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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23018289 No.23018289 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23018328


>> No.23018331


>> No.23018348

Early. You know tv took about 70 yrs before it became widely adopted. Compact cars took about 40. Electric cars took about 30 yrs. Internet took about 10 yrs. crypto is being adopted faster than internet.

>> No.23018414

Too early and too poor. Only whales can afford to sit on investments for several years. Most of us will cash out early

>> No.23018421

likely indeed

>> No.23018434

Too Stupid

>> No.23018451

I wanted to tell OP he’s just stupid to FUD but this reply is too accurate

Even though we’ve seen what could happen to an un scalable first movers price with BTC, most of us lack imagination to what the https of all blockchains could be valued at

For fucks sake, I don’t even know. My grand kids might panic attack one day knowing I sold my link for millions knowing each link is 100k in the future

>> No.23018829

speak for yourself

>> No.23018912

U seem genuine so I have to ask, why link? Why do you believe link will be your golden ticket?

>> No.23018949

you're a late player to a short term game that is just a phase of a very long tournament
buy, hodl and stfu. come back in 2-3 years and be amazed at what happened to your funds.

>> No.23018988
File: 9 KB, 236x215, feeljak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all gonna be rich in a year. I'm literally drinking my ass off just to get through the monotony. Have my stack ready.

>> No.23018991

Nicely said

>> No.23019044

What are you stacking, (besides digits)?

>> No.23019067

rupees dear duhh

>> No.23019092


>> No.23019098

You stepped in a trap. Not cute trap

>> No.23019135

>too poor
not likely. also, never selling. will hold until my crypto can buy me whatever I need, natively and anonymously.

>> No.23019169

i don't believe i need a golden ticket actually. i'm in software and i eventually will start something for myself but ....

(part 1 of 2)

1. i believe from an enterprise standpoint, blockchains help with accounting + accounting automation, b2b automated record relations being standardized / mind the cliche BASELINED, supply chain efficiency + automation, and contractual b2b and b2c trust

2. from a government perspective, blockchains are the ultimate tool for true voter sovereignty over our systems. with the advent of biometric technology being integrated in our phones, i believe it is only a matter of time before our identity cards are shifted to the digital, and we will eventually be able to vote for politicians via our phones. we will be able to do a video recording of ourselves saying " i vote for biden / trump " as a facial/audio biometric scan, use an under the screen fingerprint scanner, and "sign" our transactional vote on chain.

3. from a world bank perspective, well, fuck, i probably don't need to go into detail because we all know that using SWIFT is very costly, prone to reconciliation issues, and why something like RIPPLE even exists and has a value proposition (whether or not you believe it can accomplish said value proposition - irrelevant)

4. from a market perspective, we can now tokenize stocks on chain. you, yes YOU, can hold a share of tesla in your wallet and it'd actually be yours, not taken custodianship of by a third party, YOURS, if you wanted.

>> No.23019180


(part 2 of 2)

all of this is only possible if blockchains, which are immutable records of trust and automated decentralized trust-less computation providers, have the CORRECT and ABSOLUTELY CORRECT RECORDS to make immutable and the ABSOLUTELY CORRECT INPUTS on which to compute in a decentralized manner the ABSOLUTELY CORRECT OUTPUTS which can be used to be used for determining outcomes of potentially billion if not trillion dollar outcomes.

now i believe link is on the track to do this in spite of it only being 3 years old.

why? each number below relates to the numbers above.

1. Baseline Protocol (comprised of Chainlink)

2. Postal Service Blockchain Patent for Voting (note oracle layer)

3. SWIFT and Smart Contract (innotribe winner)
for the swift link, ctrl + f 'oracle' for slowbros

4. Interwork Alliance (comprised of Chainlink)

>> No.23019183

why not both?

t. 40k linklet

>> No.23019199

I've already been waiting several years and I have an iron grip but how much fucking longer will it be

>> No.23019372

Same anon the only thing that keeps me going is xBTC rebases

>> No.23019467

It's been more than 10 years since Bitcoin was released, crypto still isn't adopted.