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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2302072 No.2302072 [Reply] [Original]

if you read /biz/ and you're yet in crypto then you have a matter of days to get in to lock in maximum profits. The other week a lot of people felt that the crypto 'bubble' was about to burst - it was merely a bear trap. Recent months has seen the crypto marketcap fly sky-high and blockchain companies have gained a lot of attention from big institutions. We saw the market collapse on us briefly, but is has now risen again and is hitting all-time highs in terms of market cap. Once we reach $100bn, the media will really start ramping up their coverage. But, you may have probably noticed that the media are already covering cryptocurrencies far, far more than they used too.

Once normies understand how powerful the blockchain is then a lot of money and hype will start pouring in. Investment institutions (fidelity, hargreaves lansdown) will be offering bitcoins to customers and probably full-on crypto portfolios. You have a matter of days before we hit $100bn and then every single coin will start mooning. Market cap will be $200bn by the end of July.

>> No.2302087

Let's keep this alive and see if this faggot is right.

>> No.2302088


Sure buddy. You're an idiot if you think crypto will crash. your idea of a crash is not a weekend of -2%. Crypto is going to a trillion plus market cap and anybody that thinks otherwise is in the stock market and a retard boomer. the autists are about to take over money. eat my asshole faggot. Your fud is pathetic. better make another thread becacuse i just ruined this one

>> No.2302098

can you read?

>> No.2302109

There's a bear trap every week with you faggots.
Keep you shitty TA to yourself.

>> No.2302115

This isn't a FUD my friend - I know crypto won't crash so long as the blockchain is around. However, all I am saying is that we can expect some serious, serious investments happening in the coming months and the time to get in is NOW.

>> No.2302128
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>ruined this one
>le drop mic meme

>> No.2302136

Sure, you do realise that TA is used by HFT firms right? Because they're self-fulfilling thanks to the advent of technology. Go back to your intelligent investor book and enjoy your 10% yearly gains

>> No.2302137

How the fuck can someone fail so hard at reading comprehension

>> No.2302142


Sorry gents, i thought i was posting in a different thread. Full fucking speed ahead. We are going to be filthy fucking rich

>> No.2302143

i lost 12k last week selling in a panic. im still depressed as fuck about it

>> No.2302148

Just curious op, what coins do you recommend and why is it BANCOR

>> No.2302169

Ha, I haven't gotten round the reading Bancor's whitepaper yet. But the hype is good and let's face it all you need it hype. Guys, my tip here is ARK, it truly has the potential to be a great blockchain company and the development team is solid (not shilling, just my pick for good solid gains).

>> No.2302206
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1. hav plan
2. stick to plan
Are you trading based on TA/fundamentals or eyeballing it like a madman?

>> No.2302235

This price raise is based too much on speculation

None of these coins have any real value to them... yet. I expect a dip once more normis get in. BTC will hit 3k and dip. Screencap this.

>> No.2302252

Thanks pede

>> No.2302308

i actually had a chance to make money at one point in the trade but i got greedy and thought it would drop more ended up losing around 50 eth. there was no plan just sleep deprived and a little bit drunk. still up alot of money overall though so i cant really complain. i could have bought some cool shit with the money i lost out on though. learned a expensive lesson

>> No.2302334

Seems about right. Augur is coming online in less than 6 months, other Dapps will be too. I'm an ETH maximalist to an extent and know the most about ETH. So i can say that there will be HUGE developments and Dapps coming online in the next 6 months that will drive the crypto world insane.

Augur is going to be huge. The world's first prediction market launches on ethereum this year. Imagine the amount of press and media attention it's going to get. And that's only one Dapp in ethereum.

>> No.2302372

Ashley Jones, is she still around? Now since the whole world seems to be getting red pilled she should be capitalizing on it.

Why did she disappear? Did Sam Hyde have anything to do with it?

>> No.2302388



>> No.2302637


isnt augur purchaseable already