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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23040016 No.23040016 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23040038

I already called in
Sent the email an hour ago
Feels good man

>> No.23040047

You're only delaying the inevitable.

>> No.23040050
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>sunday night

>> No.23040065

Yea man works been tough lately.
Sleep in till 9, have meeting at 10. Play around in some design software for 3 hours and fuck around for 5. All from my bedroom.

Yea not looking forward to getting paid 75k a year for that.

>> No.23040083
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>be essentialfag
>get 7 months of mandatory overtime

>> No.23040099


wew what is this shit?

>> No.23040100

>delaying the inevitable
That's what being alive is all about
Not today

>> No.23040107


>> No.23040167

You're a wagie, so you've gotta work. And the bossfag steps out of his limo and says
>hey wagie, you've gotta come in on your day off
>your 8 hour shift is now a 12 hour shift, tomorrow too
Various things like that. This can go on for months, even when the company is profitable and they could hire and train more than enough people. Common practice in modern goddamn slavery. I'm gonna chimp out bros gonna flex and bust out of this shit when XRP moons.

>> No.23040231



>> No.23040232

are you an essential fag as in you work in the health sector?

>> No.23040282

I work from home, even pre-covid. Still don't wanna. Honestly at this point I don't think I could make it back into the office on a regular basis again. Being a fucking wagie in a cuckbox 90 minutes to the office to do the same job I can do from home in my underwear is fucking retarded.

>> No.23040430

No. You don't have to be a medfag, just essential for the basic civic function or some kind of tech job that's really necessary. People who make bottled water are listed as essential right now, guys who work on telephone polls, people who work in radio, people who work in bakeries, etc. Most of the hospitals were doing really poorly until recently too, there was just no one to treat where I live but everything was shut down. I'm quitting this job though and got an offer at a mildly better company that pays better. Just consider you know, what's really necessary and what you're getting into before you branch out of NEETlife. You will resent its absence and the pussy and better food barely make it tolerable. I would do some pretty morally reprehensible things for another year of NEETism.

>> No.23040570


read this

I am OP, I think i should find work, its not as bad as you think

try to separate yourself from society for a year

>> No.23040591


>> No.23040597

I’m a pathetic wagie and I told my boss if I would work today cause I had a dentist appointment on Tuesday

Truth is I’m excited for Fifa21 which comes out in Tuesday and I just wanted to play all day

It’s the little things

>> No.23040628

Clover42 ICO 50% sold out. IYKYK, but I am not working another 35 years.


>> No.23040743

I haven't worked for 5 months now. Been basically working for free for several of my startups after corona hit. Basically told them to fuck off and went fulltime crypto trading. Many days where I make more than I do in an entire month waging in a shitty office for people who don't know how hard the work you do is (software)

The sooner you realise crypto is your road to freedom, the better off you'll be

>> No.23040752

LOKI solves this.

>> No.23041028
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shoot your boss anon! you know you wanna! then you can go to anime heaven