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File: 17 KB, 250x250, CORE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23042437 No.23042437 [Reply] [Original]

Are we absolutely certain of the fundamentals? I don't want my Core turning into crore.

>> No.23042464

we absolutely certain. just buy some LP relax, chill, let your money accumulate, and let cores price rise.

>> No.23042479
File: 240 KB, 750x1166, C108A629-0FB6-4B45-8DAD-366EA128D5BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the volume. Comfy

>> No.23042483

how often should I claim the CORE that I farmed?

>> No.23042484

>logo is a dank vape blasting data clouds
all you need to know bro

>> No.23042514
File: 29 KB, 472x461, EjSFdxUXgAAkKgH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 1.5 core rn and none staked/farming cuz i'm retarded and don't want to fuck it up.

Should I just hold the 1.5? Should I stake .5? If so, can someone give me a quick process?

>> No.23042537

I'm thinking once a week or so. I've pulled out once and have been using some of it to buy other shit coins, but mostly saving it since I know it'll be worth more very soon.

>> No.23042539

whenever you want. i'd wait about a month to reduce fees.

>> No.23042541

poo poo pee.

>> No.23042543

I was going to ask a similar question.

>> No.23042573

ah yes now i get it thanks

>> No.23042576

If you're patient enough to wait on the recoup of your investment. It wont happen over 1 week.

>> No.23042583

I have 5core / 3 LP. I also have 20k sitting on the sidelines. Should I put it into Core or get more LP with it you think? Looking at the router i'd be at about 10LP after

>> No.23042602

Yeah this isn't like my only money or anything so I'm not stressing on that part. I'm just unsure of the whole LP token thing and what the fuck I do with it. If I take .5 core from my stack, do I get .5 LP and then I combine that with an equal amount of ETH?

Or do I just have the amount of ETH I want to stake, and enter it in the 1 click thing and it will automatically pull the eth value amount of CORE out of my balance?

Sorry for all the questions I just don't want to talk with TG cancer.

>> No.23042609

could do half and haf. if you have 10 LPs it would take you 49 days to generate 20k.

>> No.23042621

I've been in crypto for 3 years and immediately went all in after 10 min of research. It's what I've been waiting for. A closed loop of gains without scammy team waiting to dump. Everyone is advertising CORE features for their shitcoins now

>> No.23042630

just go to their site and use the router so you dont have to match eth with core

>> No.23042638

>connect wallet
>search for core
>click on core/eth uniswap pool
>play with parameters
best way to learn is to tinker with it

>> No.23042653

This is probably the best bet. This way you dont lose any precious core. You'd just buy the LP tokens with ETH

>> No.23042669

So the risk is will core be around in that time from now and not trading for less? If the price 2x that time is cut in half right?

>> No.23042682

It depends. If you're planning on reinvesting (i.e., buying more LP with the proceeds) I'd be looking at weekly or bi-weekly, not much more than that despite fees. If you just want to see them in your wallet, I wouldn't bother at all and let them accumulate. I fully expect 5 figures soon.

>> No.23042683

You can play with the zapper with various ETH amounts to see how much LP you'll get for it, fyi.

>> No.23042733

yeah if it doubles in price it would take you 24 days for 20k and so on the higher it goes. also apy can change etc. if price increases apy would be higher.

>> No.23042902

Gas fees.

>> No.23042909
File: 6 KB, 234x250, C97D2689-ACE1-4164-BF5A-0BDFC60B03AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23042912

No longer double digit core holder but a double digit lp holder, feeling anxious.

>> No.23043042

i have 3 core, do you think i should sell one for eth to stake? is it worth it?

>> No.23043053

someone convince me not to move my last core to LP. I already have 6.2LP

>> No.23043065

i hold 1.2 core... think i'm gonna buy 1 LP token. I can sell that later on balancer if i choose right? no problems to do so?

>> No.23043074


>> No.23043168

Based on corefarming dot info I’m making $255 a day, that’s $1785. I might seriously quit work for a while. But I still have nearly 10 core. I don’t know if you should risk that last one.

>> No.23043177

Quoted the wrong anon.

>> No.23043261

Shit how much LP?

>> No.23043349


>> No.23043371

I have 30 lp and 15 core and I'm literally living like a yuppie wagie paycheck to paycheck (but comfortable). What do? Living expenses are ~$2400 a month.

>> No.23043372

I am feeling comfy but is anybody else a little nervous with this NY shit?

>> No.23043379

>NY shit

>> No.23043433

>What do? Living expenses are ~$2400 a month.
Reduce your living expenses. Seriously.

>> No.23043442

I'm an adult, who has a family.

>> No.23043455
File: 105 KB, 559x678, core.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5ETH later and nothing has changed but the price. We've all hodl'd through worse than this dump

>> No.23043535

Chad. I’ve got no expenses and if this shit works out I’ll spend my days doing yoga and Muay Thai. You’ve got a family so besides pulling a Chris watts i’m not sure what you should do.

>> No.23043537

reduce your living expense retard

>> No.23043700
File: 90 KB, 220x220, 123243554665734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23043816

Yes a project that promises you infinite returns and asks you lock liquidity forever will never ever fail with absolute certainty. Congrats on this seriously

>> No.23043882

It's a new paradigm.

>> No.23043908

Why don't you faggots on 4chan ever report on these things before they moon 10x and 100x? /biz/ used to be THE secret club house.

>> No.23043922

You had ten days.

>> No.23043934

This was posted here at $300.

>> No.23043938

>locked LP
Anon. How many times are you falling for this.

>> No.23043950

Everyone that has any sense went to private groups. The biggest CORE holder was a trendie of all things. Biz is just the shit leftovers now

>> No.23043958

I posted a thread eight hours before the end of the LGE. Was met with lukewarm reaponses and some mild FUD. The liquidity did rise about 15-20% after that. Oh, and I did it for free.

>> No.23044204

Looks like we might be crabbing for a while folks, girdle your loins.

>> No.23044975

The core/eth pair is still #1 as well. Tfw making a comfy $400 a week staking

>> No.23045041

I'm about to close a week of staking with 0.75 Eth/week, with 1.3 LP tokens. Not bad for literally free money LOL. wish I had decided to stake sooner.

>> No.23045081

yup, CORE devs have clearly solved poverty

>> No.23045083

Dump it.

>> No.23045086

Different type, they lock your liquidity lol

>> No.23045162

>people bitching about this not being posted early enough

There was an entire collection of 1k, 2k, 3k, 4k, etc. threads. Why are people so lazy? Btw I'm selling now, my glass hands bought at 3k and just want to take profits and go home

>> No.23045205

I am financially ruined.

>> No.23045236

You were never part of the marine core

>> No.23045259

It's fine, I'm too poor to farm core anon. I was just touring.

>> No.23045267

please inv to private discord

>> No.23045272

Stay with us sirs

>> No.23045283

They have no product. It could go to zero.

>> No.23045316

Just like all shitcoins dumbass

>> No.23045405

The product is the economics of the coin brainlet

>> No.23046147

wtf for how much you bought 30 lp and 15 core?