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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2300431 No.2300431 [Reply] [Original]

we did it /biz/

>> No.2300470

>Right before the dip
>it crashes 45% and he thinks like a normie >fuck 45% down I'm out fuck this I knew it was a scam
>it goes back up
The volatility of crypto is what keeps it normie proof. They aren't used to seeing 50-60% dips and not even caring.

>> No.2300490


>> No.2300497
File: 16 KB, 805x422, 23SHKRELI-facebookJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin ? Who cares about bitcoin ? What are you.. 17 ?

>> No.2300561

Shkreli was claiming bitcoin was a joke a while ago, proving he isn't really a bright guy.

Bright guys see the importance of bitcoin the moment they take a look at the whitepaper, which is why early adopters will become trillionaires.

>> No.2300581

this actually speaks to me, only 1% of the world knows the true potential of this, let alone know what it even is

>> No.2300591

>Reply to Thread No.2300431
honestly, yes, you are right, its just the unknown that is halting its growth which is perfect for us

i will invite yall to my island and let you take turns fucking me in the ass if i ever own an island, scouts honor

>> No.2300641

> proving he isn't really a bright guy
Well no shit. He listens to nigger music. Wasn't that proof enough for you?

>> No.2300675


Bro's I was at a graduation party this weekend and asked everyone in my family if they knew about cryptocurrency and only one did and he works for the DOD. Makes you think huh?

>> No.2300696

Gtfo with this wigger fraud
made the worst trades possible and thinks he is like the buffett of millennials

>> No.2300734

Buy SEC Shkreli

>> No.2300735

>shkreli projects bitcoin transactions will keep rising 40% ever year for a while
>mfw he doesn't understand how bitcoin works

>> No.2300858
File: 12 KB, 165x173, 1496346419850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even shkreli gets cucked into the coinbase scam

is gemini really that big of a secret?

>> No.2300902

hahaah sstupid mother fucker
i was shilling ethereum to him in 2016
i tried to get him to buy it in 2016 and he fucking banned me from his circle jerk chats because of it
if you go back to his january and february 2016 streams you can see me in the comments with an ethereum avatar and ethereum theme'd name shilling ethereum at him constantly

dumb fuck

>> No.2300926

i dunno shkreli isn't just a dumb normie. he's fairly intelligent.

>> No.2300933

>circle jerk chats

I know right? normies love him

>> No.2300942

Isn't this guy going to jail at some point?

>> No.2301511

All nocoiners will be forced to become coiners.


For reference.

>> No.2301983

Fuck yeah Shkreli is the shit.

>> No.2302022

redpill me on Gemini

>> No.2302067

gemini takes so fucking long. i signed up 2 weeks ago and still no verification.

almost gonna go coinbase.
also im not really white, so that could be a problem.

>> No.2302139

Shame he must not know what's coming in august with the hard fork.
Oh well.
Should have stayed with his drug companies.

>> No.2302150

you think YOU are the 1%?

get real anon, look in the fucking mirror

you are not the 1%

>> No.2302234

What are you? I know they don't accept arabs

>> No.2302279

tex mex.
native american and white with spanish and english amd german influence.
family seen nations come and go.

>> No.2302309

autistic faggot is going to jail. maybe he's hoping his stash will be worth millions when he gets out

>> No.2302353

I mean he is right, crypto is all speculation and isn't actual "investing"

>> No.2302371

no coiners on suicide watch

>> No.2302382

Nothing is going to happen you summerfag.

>> No.2302407
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2 weeks for me too back in late April, but good things come to those who wait ;) as they say ;) ;)

>> No.2302456

this dumbass has no clue about crypto. said bitcoin has fast transaction times and low tx fees. LOL

>> No.2302505

Shkreli needs to get on that strat

>> No.2302525

He also listens to Lil Wayne and does whip-its

>> No.2302542

technically anyone living in the first world is the 1%

>> No.2302619

I use mexican bitso, I was trading in less than 15 minutes
Are other exchanges really bad?

>> No.2302825

> but good things come to those who wait ;) as they say ;) ;)
as much as im socially illiterate in real life , i cant even tell what you are doing or trying to convey here.
yo soy mas confused wey

>> No.2302948

he's saying sign up and wait then buy coins and something good will happen

>> No.2303659

Do I really have to give my SIN number?

>> No.2303695

two weeks? they got me verified in 48 hours. Open a ticket you retards >>2302407

>> No.2303865

and if everybody is opening a ticket ots going to take longer

>> No.2303888

have you even tried opening a ticket?

>> No.2304044

holy fuck hes predicting 10k per bitcoin

>> No.2304100

get this literal autist off biz pls

stupid fucking nigger just adds girls on fb and tries to get laid, and it never works

>> No.2304398

took him long enough. Most investors have been saying that since 2014

>> No.2304440

i just want to get into trading and make 100 dollars a day then move goal posts to maybe 500 if i get good. hold long term when i can afford it.

>> No.2304494

localbitcoin is pretty fast. Coinbase/GDAX too

>> No.2304648

already signed up for gemini as of 2 weeks ago on a sunday. still haven't received verification. but still studying this new area. i just want to get good. havent felt this way since beginning skateboarding or making music. fuck all that, i wanna make money so i can get call girls and get ass.

>> No.2304688
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be patient. Kraken took me 5 weeks.
read warren buffet quotes

>> No.2304786

oh i like jimmy buffet. his breakfast foods are good.

>> No.2305507

>Are other exchanges really bad?
Only the ones serving American banks due to KYC/AML cuckery