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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 30 KB, 389x363, oneworldonecurrency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22988996 No.22988996 [Reply] [Original]


Do with this information what you want.

>> No.22989111

>it’s real

>> No.22989323

wow 5 billion eoy lets fucking go

>> No.22989453

what does it mean?

>> No.22989513


lol i love the fake binance links. this doesn't mean anything.

>> No.22989542

Oh fug ids habbening :-DDDDDDD

>> No.22989572

How is it fake?

Try to replace the ampl_BTC part of the URL. It seems that, any entry which does not exist in their system, redirects to BTC_USDT.

Try to change it to "real_BTC" for example.

>> No.22989699

its real

>> No.22989727

Oh fuck im not sure if i can take another ampl dump boys

>> No.22989800

fuck it's real

try xrp usdt and btc

>> No.22989982

Fucking AMPL, i lost a lot of coins due to this maniac shitcoin

>> No.22989995
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Could this be it? Relief from 2 months of near constant negative rebases? I'm tired boys. My bags are disappearing but just get heavier and heavier...

>> No.22990054
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na m8 they get lighter and lighter

>> No.22990280
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>> No.22990285

its real
I just try write random letters and no result but ampl_usdt work wtf

>> No.22990339
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>> No.22990365

papa CZ been accumulating? please pump this so i can lighten my load

>> No.22990409

uniswap pool basically drained

>> No.22990468

doesn't look like it's changed much since sept 9.
i pulled mine out on the expectation that it will pump harder holding in my own wallet.

>> No.22990640


>> No.22990657

If this shit is real, the ensuing mania will dwarf everything we have seen yet

>> No.22990671

+24% last hour.

>> No.22990771
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>> No.22990800

How much profit?
Can advise further.

>> No.22990805

I already sold my bags! Finally rid of this crap!

>> No.22990820
File: 4 KB, 205x250, 1600605437608s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pumping

>> No.22990829

How much profit anon?

>> No.22990834


>> No.22990846
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>> No.22990856

Damn... Kucoin is the only real centralized exchange this thing is on. How much fomo can this attract from new binance users?

>> No.22990861

checked im not in profit at this point, im thinking more about this just dumping back to hell in 10 minutes and i should try to swing it

>> No.22990872

Not sure if joking....................................................................
was expecting at least a few 1000 at minimum..
ANON you should hold... maybe not be investing at all.

>> No.22990913

"but the rumor, sell the news"

>> No.22990931

Still has a lot of potential to pump, recent listings have been doing 40-50% pumps easily

>> No.22990959

Like I mentioned above, I’d say 40-50% would be pretty reasonable. Plus, if we stay over $1, positive rebases might pump us further.

>> No.22991011

I think you are underestimating FOMO on binance. Im not sure how bots will react, they might pump it even further if they are not whitelisting coins

>> No.22991077

You people are also forgetting a major key update that is supposed to drop today or tomorrow....The fucking Balancer smart pools are due today!! That combined with Binance rumors will take us to $2 easily within the next 24 hours.

>> No.22991095

We will see. Definitely looking forward to the listing announcement. Any time predictions for when it will be announced?

>> No.22991116

Also, looks like Binance is listing 3 trading pairs for AMPL: ETH, BTC, and USDT. Guess they are expecting some pretty heavy volume.

>> No.22991148

Aaaand the sell wall around 0.95 is gone
My guess is during the next 12 hours. Same pattern with other big listings when they activated the url's first

>> No.22991177

Wtf, I can't even buy 1 ETH of AMPL on Uniswap because the price impact's too high.

>> No.22991227

You are either on Uniswap v1 or something is wrong
t. just brought 20ETH had to restart my browser

>> No.22991234


>> No.22991268

What the fuck is up with the price impact of AMPL?

>> No.22991291


>> No.22991410

not too sure about this... this is that pump and dump coin right?

>> No.22991512

BINANCE is just the fucking largest volume CEX. AMPL is getting listed.
You don't like making $$$

>> No.22991595

I just checked, buying 20 ETH worth on Uniswap only impacts the price by around 0.1%. Should be fine as long as you aren’t buying 1000s of ETH worth.

>> No.22991611

whats going to happen when they learn that binance and cb listing will happen in same month?

