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23004487 No.23004487 [Reply] [Original]

I see all these people buying and getting rich (allegedly) from CORE, ROT and other projects I consider worthless garbage whereas all I've been doing is buy more Chainlink.
Why did CORE go to $8k but Link is still $9?

>> No.23004497

CORE is easier to manipulate, and it is literally a ponzi

>> No.23004508


>> No.23004511

CORE has a market cap of 80 mio while Chainlink has a market cap of more than 3 billion.

>> No.23004526

But it still made so much more profit than Link.
Would my time be better spent pursuing ponzis like these instead of legitimate projects?

Does this mean CORE still has a lot of room to grow?

>> No.23004538

If you play with pocket money, sure. Good luck making real money in a paperthin fantasy football market

>> No.23004561

>implying you can time the top perfectly
>implying there is enough liquidity for you to sell the top

>> No.23004565

If you’re not buying in on this right now you’re slow

This is the last time I’m gonna post about this coin

>> No.23004568

Ive also only been buying link over the summer kek am i retarded?

>> No.23004572

All I have to do is be early right?
Well, that is hard but once I manage to do that I am pretty much set right?

But I don't need to time the top perfectly. I could have just gotten out right now if I got in early and made like x100.

CORE price is way too high to consider buying at this point.

>> No.23004574

>market cap
By all means you should stay the fuck away from these shitcoin pump and dumps, but enough with the shitty market cap meme.

>> No.23004575


>> No.23004584

Okay, good luck happy gains. Don't forget to use leverage.

>> No.23004585

No. Not core. ROT.

This is the last dump before ATH

>> No.23004592

CORE seems a bit dodgy. Got my Linkies bag but ROT is making me good returns. Hopefully Link recovers soon but until that time ROT is easily covering for it. Read up on it's not a scam no rug pull possible, no Dev fund completely community driven project and you get to vote on new proposals. Or just stay poor IDGAF.

>> No.23004597

OP, fuck off, the interview style threads are the worst and most obvious, and easiest to back track

>> No.23004598

If you buy ROT right now you will at least 2x in 24h

>> No.23004601

Bro I'm just trying to learn here. I don't want to lose everything but at the same time I am greedy.
Please help.

ROT is way too expensive too.

>> No.23004610

Greed will rekt you. Follow my advice or learn the hard way.

>> No.23004611

CORE is a scam. Liquidity locked = scam.

ROT is good shit check it out while it’s down dyor

>> No.23004618

Rotting comfortably.

>> No.23004629

Also learn what liquidity is, and then you will understand why it's a very, very bad idea to trade shitcoins.

>> No.23004630

chainlink is a scam, literally 100+ fake partnerships. where's swift? where's google? radio silence.

>> No.23004638


Because chainlink is an old, stagnant scam, while yfi and core are the next level of scams.

Just this.

>> No.23004641

Also, fucking aussies. You better keep your head for the next 8 to 9 months down, you live in a police state

>> No.23004650

What's a good strategy then? So far, I'm just accumulating Link.
I think it's the next ETH and will go to $100 at least. Is this good?

So for CORE, is there not enough liquidity to cash out with all those profits?

I'm just trying to learn anon. I am new.

>> No.23004666

no, you are endangering yourself on a level you don't seem to quite understand. I got nothing against you personally, just a friendly warning

>> No.23004680

>no, you are endangering yourself on a level you don't seem to quite understand.
Nice trips anon.
What do you mean endangering myself?
This is just a thread on 4chan right?
No danger here.

>> No.23004701

Honest piece of advice incoming.
Stfu, dyor, lurk moar and most of your questions shall be answered magically.
Take it or leave it.

>> No.23004702

Same im all in link and I wish I set money aside to gamble on shitcoins. Link is great and all but there's plenty of shitcoins that have outperformed it and many more will come. Might sell some linkies on the next pump desu

>> No.23004736
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I've been lurking for years now.
I just don't get it.
I never seem to be able to get in these magic money makers early.
To be honest, I don't really understand what makes Link so valuable either.
This whole cryptospace is so incomprehensible to me.
I don't have enough understanding to judge if a given project is worth investing in or not.

>> No.23004770

Why are you buying Link bros?

>> No.23004771

>I've been lurking for years now
Obviously not.
>I just don't get it
>I never seem to be able to get in
>I don't really understand
>cryptospace is so incomprehensible
>I don't have enough understanding
So to sum it up you're just begging us to spoonfeed you.
You are ngmi. Sage goes in all fields.

>> No.23004778

how did that arkie bet go? made some cash?

>> No.23004810

Its the best long term bet, if link fails = crypto fails but im here to make money. LINK was all the rage in 2019 because it did a 20x in a bear market but this year things have changed. There's been many 20x shitcoins and ofc rugpulls as well - that is crypto. There is more opportunity to make money now. 3 years and we have nothing but price feeds.

>> No.23004831
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>3 years and nothing but price feeds

>> No.23004845

Arkie? What's that?

