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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23005679 No.23005679 [Reply] [Original]

Does /biz/ need flags?

>> No.23005716

It doesnt even need IDs. If you need to be hold by your hand, there is a place for that, it is called reedit

>> No.23005740 [DELETED] 
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Start asking /biz/ if now's the time to go all in on "BASED BTC"

>> No.23005782

just range ban India

>> No.23005802


>> No.23005809

Go back to /pol/, sir I must feed my village sir thank you sir

>> No.23005865

No. My village need to eat, sir.

>> No.23006247

Unironically this. India has no business talking on /biz/. Hiro is literally running an Indian scam service right now for them. If my cell phone can be range banned because some asshats break the law and post CP on shared IPs, then those asshats can get banned for breaking the law in their IPs.

>> No.23006258
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Sadly yeah, it'd help with all the dumb coins popping up.

>> No.23006283

it wont make the jeets disapear but it will make it harder for them and even then you can still see theyre jeets so yes

also im just curious to see where everyones from

>> No.23006333

Yes, we need flags, but no meme flags.

>> No.23006334

no sir, we do not need the flags. everything just fine.

>> No.23006342

I'm from Naroa, you should visit, very nice, very clean not like Mumbai sirs

>> No.23006447

No sirs I think we fine as it is. We are americans in this white board sirs.

>> No.23006647


>> No.23006689


>> No.23006773

Why need for flags? Everyone know when someone from India because of there writing.

>> No.23007645

range ban india
as a third worlder though, I would like flags so I can dab my huge link stack on first worlders

>> No.23007917

>there writing
My fucking sides

>> No.23007942

range banning the US would be more effective, especially blue states by Vishnu

>> No.23008073

Yes that would be cool.

>> No.23008144

>range banning the US would be more effective, especially blue state

Seethe rural retard. Without us and our money you will wither and die. You think gambling your SSDI on BTC instead of oxy will move the market?

>> No.23008191

you anger blind you much that you issue understanding the word effective, and I just a Indian from small village in Goa

>> No.23008234

According to 4stats, 55% are Americans, with Germans, Canadians, bongs, Aussies having about 40% and the last 5% is nordic, eastern euros etc.

>> No.23008374
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Instead of flags I'd rather jannies do their fucking jobs and ban the people who spam thots on the board tagged with a vaguely open ended question about finance.

Do your fucking jobs AND CLEAN UP THE FUCKING BOARD (for free)

>> No.23008411

Jannies have been compromised and mods have been like forever

>> No.23008429

No, but it needs better scam control. All you will do with Flags is make them use a VPN. It will make it worse to conversate with actual Indians who just want to use the board, just like you.

If someone posts something like "coin is 100x" and it doesn't have a medium article, no actual discussion, no understanding of the coin then it should be marked as a scam/spam/advertising.

>> No.23008470

Advertising and begging is not allowed Robert. A medium article is not an approval for a non scam, but your jannies already stopped cleaning up. So keep competing among yourself and do the needful

>> No.23008472

What if I told you the pnd pajeet scammers are the jannies

>> No.23008500

that is blatantly wrong, but they are on board

>> No.23008530

Nah, but I will bet my life savings that they are getting money from the actual pnd groups to let things slide.

GEEQ shills either didn't pay up or went overboard with their spam and got cleaned up within minutes SO WE KNOW THEY ARE CAPABLE OF DOING IT. YET THE VAPORWAVE BEAM SHIT STAYS UP FOR DAYS

>> No.23008617

Lately I have been thinking that the 50 cent army is too present on 4chan.
They already have control of every other western social media and they probably control some of the janitors here already.

It would be a good idea to add flags for China only but not only on /biz/ but everywhere on 4chan.
It doesn't have to be full time, but I wish to see the extent of their presence here for a few days.

>> No.23008676

One in the same, if they're complicit they're culpable.

>> No.23008680

>Chinese operatives on western social media work from China and are chinese
>we need flags

>> No.23008699

you are either trying to false flag, spread uncertainty or obfuscate. I go with all 3

>> No.23008847

They don't need a VPN if they are working for the government.
But as an extra step we an add flags for the country of Taiwan they use for their VPN.

>> No.23008905

I know it is not the 50 cent army, I know the space well enough and you should really not interact with me as I am Viren proud son of Naroa

>> No.23009009

>Advertising and begging is not allowed
Yet that is half the board on any given basis.

A medium article should be the minimum. If a project doesn't have a whitepaper in some form then it's clearly a scam. All projects have the ability to be a scam.

>> No.23009071

Does /biz/ have enough traction to warrant large scale scam ops? Just ignore the obvious scamcoins

>> No.23009091

It is pointless to apply this kind of superficial standard to declare something not a scam, as said, a medium article or a ghost written white paper is not a guarantee for a non scam, it is even wore, it takes away self responsibility and keeps the more simple users in a false state of security, but that is the plan I guess

>> No.23009093

>be hold by your hand
Pajeet detected, case in point

>> No.23009112

Based. The only people who want flags are /pol/tards or jackanapes that want to LARP as Jeets. Also fuck you jannies for banning me. Fucking futa loving cucks

>> No.23009131

Even if they are not getting paid directly they are either doing it for good slave credits or for free.
It seems they have something in common with janitors...

