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23020308 No.23020308 [Reply] [Original]

>keep finding white hairs on my head
I'm 24 by the way

>> No.23020321

you're ngmi

>> No.23020325

Too much stress

>> No.23020343

i went grey at 18. One of my friends girlfirnds told me to color my hair and i've been doing it every 5 or 6 weeks ever since. Its not that bad, its only about 5 total minutes of work. But figuring out what color wouldn't turn my hair orange took a while.

>> No.23020350

You can just dye you hair, at least it's not falling out.

>> No.23020360

A lot of anecdotes online say iodine fixes hair color. Be careful.

>> No.23020376

Get a color blind whore

>> No.23020597
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eat salmon and eggs, you malnutritioned faggot

>> No.23020641

I eat eggs all the time, sometimes I eat fish.
I eat a pretty mixed diet overall,
but I think this is a mix of genetics kicking in and stress.
Every man on my dad's side of the family ends up with white hair at some point.

>> No.23020673

have sex and get more sleep

>> No.23020685

have sex unironically

>> No.23020704

How about you don't have sex

>> No.23021320

you sir.
are benjamin buttons

>> No.23021343

why do you even care?

>> No.23021439

Just go full Geralt or Assange mode.

>> No.23021448

someone cummed in your hair

>> No.23021489

I think I'll do this

>> No.23021542
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It's all good, I'm 24 and already have symptoms of male pattern baldness. Not sure how to reverse it, but if I go bald I'm going full 1488 ripped skinhead look.

>> No.23021644

Just don't go retard mode by getting tattoos.

>> No.23021667

Why not? If I was buff enough I could do whatever the hell I wanted.

>> No.23021682

Yeah, you could, but you wouldn't actually accomplish anything by it.
You would do a much bigger favor to white society by finding a wife and raising a family.

>> No.23021720

Why would I willingly become a cuck? Having a wife in 2020 is the biggest way to cuck yourself into a life of misery that I can imagine. Sure it's all cute and lovey duvy at first, then your children grow up and most likely become scum, or your wife cheats on you/falls out of love with you. There is no winning fren.

>> No.23021741
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Pic rel.

>> No.23021747

So in other words you just want to larp as a skinhead to stroke your ego.
good to know.

>> No.23021794

I probably wouldn't ever do it, but it would be cool if I did.

>> No.23022091

derminator + minoxidil

>> No.23022143

Lmfao I have the same procedure, I usually do it everytime I get a haircut. Honestly would rather go grey early than balding.

>> No.23022320

If you still have your hair who gives a fuck if it loses colour. Colour can be fixed. Baldness cannot.

>> No.23022428

Dumb question. When you get a cut and put hydrogen peroxide on it. Does it not bubble a lot if at all? Likely you are catalase deficient.

>> No.23022682
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