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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22990176 No.22990176 [Reply] [Original]

I'm out, this coin is never reaching above 0.05 due to all the fucking sell walls in the way
The fudders were right, holding this shit has been a giant waste of time, the only people shilling it are ones that bought it at 0.001 and they laugh will they dump their bags on you
>it's just a correction bro just HODL
Not only that, but the kucoin hacker is as we speak dumping all his shit

fuck you

>> No.22990294

Love the fud keep it up

>> No.22990367

Youre the one that bought a coin with a value of 3 cents.
People wouldnt even bother bending over to pick that shit up

>> No.22991501

"with a value of 3 cents"

Wow. What a smart reason to ignore it!

>> No.22991587


Please sell. I want every bizlets to sell. Listen to this guy. None of the biztards deserve to make it. This train isn’t stopping whether poorfags like OP are onboard or not.

>> No.22991629

Have you noticed that they always reply the exact same way?

>> No.22991688


Dafuq you on? I want every bizlets to sell. Not even fudding. Just straight up telling anyone doubting right now to sell. Your mistake is thinking Biz actually has a sway on the price. None of the retards here deserve to make it.

>> No.22991788

Yeah, fuck fantom. They have nothing new coming that anyone will want to use. Literally nothing exciting about the future of Fantom. Hot piece of garbage

>> No.22991806

imagine selling right before fUniswap fswap and fLend drop

>> No.22991812


Yes biz listen to this guy. Don’t buy in and those who are holding this should sell. Just sell please. None of you pajeets deserve to make it.

>> No.22991833

>2,123,183,031 FTM
Why get involved with a coin with 2 billion supply?

>> No.22991850

Yep this guy is 100% correct, I hate fantom so much. What a stupid fucking buy!!!!!! Sell now!!!!! Sell!!!!!!!

>> No.22992254



(Ripple is probably WAY better!)

>> No.22992455

Isn't this that McAffee scam token?

>> No.22992502


>> No.22993185

yes, straight up scam with zero utility

>> No.22994115

Can't wait to laugh at all of you when this pile of shit doesn't reach 1$ eoy

>> No.22994163

chink scam

>> No.22994415

Great, buy $CORE its the next $YFI


>> No.22995767

Fantom is always among the coins that dump the hardest when the crypto market has a red day.
No community has such weak hands as the FTM fags and for that reason I am out. Sold an moved on.

>> No.22995827

I got the fuck out after "dubai hot sauce"