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File: 56 KB, 1200x576, lition_logo_navy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23014090 No.23014090 [Reply] [Original]

FUD is gone.
Mainnet is up.
Are there any reasons left why this will not at least 10x?

>> No.23014114

the token is not needed

>> No.23014147

yeah, product won't get used
will end like lisk

>> No.23014196

How would you transact energy on the power platform?
How would you stake and secure the network?
How would you open up trusted sidechains without tokens to pay fees?

>> No.23014199

If FUD is gone, it's already done a 10x.

>> No.23014312

Why not?
Deletable sidechains seem very important for EU applications (GDPR privacy law).
Besides it's already being used by their sister company Lition Energie.

>> No.23014328
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Maybe the real 10x was all the frens we made along the way then?

>> No.23014451

maybe I shouldn't have flat out said it won't get used
but, no matter how great the tech is, there is a high risk it just won't get used

>> No.23014520

Because no one cares, it's not revolutionary and doesn't bring anything new to the table.

>> No.23014841

Meh deletable sidechains seem a nice innovation. Plus it's not just the tech, it's the interconnectedness with the sister company Lition Energie, where they are aiming at 250,000 households in 2 years.
Which would mean that 250 Million USD worth of energy bills would get transacted over the network per year.
This is clearly scalable to 25 million households or 25 Billion if they manage to grow into a multinational utility. But that's a bit dreamer talk going.

>> No.23014857

>Are there any reasons left why this will not at least 10x?
It is a useless cash grab

>> No.23014944

>token not needed
>product not used
>no one cares
>no innovation
>cash grab

Ok so no decent arguments at all

>> No.23015158

Lition is THE make it coin and if you don't understand why then you won't make it and don't deserve to make it

>> No.23015174

because its a bear market right now

>> No.23015191

I'll mock you again in a few months
You are unironically chasing a fancy pipedream, which nobody cares about

>> No.23015315

You just have no idea what you're talking about then. Not only are they going to use it themselves with their own sidechains and use cases, other companies will want to gain access to the GDPR compliant blockchain. If Lition doesn't get adopted then none of them will.

>> No.23015344

I'll cum in your face in a few months

>> No.23015358

Name one coin outside the top 50 that has a real life usecase where the yearly turnover is over 100 Million dollars.

>> No.23015363

You mean not a single EU company cares about keeping within regulations? You mean to say that even in the unlikely scenario where no other company wants a blockchain with private and deletable date Lition Energy won't be successful? Do you actually have a clue what you're talking about. Can you actually criticise a project without making non-contextual, copy & paste FUD?

>> No.23015369
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>> No.23015375
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>> No.23015407

>companies will want to gain access to the GDPR compliant blockchain

>> No.23015447

I don't give a fuck. Even Statera will yield 10x more return in the next three months than SHITION
>Do you actually have a clue what you're talking about.
Yes, I read everything in the sticky of the LIT threads unironically and did my research and was an the verge of buying. Like I said, you are chasing a fancy idea and nothing else. But good luck. Hope it works out for you, so we can all make it. I wouldn't even care if it goes to $10 EOY
I just think it is useless, and yes I know the laws in Europe regarding privacy

>> No.23015521

>brainlet getting nervous because their 400$ shitcoin investment didn't moon after mainnet
>we're in a crabing cycle which can turn to a bear cycle instantly
>there is only 4-5 whales holding shition
as soon as the market turn bullish and mainnet still stable and some more good news from team like roadmap + exchanges + partnerships + new usecases + if team stop selling every week you will see whales starting hoarding this shit at any price causing the price to skyrocket in a matter of hours like how it happened to many other shitcoins in the past like rsr vidt qnt ubt trac mitx ftm

hodlers and strong hands will make it and will escape wageslaving for life
comfy stack: 100k
price prediction without any big news: 1-2$
timeframe: 3-15 months from now

>> No.23015572


>> No.23015624

This seems a bitconnect kinda scam bro.
Why do you need a token to hold and rebalance funds for you with outrageous fees?
Just get a bot that does it for you on a safe CEX.

