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File: 185 KB, 756x1280, AnRKey X 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23006631 No.23006631 [Reply] [Original]

Meet AnRKey X !!! - a merged DeFi , NFTs, yield farming, and gamification.

> The first m$ports industry (money sports)

> Founded by JD Salbego, a global blockchain and crypto leader, also a contributor in Cointelegraph

> (DeFi + eSports Gamification + Web 3.0) combined

> They have a game studio starting with 1 game (Battle Wave 2323). They are using boosts, gaucha packs, NFTs.

> They have farms which are armies you can choose and on discord you can talk shit to each other, infiltrate groups and try to cause shit. The NFTs boosts etc. are used to give you higher yield for the farms.

So go to their telegram: @anrkeyxofficial and wait for the public sale announcement cause seed and private sale 1 are sold out in 5 mins !!!

>> No.23006711
File: 49 KB, 714x810, photo_2020-10-03_00-10-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe this guy is the owner of $ANRX if yes well this is huge and very promising project. Check his website. jdsalbego(dot)com

>> No.23006743

AnRKey is the future because it's the doorway to monetizing children who play Fortnite.

>> No.23006762
File: 266 KB, 1024x748, hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The First to merge #defi, #eSports gamification, and WEB 3.0 based #NFTs creating a brand new industry Called Msports!

wow! they're more good than Axie and Cryptokitties

>> No.23007410

In just 5 minutes? How did that happen?

>> No.23007431
File: 147 KB, 1201x885, AnRKey X 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's how demand works! For me $ANRX is the most promising altcoin so far! Also JD is the founder, he has many friends and connections that are so much insterested in this money sports.

AnRKey X invented a brand new industry fueled by #DeFi, #eSports, and Web 3.0 NFTs with groundbreaking potential called m$ports.

>> No.23007458

How much is the $ANRX coin price in public sale? I'd buy that for 2 dollars!

>> No.23007486
File: 207 KB, 1280x720, Whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you're a whale. Lol. Btw, the public sale price for $ANRX is only for $0.025. You can buy a lot once it was implemented. :)

You can also purchase, Play, Stake NFTs and Compete in the future of Defi Based Gaming - m$ports™

>> No.23007504

Is this project have a live product?

>> No.23007537
File: 93 KB, 749x561, AnRKey X 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and the first AnRKeY X game product is Battle Wave 2323, the first release in the series of highly competitive gamified #DeFi and Web 3.0 NFT based money sports (m$ports)

>> No.23007569

Is this a new project? I'm interested. What are the the next updates can we see in the future?

>> No.23007599
File: 122 KB, 1020x740, AnRKey X 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are in the best upcoming project dude, hope you stay to get updates with this project always. Join their TG: @anrkeyxofficial

AnRkey X future plans: (Q4 2020)
> Beta Launch v1.37 // TestNet Launch
> Battle Wave 2323™ Release
> Security Audit
> Public Sale
> Dex Listing

>> No.23007625

I love NFTs, what are the advantages of this project for that manners? Enlighten me.

>> No.23007662
File: 40 KB, 680x531, received_249806773127177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, simply it's not only NFTs but with a combination of #DeFi and Esports!

They meet on advanced, and yet intuitively simple and sweet UX – AnRKey X™ Ethereum-based protocol platform which they coined the term and call it — gDEX (Decentralized Finance Gaming Platform Exchange.

>> No.23007880

when can I play this game?

Looking forward $ANRX!

>> No.23008161

Not yet but will be out soon.

This is competitive real-time community electronic games. I am also excited to tryout

>> No.23008328

The arcade token is here! Looking forward with this web3 + NFT project $ANRX!

>> No.23008555

AnrkeyX brings Real Gaming Without Shitcoins Rewards! $ANRX Brings You #DeFi & WEB3.0 NFT Electronic Gaming - Money Sports all in one

>> No.23008678

there's not 1 single real poster so far itt you shill bots are so blatant and gay fuck off with your shit token and tell your asshole boss that I would do a much better job of shilling this than any of you so he should fire your asses and hire me instead

>> No.23009125

I'm much good with this game rather than cryptoT*tties or any feeling newb games.

