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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22994822 No.22994822[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22994858

You're a heartless subhuman if you don't pick C

>> No.22994885


>> No.22994898

If you pick anyone other than Child B you’re a disgusting communist and need to be shot

>> No.22994900

Based and cunnypilled

>> No.22994904

kek almost didnt notice

>> No.22994913

>Who would you give the >DDDDDDDD to
Fuck off pedo kike.

>> No.22994921

figures a communist would be a gay pedo

>> No.22994924

break the flute and throw it in the trash, fuck these little shits

>> No.22994944

A ofc

>> No.22994945


B obviously

>> No.22994955

Nice try, glowie

>> No.22994962

This feels like a trap to get Capitalists to choose the Commie choice.

Where yet again the Commies forget they don't provide the capital.

>> No.22994985


second that, where's the official poll guys????

>> No.22995048

Shit I just noticed

>> No.22995060

I don’t think you should be around small children OP

>> No.22995262
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B owns the flute and rents it to A, or gives it to A to play exclusively for B's enjoyment. C can go fuck himself, nigga cant even play a flute what the fuck is he going to do with it, shove it up his ass?

>> No.22995296

you mong, B argues for seizing the means of production and determining its own fair rate
go read a fucking book, dumb mutt

>> No.22995604
File: 462 KB, 449x537, 1514977664272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give it to B and shove it up her ass to fart heart warming melodies.

>> No.22995638

Your mom

>> No.22995655

None. I paid for the child labor, so I get the flute.

>> No.22995837


master of science here. A will produce given flute in country of C and bankrupts B.

>> No.22995871

not gonna get me with this OP

but I would give the flute to the kid on the right because it's a white male and has a chance to actually make use of the flute

>> No.22995908

I dont give childreen the D anon, thats a Biden thing to do.

>> No.22996038


>> No.22996558

Maybe by 'the D' they mean a hypothetical Child D, whose description we do not know. I give the D to B and have her teach D how to make more flutes, A gets C and teaches him to play the flute, now supply and demand is balanced and A/C can go shill their flute playing to drive up demand for B/D, who sponsor them with flutes and stock options in exchange for creating flute demand.

>> No.22996703

A is monopoly and a retarded one at that. The worst of the three. I'd give to B as well over either but I'd give the the little ginger cunt long before I gave to A. Selfish bitch will take the whole world down with her.

>> No.22996730

I made it. Nuff said
Also, fucking kys pedo.

>> No.22996762

Government takes the flute

>> No.22996812

I'd make them work for it so as to stimulate the economy

>> No.22996864

you fucking smooth brained mouth breather. B didn't seize anything. B provided their own materials. B used their own labor. everyone else is a nigger that wants to take from B. if B wants to sell the flute or give the flute away, then that is Bs own prerogative and big dumb government shouldn't have a hand in that. God i want to strangle you.

>> No.22997043

if by "give the D" you mean give the skinflute, either A or B.

in reality the one who gets the flute is the semi-retarded child of B’s employer.

>> No.22997068

>people in bongistan is going to jail for this post
can yyou think about tehm cunt?

>> No.22997104

B of course, B can then choose to sell it to A or gift it to C. Giving C the flute does not automatically mean that C will learn the flute or even appreciate it as more than a novelty.