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22992303 No.22992303[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22992327

he'll be ok fren, inshallah

>> No.22992328

news coming in he's on a ventilator right now

>> No.22992337

He's better be. I need him alive. Peter Thiel, the driving force behind Reserve, is a huge Trump donor. Once Trump gets re-elected, he'll help Peter Thiel pump RSR bags and make me rich.

>> No.22992443

He has the coronavirus. He has 1% chance of dying. Scary right?

>> No.22992451




>> No.22992482

Is he dead

>> No.22992486
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>> No.22992503

I hope not. I need a boomer president that doesn't crash my coins every other tweet.

>> No.22992559

He’s in the 10-25%ish chance bracket because of his age, though his obesity bumps that up somewhat. Probably looking at in average a 20% chance at death. Not great but most likely he will be ok.

>> No.22993069

I'd rather the fat orange cunt dies and my RSR remains worthless

>> No.22993100

he ded nigga

>> No.22993127

hes hiding in his basement, dont worry KEK

>> No.22993217

i find it ironic he tested positive for covid after the debate commission announced they would mute candidates mics. quite literally announced it 13 days till the next debate. coincidence? no fucking chance. planned? 100%.

anyone else find it equally ironic a push for "back the blue", "blue lives matter", "defend the blue", etc etc is everywhere in negative connotation during election year? To me, its pretty obvious "blue lives matter" was created and intended to have backlash because the democrats identify in blue. It's very subtle but I can't stop noticing it every time I see it

>> No.22993287
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mild symptoms now but it takes 7-10 days until it goes away or gets way worse so you need to go to the hospital. Trump is old and fat, which means there is a chance he could die, however with the best doctors the US president has a better chance to survice than the average US citizen.

>> No.22993305

also after joe claimed trump wasn't taking any risk at his rallies and would never contract the disease. WRONG! He stops biden camp from using the covid card, and in reality he's actually showed his hand. If he "survives" covid he will have all the momentum and attention, conveniently with 2 weeks remaining of the election. Either he dies or he wins and I think soon the media will realize they've been played and are celebrating too early.

>> No.22993324

At age 74 you have a 1% of dying every 2 months anyway.

>> No.22993329

take your meds schizo

>> No.22993358

Also having no symptoms doesn't mean you won't die. My grandma got COVID she had 0 symptoms felt fine then all of a sudden boom it just shut her entire system down. She was old, but had no underlying health issues outside of that.

>> No.22993383

>At age 74 you have a 1% of dying every 2 months anyway.

damn, whack.

>> No.22993441


this fucking sucks. i don't even know anyone who knows someone that had to go to the hospital.

>> No.22993522

There's so much shady stuff going on.

Epstein getting suicided.
Impeachement on Ukrainian quid pro quo charges. Pretty much the same thing that Biden did.
Covid coming from China but China having the almost the lowest death toll.
Biden making it to the nomination as pretty much the worst candidate.
The BLM riots being endorsed during the pandemic.
The ludicrous take of the democrat mayors of not policing the riots.
The media calling them 'mostly peaceful'.
The forest fires, some guys were definitely lighting some of them.
RBG dying 1.5 months before the election.
Now Trump catching COVID 1 month before the election.

I'm not saying all these events were manufactured, but definitely some were.
I cant understand that you'd look at this and believe that you are being well informed by the media about what's going on.
My distrust of the media is so fucking high that I'd base my choices on who do they dislike the most. If you do that then during the dem nomination you should have voted Tulsi.
And now you should vote Trump.
No matter if he dies or not. Just keep the power away from the media darling.

>> No.22993546


-19% because he is the fucking POTUS and gets the best + most expensive healthcare in the world

>> No.22993573

>mild symptoms

>> No.22993581
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>> No.22993602

It's actually 0.54% or 1% every 14 weeks.
At age 30 you have a 1/1000 chance to die every 6 months.
I'm going to jack off and shitpost on 4chan this weekend, what are you guys going to do?