>Its the best long term bet
That's what I believe too anon. I've been accumulating as well. I hope we both make it.
It's just, there are so many of these other shitcoins that keep making x10 and more right in front of my face. I feel like I am missing out a lot.

>> No.23004878

It becomes even more depressing when you realize Sergey has been working on it long before the ICO.

>> No.23004883

something you were quite passionate about in late 2017

>> No.23004894

How many years until we make it Linkbros?

Uhh I wasn2t here in 2017. Only got in 2018ish.

>> No.23004906

and my name is mister rabbit and i dont know nuffin

>> No.23004915

Bc they haven’t heard of pnk yet unironically.

>> No.23004924

wow a 1 digit iq anon who is going to be rich from link, what a world.

>> No.23005024

Hello Mr. Rabbit. Are you related to Bugs Bunny?

Pnk does not seem as good as Link to me anon.

Well I like to think I have 10 digits in my IQ slot sometimes

>> No.23005190

This thread seems retarded but I'll give one serious reply. Link is one of the only serious projects in crypto that is aiming to actually achieve real world adoption. It feels expensive now because it was pennies originally, but buying it now is still cheap if it achieves its goals, with the added benefit that its even more of a sure bet with the massive team they're hiring and what they've accomplished so far. You're reserving tickets on a shuttle to the moon but you don't know how long until it leaves orbit or if it will get there. That's the opportunity cost of holding link instead of gambling.

Everything else in this space is like a giant retarded game of musical chairs. Except whales, exchanges and insiders have a massive advantage over you, so it's completely rigged on top of that, and if you start playing with any serious amount of money but haven't hit whale status yet, you will get fucked in the ass hard.

Bet on link, wait an indeterminate time, and feel safe knowing that if crypto ultimately breaks through, you have won. Or think you're going to win at the casino cause of all the flashing lights. Your choice.

>> No.23005266

Unbelievably based

>> No.23005296

Thank you very much anon. This is the kind of advice I was looking for. I agree with most everything you have said but I have 3 major concerns.
One is how am I to cope with the opportunity cost of holding Link and resist the urge to swing my stack. Do you have any advice for this?
The other is Sergey's statement about how Chainlink should be about the price of a cup of coffee. I fear that the price of Link might get suppressed by the sell off of the owners should it break it out.
The last one is I'm not sure what the use of the Link token is. I know it will be used to pay Link node operators but what can I do with it when it's in my possession?
I would appreciate if anyone could help me with these concerns

>> No.23005330

If u feel the urge to swing ur stack youre poor either way so it doesn't matter. Might as well sell everything right now

>> No.23005341

Anon stop spoonfeeding retards for fucks sake.
>The other is Sergey's statement about how Chainlink should be about the price of a cup of coffee
You see? It is hopeless these morons deserve to lose everything.

>> No.23005345

If you like buying literal 100x ICO bags, go for it. Just know a 2x for you is LITERALLY a 100x for ICO buyers.

Ecochain can save u.

>> No.23005381

Ecochain? What's that?

>> No.23005403

This. Remember eth. You could've gotten it for $3 in 2015 so $30 in 2016 would've been seen as expensive. I'd expect link might be the eth of this bullrun

>> No.23005406

dont listen to biz anon, if you do, however, do the opposite.

>> No.23005452

Well if you know so much, why don't you say something helpful instead of being a poseur?

>> No.23005486

I already did. >>23004771
Now quit whining.

>> No.23005487

My last reply in this thread, when people say DYOR its not a meme. Everything has been discussed a billion times already here, and you need to lurk to find that information. Or maybe I'm just lying and trying to get you to buy my bags. You have to figure that out yourself.

>> No.23005539

Alright anon.
Thanks for the advice

>> No.23005584

Core is a scam. Period

>> No.23005620
File: 623 KB, 971x573, 169944789881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if link fails = crypto fails
there is literally only a single shitcoin which this holds true for and it is not link. LINK is great for a constant feed of data which you know you will need in advance, so you can set up an oracle network for them. But smartcontracts need trust and subjective oracles. Nodes simply will not cut it for anything except a numbers feed. Vitalik said PNK is the only really necessary altcoin and if it fails/clement dies he will simply copy+paste it into the main ETH chain. It is unironically that crucial.

>> No.23005662

Go back

>> No.23005702

So your going with this then? There is no point in holding link for three years when everything else is doing a 10x. Sergey keeps his fat fucking mouth shut so we can bag hold wile he does fuck all al day.

>> No.23005723

Go invest 10 grand then, bang out 3 10x’s in a row, sounds easy enough.

>> No.23005749

1 10x is for sure. What do you think the die hard link fags are doing? Chainlink faggot is putting his tokens on aave to play shitcoin casino while telling people to never sell.

>> No.23005777

If I hold Link for 3 years, can I make x10 too?

>> No.23005804


>> No.23005808

Yeah and so everyone is getting rich right? You people are so fucking greedy and stupid it hurts. Crypto is a closed loop right now, there is almost no new money entering, for every big winner there needs to be 10 losers. And when/if new money does enter the space, it sure as shit isn’t going to flow to shitcoins like rot and core desperate for an “easy 10x”.