>> No.23015628

To me the only explanation that someone would come into a thread like this and linger around like some filthy cretin writing off the project is because they're payed to fud, or they're of the nose tribe. Ty you filthy rat I just bought some LIT.

>> No.23015663
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Dont mind Mike, he's our local FUD pajeet who kinda went in bull mode but stays retarded.

>> No.23015691

Because they are legally required to do so. What kind of question is this?

>I just think it is useless, and yes I know the laws in Europe regarding privacy
So why do you think one of the few blockchains that follow these very important laws is useless? You're not making any sense. You haven't explained how Lition Energy will fail and you haven't explained why SAP is stupid for wanting and co-developing a GDPR compliant blockchain.

Go away.

>> No.23015729

>I just think it is useless, and yes I know the laws in Europe regarding privacy
Do you think crypto in general is useless or what?
How do you see crypto in 5 years, what will be major applications?

>> No.23015756

>why should they give you a gf
>because they are legally required to do so

>> No.23015776

Your response doesn't make any sense.

>> No.23015787

>Your response doesn't make any sense.
no, Your response doesn't make any sense.
name one reason anyone would want to use lition

>> No.23015900

Because European companies need to have private and deletable data in order to keep within European law. Lition is one of the few blockchains that has private and deletable data. This means if they want to use blockchain, Lition is one of the very few blockchains that they can use. I honestly cannot believe I have to explain this to you. But anyway even if SAP decide to walk away (which they won't), Lition has their own successful business and use cases that use the blockchain.

>> No.23015913

>Do you think crypto in general is useless or what?
>How do you see crypto in 5 years, what will be major applications?
Nobody knows. SmartContracts will gain adoption for sure. But nobody gives a fuck about your deleteable data on a Blockchain in my opinion. They will figure out different ways.
The Lition Energy business and their app might work out. All I'm saying is: Lition will not play a big role in all of this.
However I understand that it is an asymetrical bet, with very low downside from here on and very high upside. But I personally don't take the gamble, because that's what it is in my eyes.
But like I said, good luck anon. I hope you make it.

>> No.23015967

Also to add to this: If you are out for a 10x then this might do it for you. But I just don't see it becoming a Top 25 project

>> No.23015973

>But nobody gives a fuck about your deleteable data on a Blockchain in my opinion.
It's a good thing Lition doesn't need to rely on you then. I can't believe you can't comprehend how being one of the few blockchains that allows companies to abide the law is actually useful. The ONLY reason why SAP partnered and co-innovated with Lition is because of private and deletable date. Literally the only reason. You are completely clueless.
>The Lition Energy business and their app might work out.
The fact that you say "might" proves to me that you don't actually know what you're talking about. It's already working out.
>I hope you make it.
I hope you don't.

>> No.23016000

The infrastructure of the Lition Mainnet allows users to publicly store material inventory data such as stock items, certificates of origin, quantities, prices, manufacturers and complaints. L ink ing this information to a private sidechain with purchaser information can automate payment procedures, increase restocking efficiency, optimize transportation, and improve material quality and response to supply and demand. But not all data in these processes is meant to be public; e.g. prices and demand. Again, the advantage of the Lition Mainnet is the private/public logic of the blockchain.

>> No.23016039
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price predictions?

>> No.23016048

And to add to this because some people don't seem to understand it. This data needs to be private and deletable. If it isn't private and deletable then European companies won't use it otherwise they'll get fined for not protecting or deleting their customers data.

>> No.23016064

Price predictions are completely useless and you shouldn't listen to them. Literally no one knows.

>> No.23016078

You are pathetic anon and don't know anything about the tech. But again, I hope you make it. And yes I know that they have a working product with their app, that is not what I meant with might work out"
They even have commercials in Germany about it. You don't have to tell me that.
Like I said I did my research. And there will be other solutions for your privacy problems. But good luck

>> No.23016111
File: 469 KB, 1752x824, Screenshot from 2020-10-03 16-21-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top 25 might be pushing it.
But read picrelated.
I could see it pushing to #30 in a mania phase.
I'm very bullish in General so I believe in the most bullish crypto scenario outlined here.
Getting #100 would mean almost $20 for Lition.
Getting #30 would mean almost $300.
It's 12 cents now.
This is why people like you get suicide stacks.

