth total,

>> No.23049113
File: 284 KB, 750x1186, CD3D34AF-4FB3-4B7D-B102-8DBD15ED9E3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta say, this top holder concerns me quite a bit

>> No.23049162

you'll find intelligent whales on all solid projects mate
People with money know what's good

>> No.23049353

Thats cool and all, but how much does it cost to get in on this Discord group, scams happen everyday anyway. Im just a below middleclass wagie who wouldnt mind an extra buck

>> No.23049416

they have a telegram with over 1300 people.. it's free to enter though kek
t.me/YFIEC I think