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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 87 KB, 528x500, 1RSR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22996652 No.22996652 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22996672
File: 906 KB, 2544x4000, ohnonono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no Peter Thiel bros we got too cocky!

>> No.22996683


>> No.22997386

I'm so glad I sold

>> No.22997412

I hold this one to zero, don't give a fuck.

>> No.22997416

I sold and they laughed at me because i sold the "bottom". Guess who is at the bottom now,not me.

>> No.22997434

Good thing I had a tiny stack.

>> No.22997438

Get back in the discord Acid, you piece of shit.

>> No.22997443

I'm interested to see how this turns out. Gavin McInnes holds 500,000 RSR.

>> No.22998031
File: 401 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20201002-203444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this, what price should I expect tommorow morning?

>> No.22998196

lmao swung my stack at .03, guess it is time to buy back in.


>> No.22998260
File: 114 KB, 736x942, 1591278120821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never bought RSR but I can't laugh at people who lost money or bought the top. I hope you'll come back stronger

>> No.22998261

It was on his show, Milo & I

>> No.22998296


>> No.22998336
File: 79 KB, 760x635, 1584812692742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Those fuckers somehow convinced me not to sell on August 30th....I was lost and depressed looking for hopium and the rsr shills convinced me coinbase listing was about to happen. They lied and lied and lied and actually made me think they were decent people and not just pajeets or chinks looking for liquidity.

I finally sold my bags for a much lower profit mid September after it had dropped 50% from my initial sell target and they called me retard.

Well the price is now -42% from when I sold who's laughing now you fucking faggot rsr tranny shills? Hahahahaha enjoy holding as it drops and drops and drops I hope you hold this to fucking zero for being lying scheming bastards

>> No.22998656

i sold at .0029 at was planning on buying back in but now that Venezuelan banks are accepting USD lodgements and transfers there's really no use for rsv apart from niche uses, it really needed dominance in a market with no alternative to get the velocity needed to arbitrage the 38 billion supply at mainnet. I really think the pumpamentals are gone since the 50% inflation in circ supply.

>> No.22998670


>> No.22998692
File: 12 KB, 200x200, Hamha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Never listen to other people if you have a definite price target in your mind. It sucks, but I hope you've learned the lesson. You still sold at a profit so it turned out to be ok in the end. I hope your future gets brighter

>> No.22998700
File: 69 KB, 249x217, 2epep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a deep breath. close your eyes, and imagine. really imagine being a person who not only purchased RSR, but then consciously decided to hold it, indefinitely, thinking it was a good long term investment. I want you to really imagine this.

>> No.22998724

I'm doing this. It's fun.

>> No.22998781

When I said I'm doing this, I mean I'm holding RSR. I'll never sell. I'm seriously investing in this. I have a big bag of RSR. And I intend to buy more during this crash. If you're smart do the same.

>> No.22998811

How big is your bag?

>> No.22998831

they are the worst, anon. They will tell you to 'stay poor' 'haha he sold the bottom' 'buy the dip' 'i'm doubling up'

The TG is full of fags that are on the Reserve payroll as well as 3 twitter 'rsr influencers'.

The TG bans 2-3 people a day for asking legit questions

So glad i saw through it

>> No.22998860

I have 2.1mm of these things whe moon??

>> No.22998869

500,000? Do you know how much that is? That's only $4,350. Is that a lot to you? You make it seem like he has hundreds of thousands of $ in RSR

>> No.22998877


>> No.22998879

Yes, I know it's peanuts. I still want to see what happens!

>> No.22998895

i sold at 0.009 i dont even care if it goes to a dollar kek

>> No.22998919


>> No.22998921

>Total Supply 100,000,000,000 RSR

>> No.22998968

3 million

>> No.22998972
File: 48 KB, 746x739, 1569409793074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't have a set target, I bought in a year ago when it was first shilled on /biz/ and let it ride. But the RSR shill threads got to me and I ignored what the charts were showing because "coinbase listing" sounded so good. I kept holding after it broke its trend and started going down thinking I was a retard and others knew more than I did about crypto. Once I was down 50 fucking % I admitted I had been an idiot waited for a bounce, saw it never came so I swallowed my pride and sold my bags. I swear there's a special place in hell reserves for shills and scammers and those that use the gift of speech to manipulate people.

>> No.22998988

Actually going to kill myself tonight thanks to this coin. Lost everything. Thanks for ruining another human beings life /biz/ shills who hyped this coin up so much. Not even joking either. Going to send my entire wallet to a burn address in about 30 minutes and begin the process.

>> No.22999046

I’m sitting on 200k of these should I swap em for chainlink? Why the fuck did I buy into this fml

>> No.22999242

Don't do it anon. Throw it into $CORE and delay your suicide for a month.

You will thank me.

>> No.23000407
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>> No.23000430



>> No.23000473

i kept saying ppl shouldnt sell and they should be buying more at the same time i was unloading my bags into DAI. sorry if some of u were actually retarded and not just pretending.

>> No.23001261

Invest it in $RFUEL and thank me later. It's a solid defi project that can get 10x from here. It has an interoperable DeFi ecosystem called Rio Chain, thanks to polkadot technology. With Rio chain you can get crafty, do whatever. It's flexible, you can execute smart contracts with it, pay bills, good thing is you can lend bitcoin whenever you're in need of it.

>> No.23001334

I used to hold RSR.

>> No.23001421

Is it really just a cryptocurrency? Felt like I was in 2017 reading their website.