>> No.23016118

>if they want to use blockchain
I honestly cannot believe I have to explain this to you, your project is fucked

>> No.23016171

I rather gamble $5k on Statera as I know that it will go up by a lot, instead of being stuck with LIT where I don't know what it will do

>> No.23016232

>You don't know anything about the tech.
We were talking about companies wanting to abide by European law and not about tech. You have yet to even attempt to explain why companies don't want to obey the law and/or why they don't need Lition to obey the law if the want to use blockchain.

>And there will be other solutions for your privacy problems.
The issue is deletable data not just private data. Obviously we already have plenty of blockchains with private data. Why are companies
And can you explain to me why SAP are making the mistake of partnering and co-innovating with Lition> According to you they don't need to. Can you actually respond to my points instead of cherry picking what you want to respond to and ignoring my main points?

>> No.23016251

have sex

>> No.23016276

I fucked that up but you get the point.

>> No.23016303

>You have yet to even attempt to explain why companies don't want to obey the law
We are going into a technocratic future, that means that companies make the rules and the governments obey
SAP does a lot of stuff with a lot of different companies and Start-ups
That does not mean anything though. They are just keeping up and see how things go. Doesn't mean this will still be a partnership in 5 years time
>Can you actually respond to my points instead of cherry picking what you want to respond to and ignoring my main points?

>> No.23016362

>Getting #100 would mean almost $20 for Lition.
no it would mean $2.6909 how are you this bad at simple math
4,313,916/35,542,029 = $0.12
>top 100
95,641,213 /35,542,029 = $2.69
>top 30
642,120,060 /35,542,029 = $18.06

the level of delusion on this coin, almost worse than ripple

>$5k on Statera
you're so unbelievably retarded, I could turn your 5k into at least 650k in 2-3y
sta will flatline

>> No.23016383

>you're so unbelievably retarded, I could turn your 5k into at least 650k in 2-3y
Those 5k is my gamble money.

>> No.23016396

fair enough.
Shill me on Statera, from first sight it looks retarded.

>We are going into a technocratic future, that means that companies make the rules and the governments obey
You must be a burger, quite a gamble to think you can read the political future.

>> No.23016438

>I'm very bullish in general so I believe the most bullish crypto scenario outlined here.
Read the picrelated of >>23016111
So if you take the positive scenario mcap and then top 30 or top 100...

>> No.23016485

>We are going into a technocratic future, that means that companies make the rules and the governments obey
I genuinely thought you were going to give me a better reason. If you're talking about Google, Facebook, Amazon etc. then I agree. If you're talking about the vast majority of companies out there, then this is obviously not true. GDPR would not have been implemented if big companies ruled over the EU as much as you say. The vast majority of companies still need to obey the law.

>SAP does a lot of stuff with a lot of different companies and Start-ups
No. You would be correct with your analysis if you replaced SAP with Microsoft. Lition's relationship with Microsoft is similar to what you've described here. If SAP were going to abandon Lition then they would have done so last year when their mainnet launch failed. You will find out how wrong you are in a matter of weeks. SAP and Lition have worked very closely and are still working together to this day.
>Doesn't mean this will still be a partnership in 5 years time
You can say that about literally any partnership. You have irrational skepticism. Well actually that's not true because you put money in Statera.

>> No.23016517


>> No.23016531

>from first sight it looks retarded.
It does indeed look retarded from first sight. And the "no usecase" FUD is real and also kept my away from it a while. Also the fact that I could also buy BTC/LINK/ETH/SNX myself and have those holds myself. Also why would you buy a Index fund as a token and not in a traditional form?
A lot of questions at first and it seems retarded. But just understand that Game theory will make it go up and pump harder than all the other coins in the fund once Crypto goes up in General. Also the deflationary aspect is a game changer. STA might be absolutely worthless, but it will go up.
Check out the STA threads, there are some good screencaps in there and read the whitepaper
STA is my only hold next to LINK and XMR

>> No.23016597

>You mean not a single EU company cares about keeping within regulations?