>> No.23005817

Trips have spoken, if you hold link 3 years 777x

>> No.23005919

>Chainlink faggot is putting his tokens on aave to play shitcoin casino while telling people to never sell.
I am inclined to believe this desu

>> No.23005954

Bro how am I greedy? Every dime I have in link can’t be spent because they are dragging their asses. So now I have to continue to eat ramen for another three years.

>> No.23005972


>> No.23006003

How many Links are needed to break free of Ramen tokens anon?
My bags are heavy

>> No.23006025

You’re being greedy because you’re potentially looking at an easy 10x or more on hundreds of thousands of dollars, and looking at the roulette table and saying why can’t I just win it all right now. That’s the crazy thing about all of this, average person would consider you insane to hold that much in crypto, and you want to throw it around on even riskier plays to make it right now. But nobody’s stopping you so make it happen?

>> No.23006107

I’m greedy for wanting to make money consistently so I can have a decent life style. Instead I should be happy with my liquidty locked up to the point to were I can’t even buy decent shit. All because Sergey wants to take forever on threshold signature or what ever jerk off excuse he has.

>> No.23006143

I don’t know. I have almost 350k i can’t spend. Which took three years to get.

>> No.23006154

You’re not locked into anything, you can sell whenever you want.

>> No.23006330

Jesus that is impressive.
You use a hardware wallet right?
I couldn't sleep at night if I had that much on freaking metamask

>> No.23006356

That’s nothing. That won’t for shit and it took 3years going on 4. Do the math

>> No.23006392

I don't know about you but 350k is a lot for me anon. Imagine how much you'll have when Link moons

>> No.23006615

Weak fud. Maybe shitcoins aren't seeing a ton of "new" money, but there are over 100 articles from the last month on coingecko raving about all the institutional money flowing into BTC.

>> No.23006710

You just made my point for me, when new money enters, its going to the serious projects (btc/eth/link), not the stupid pnd coins. It’s not enough new money yet to see 10x’s though, so retards get jealous and impatient. You have a faggot complaining he turned what was likely a few thousand dollar investment into a third of a million in 3 years, people completely losing perspective.
I’m not saying you can’t gamble on pnd’s either, just go in with the understanding it’s much more gambling than being early on a useful crypto.

>> No.23006864

So BTC/ETH/Link are the serious projects right anon?
Is there any other project you would recommend as serious?
I heard good things about Tezos, Ampleforth, Elrond, Kleros and XRP
What do you think?

>> No.23006894

ETH is almost done with ETH 2.0 years away. I think LINK will flip ETH in the next bullrun. There are no other serious projects in crypto right now. Sad but true

>> No.23007024

Link is an ERC20 token
Aren't those dependent on ETH?

>> No.23007068

>Pnk does not seem as good as Link
it's not
it's vastly superior

>> No.23007114

>I think LINK will flip ETH in the next bullrun
Impossible and absolutely deluded.
t. 10k linkholder

>> No.23007718

It can happen for a short period of time.
Just take a look at Tesla's valuation if you want to see an example of insanity.

>> No.23007755

At what price are you planning to sell anon?
Are you going to sell your whole stack at once?

>> No.23007792

When is the volume ever this low, guys?

>> No.23007838

Link is dead you dumb fuck, it has never been this low

>> No.23007893

350k for four years of work is not alot of money. its almost 100k and change a year. The price still fluctuates so i could lose more money.

>> No.23007919

it was 50k and i had to move back home and live like shit to do it. I wont be able to see returns untill the next run which could be another 5 years you fucking mut.

>> No.23007936

How the fuck did you know?

>> No.23007947

keep holding "link" while i 10x again and again with these farm coins.

>> No.23007955

Hopefully you choke on your own spit and die before then nigger.

>> No.23007990

checked and faggot pilled. Keep holding like a fucking retard. See how far that gets you

>> No.23008027

Well if you say so
I wish I made 350k in 4 years after rent, food and other expenses

>> No.23008029

So sell pussy, show everyone how it’s done. Oh what’s that you’re just a whiny faggot still sucking on mommys tits cause you’re scared?

>> No.23008093

Why is it dead?

>> No.23008340

>her dur sell then

why would i do that when i can just chase shitcoin pumps? that was my whole point from the start.

i didnt make anything because i cant spend it. its not about how much you make but how much you keep

>> No.23008394

>buy project that was shilled for 3 years and already mooned and topped for which all news are known and priced in
>or buy projects that are less than 1 month old and haven't even started to run up

Hmm tough choice OP you should have definitely bought more link at $20

>> No.23008443
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I have made my decision.
I will buy more Link.

>> No.23008512

The chainlink symbol literally is the jewish flag with the triangles chopped off. I get the feeling investing in Chainlink may prove to be profitable.

>> No.23008626

>All I have to do is be early right?
Yeah just put all your money in one of the prospective ponzi among dozens that isn't going to collapse day one.
It's not hard, just like hitting the jackpot in the casino is not hard, it's just a question of luck, you're gambling away your money