>> No.23009543

DeFi + eSports Gamification + Web 3.0 combined? Hella! That's my cup of tea!

>> No.23009922

they're more matured rather than on other projects so yes good job guys! looking forward about this DEFI NFTS yieldfarming!

>> No.23010210

I like their ideas of NFTs as more people are getting aware of NFTs and it's a hot subject now! It will also help us maximize the profit! $ANRX will have a bright future! And we all will be rewarded with great profits!

>> No.23010274

This is going to be glorious, gimme that arcade coin I wanna money sports!

>> No.23010298
File: 384 KB, 625x415, arcade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23010719
File: 3.68 MB, 498x459, chunli.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish there's chun li on the NFT heroes. heheh

>> No.23011118

I am glad that you never fall with food defi fraud. Now, it's time to get back with the real projects, with real usecase :) I hope that you will found out why people are into $ANRX now

>> No.23011311
File: 118 KB, 1021x764, EjRQ6XZU0AEQCcY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna join a pool army of $ANRX, with an APY of 1000%? Absolutely, $ANRX is giving a good bump

>> No.23011422

Why this cool arcade game is trending because of the New NFTs DeFi and something?

$ANRX is pretty interesting :)

>> No.23011449 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 705x812, 5f6249f624000005101ed631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope there's biden and Trump NFT lol

I love $ANRX

>> No.23011875
File: 87 KB, 1024x748, received_4410841015652501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-Fungible Tokens became increasingly more popular in recent months due to the bear market. anrkey X cooking new ideas of Merging 3 most hot buzz today. Taking a sneak peek is worth a lot. $ANRX

>> No.23012225

Is this another rug pull coin ? Some just create some website and you give them your money lol. Be careful !

>> No.23012393

JD salbego is a reputable and trusted man in crypto space. So i think this thing called m$ports gonna be huge. Also dont forget that Coach K is their CMO !

>> No.23012451
File: 10 KB, 229x220, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NFTs and defi are big enough on their own. But now you're merging them along with yieldfarming and gamification ?!

> Okay this looks amazing

>> No.23012496

When is the public sale of this ?

I think this is gonna be big and that i will regret if if I don't hop in this thing. Even the name AnrkeyX already sounds cool.

>> No.23012545
File: 849 KB, 909x542, 1601587543949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the comparison between AnrkeyX to the likes of Crypto kitties, axie infinity and raribles.

$ANRX gonna surpass them all in no time.

>> No.23012573 [DELETED] 

The platform looks good but what will be the use case of the token ? We need a profitable model in order for this to last.

>> No.23012608

The platform looks good but what will be the use case of the token ? We need a profitable model in order for this to last.

>> No.23012661

Very organic thread sirs, bought a bag! To the moon!

>> No.23012710
File: 211 KB, 1072x1041, IMG_20201004_034053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There has been no announcement yet regarding the public sale. You can go to the main telegram to be updated on such news.

>> No.23012751

Yeah they're 2 respected and pretty much known in the crypto space. I think they're gonna pull this off. AnrkeyX all the way !

>> No.23012779

How did you buy ? I thought all the seed and private sale already ended ? What the heck is happening lol

>> No.23012831
File: 218 KB, 703x539, IMG_20201003_035909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to the first game release called Battle Wave 2323.

The designs are slick and sexy so whoever made this I commend you.

>> No.23012879
File: 182 KB, 994x751, IMG_20201002_061218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anrkey X has a 90's arcade games style of design. This sure takes me back to those amazing times!

>> Gonna make sure to be part of this amazing universe.

>> No.23013627

Looks epic.. And the token is needed for EVERYTHING love to see it

>> No.23014075
File: 75 KB, 630x1200, MV5BYzNmNjNiOWUtNGI1MS00NjQ5LWFmYjQtY2QzMmUyNTU0NGUzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDQzMDg4Nzk@._V1_UY1200_CR110,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23014449

Looking forward with this arcade token!