Of course they do haha, what they don't care about is blockchain, and honestly what's the point of a fucking blockchain which you can delete data from hahaha

>> No.23016642

We don't linger, biz's volume is at an all time low, literal shit threads like this stay on the front page for days

>> No.23016802

The idea that you would even consider BTC as even remotely a good investment continues to prove to me you don't know what you're talking about. What actual good do you see in BTC? It won't ever succeed its primary use case because it will get regulated out of existence, it's not decentralised, it cannot scale, it has an extremely poor transaction time, extremely poor transaction cost and extremely TPS. You've also got to bear in mind it's the most overpriced crypto out there.

>what's the point of a fucking blockchain which you can delete data from hahaha
You can't even be bothered to do there bare minimum level of research. There's the blockchain and the distributed database. The data is deleted off the database but the blocks remain. You don't delete anything off the blockchain. But "what's the point"? I may have mentioned this ten times already in this thread. Companies need to have private and deletable data if they want to obey the law and avoid being fined.

>what they don't care about is blockchain
"What they don't care about is buying goods off the internet" - Some random guy in 1997 criticising Amazon. The only reason why companies were so hesistant to use it is because they don't have regulatory clarity and only until recently did actual use cases begin to pop up. But not every company has to use blockchain in order for Lition to be successful. It's just that any company that does want to use blockchain (like SAP and VR Bank) will want to use a blockchain that has private and deletable data.

>> No.23016905

The point is that you can delete specific data but not the actual transaction.
I dont think it will be old school companies that will jump into blockchain.
It will be startups that will use blockchain and due to it provide a service 20-30% cheaper to customers than the old dinosaurs do.
That's exactly what Lition energie is doing and it's growing fast.

>game theory
Yeah that reasoning sounds far from a sure thing. I might visit a thread but im really not holding my breath.

>> No.23017043

Link Lit holder, and I also have a big bag of sta. I would recommend diving in fren.

>> No.23017104

Spend sometime on merv and you will see it’s not just empty shilling. Plus the memes are dank.

>> No.23017451

the most important and bullish thing about lition and that brainlets ignore or don't even know about is that lition blockchain didn't built their mainnet and are waiting for costumers to use it like how all the other shitcoins do which will eventually fail as a strategy because of 1-crypto is still in the speculative phase, 2-there is still no demand from real world costumers, 3-blockchain technology is still to early for mass adoption, 4-devs will run out of money before they even get their first paying client (most of 2017 ico devs declared bankruptcy cuz they don't have any more money or intensive to keep developing a useless blockchain)

shition in the other hand has developed and launched their mainnet to use it for their own energy sidechain and the other many upcoming sidechains they will announce in the coming weeks, so it profitable to them from the start and also anyone can use their blockchain solution but with a fee if it is a "for profit" usecase

our future is too bright and bullish my shition frens, we all gonna make it

>> No.23017581

I still hate you but yeah you're spot on.

>> No.23017734

Mike please stay in the litgen and don’t come out. You’re scaring anons away.

>> No.23018369

WOW! an impressive amount of desperate bag holders pushing this scam.

>> No.23019057

That hurts my feelings.

>> No.23019518

>FUD pajeet

Any project worth their weight has one of these. It's as clear a bull signal if any.

>> No.23019577

Not to mention an often overlooked aspect: they'd be the first energy company to really put their money where their mouth is by using a digital protocol to implement and process transactions, this pulling away from the fiat game. If everything goes according to plan, it's yet another first they'll achieve.

>> No.23020544
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>> No.23020758

I like this a lot. Keeping this thread alive so that LITION gets to $0.20 soon.

>> No.23021606

Good morning sirs

>> No.23021806

Morgen! Heil Litler.

>> No.23021977

Adam Salam.

>> No.23022007

>doesn’t care that most top 50 coins are useless shitcoins
>can’t make effective response to being bitchslapped about why this will 10x

>> No.23022058

Not $20 for top 100. Not even fuckin close kek

>> No.23022301

dead coin and over shilled