>> No.23009153

What are you afraid of?
Trying it out for 1 day could lead to interesting results.
It wouldn't be worse than what we see on the 1st of April...

>> No.23009155

no, the goal was to have nu linkers that came to riches spend them to fuel conartists income. and increase whales holdings. Aggressive anti link threads followed by a tsunami of get rich quick schemes. I don't blame them for trying, and see it more as a natural way to clean the space, but the probably compromised (or extremely lazy) jannies are something that worries even me a bit.
Stop replying to me I'm not convinced by flattery or other deception tactics

>> No.23009234

>superficial standard
It's not superficial. If you want your project to not reek you should have
>medium article (lite paper)
>white paper
If you don't start vetting for these things then you will allow literally any project that has an ERC20 token address to be shilled here.

Even if a project has all of these things, it can still be a scam, but it limits posters shilling garbage on /biz/.

When scammers try to make articles about their projects it becomes easier to tell if the project is a scam or not. CORE, for example, was immediately recognized as not a scam because it had the medium article as well as a unique website.

Jannies can easily scan the catalog and clean shit like this by enforcing the standard.

If a project wants to be discussed on /biz/ it should follow a format.

>> No.23009307

Don't worry. I know well it's impossible to convince an insane person.
However it's fun to cause an increase in mental gymnastics and see the result.
It's similar to living rent free in your head.

>> No.23009313

>What are you afraid of
Not afraid, I just see flags as unnecessary lol
>Trying it out for 1 day could lead to interesting results.
Lead to what kind of results? Can you give an example of what kind of results you will get by doing it?
>Inb4 idk lol

>> No.23009323

Ban Russia.

>> No.23009335

>If a project wants 4chan legitimation
there is always reddit when you need that kind of moderation. The issue is that those who run the current operations are just acting rationally. Some apply the spam tactic, other go for the look as legit as possible and other apply combinations and others, doesnt change the nature of their goals, scam people out of their resources to enrich themselves. This is a self regulatory platform, if users are stupid enough to fall for shit, they deserve it and those that survive should in theory make the platform more resilient - what is currently to be observed is former coherent groups that split up and apply their own strategies and tactics onto a smaller and smaller pool of potential victims. Not saying you are one or the other but you sound much like one of the former

>> No.23009348

Why not just lock the board completely like leftypol?
Imagine /biz/ invading other boards.
At least it would be fun to see pajeets advertise their latest origami shitcoin on /po/

>> No.23009357

We need flags, it would make Biz much more fun.

>> No.23009367

lot of words to write
>lol take your meds skitzo

>> No.23009369

And "Is marrige good investment?" incel VS christian bait posts.

>> No.23009405

New unexpected memes.
Imagine the smart link marine is a pajeet or something similar and show the complete opposite of what you would expect.
And then we find out most posters in a certain time frame are German or from a minor almost unknow country.

>> No.23009478

No. This problem isn't /biz/, it's you idiots beingclearly too stupid to judge information for yourselves. the only arguement you have is "muh shitcoin shilling, can't tell what scam and what not." NO ONE IS GOING TO SPOON FEED YOU. What you idiots don't realise is that, paradoxically, the shilling of shitcoins here is a BENEFIT of this place cause it keeps normies AND RETARDS LIKE YOU out & in the dark - if you can't figure what's right & wrong out on your own, you don't deserve to make it. Now GTFO of my board & back to wherever it is you spend your weekdays

>> No.23009589

>New unexpected memes.
>Imagine the smart link marine is a pajeet or something similar and show the complete opposite of what you would expect.
Theres already Paletine, only Jeet I know that's browses here and knows his shit .
>And then we find out most posters in a certain time frame are German or from a minor almost unknow country.
I like this one.
Overall I just think if it ain't broke don't fix it but i cant deny that a part of me is curious to see it tested out...

>> No.23009714

and asia

>> No.23009759


>> No.23010059

No, I don't buy them. I'm sick of seeing them.

If they were full of meme and the occasional accidental pajeet flag, newfags wouldn't keep bumping and new threads wouldn't keep spawning.

>> No.23010292

I'm like the only guy from this country posting here, I don't want a forced trip

>> No.23010342

nobody's buying them though lol

>> No.23010371

pajeets are saying no, all other are saying yes.
Will /biz/ be a pajeet board? Find out in the next episode of

4chanBall Z

>> No.23010395

Biz needs it. We can then clearly identify shills and make new memes from seeing commonalities.

>> No.23010429

Literally hundreds of scam threads per day being spammed nonstop to the point where the only good threads are generals.

I don't buy that shit, I'm just tired of seeing an ocean of shit every time I look at the catalog. The thread quality here would rise exponentially if we had flags.

>> No.23010453


>> No.23010519

if you don't think half of these scams are coming from the americas, you're delusional

>> No.23010607

This thread was moved to >>>/qa/3521455