>> No.22991613

What do you think the chances Coinbase follows suit and lists AMPL in the next few days?

>> No.22991648

Don't know. We can speculate though:
Early holders will 10x-100x

>> No.22991662
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fucking retards, it's going above 1b mcap

you are literally dumb money guys

>> No.22991670

we were in 3 secs of each other. my digits confirmed

>> No.22991678

This is correct:
5x+ from here for the 1b.

>> No.22991696


>> No.22991730

where can i open a long position with leverage?

>> No.22991755

on bitfinex there are ampl derivatives up to 100x, i already got justed there twice, kek

>> No.22991952

Looks like we are gonna get a positive rebase tonight if we can keep this momentum up. What percentage we thinking boys?

>> No.22991977
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>falling for the (((rebase))) meme

>> No.22992008

Too late in the day for a positive rebase. Price stayed too low.
A minor negative rebase if momentum/vol stays.

>> No.22992207

already dumping i guess it's over now.

>> No.22992252

already liquidated wow

>> No.22992256


>> No.22992332

i hope you fucker didnt screw me i went x100 either i'm goign to make a year's salary or getting liquidated at 0.99.

>> No.22992347

There's zero reason to buy this shit

>> No.22992396


>> No.22992418

Fuck CZ and FUUUUUUUCK scamplefilth. Lol how have cream and sushi done since Binance listing. Good luck dumb fag.

>> No.22992623

Fuck this coin. I'm down 6 grand on it. I have a 3rd of the coins I bought. I need it to go to $6 to break even.

>> No.22992697

That’s, like, your own fucking problem caused by your own synapse deficiency

>> No.22992710

am I retarded? why is everyone pissed? it's still green right guise?

>> No.22992729

Nah it's a PND shitcoin, but I didn't realize that until it was already too late. It collapsed faster than I could even do anything.

>> No.22992741

/biz/tards bought on top and didn't sell at 1$, now they are seething and fudding ampl

see >>22992729

>> No.22992777


It's still 1.05 on uniswap … how high did it go?

>> No.22992795

i mean a month ago at 500m+ mcap

>> No.22992822

its gaining all day.
dont listen to the retards, they are trying to create confusion as a weak fud attempt.
you have remember how weak, stupid, seething, and poor the average one of these fags are.

>> No.22992899

I just threw an ETH in it last night at .80, as With was on the way down and it looked like ampl was holding better

>> No.22992906

Sounds an awful lot like a pnd asshole

>> No.22992920

it's called market discovery phase, stop investing in thing you don't understand

>> No.22992924

Anon in this thread made a big deal over profiting $100.
Yes, that's right.
AMPL price is up 30% on the day.
What more do you faggots want or need?
This is a top 10 project.

>> No.22992939

I understand it just fine, but it was still pumped and dumped.

>> No.22992946

It’s been 2 month you sperg

>> No.22992956

first sell off

>> No.22992972

This is not a pump and dump:
The hounds of hell are about to be unleashed.
Speculators with the know how on how to currently buy the coin are currently pumping/speculating.

>> No.22993002

plus the coinbase listing is also incoming sometime in the future. and all those normies have no fucking idea how the coin behaves

>> No.22993054

It fell from $2.75 to 80 cents in 4 days in July. Anyone who bought during that time got fucked. It took 2 months for it to die completely, but it was irrevocably fucked in 4 days.

>> No.22993114

>buying a 1$ stablecoin at 2.75$ and complaining it went down 60%
the absolute state of pajeets on this board

>> No.22993326

I didn't buy it at $2.75. It's not a stable coin, but you already knew that.

>> No.22993343

xDD anon anon anon
2,85 its really bad price

If you bought for $ 4, you would be in profit almost all the time.

>> No.22993346

cope harder dumb bagholder

>> No.22993579
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>synapse deficiency

>> No.22993619

Looks like they are gonna be listing $BASED as well.
Probably about to list a ton of rebasing coins, keep looking

>> No.22993669

wait so this is a nothingburger for ampl?

>> No.22993695

Is the ampleforth mooniswap geyser staking worth it?

Mooniswap doesn't have shit for volume but wonder if theres more volume by using geyser

>> No.22993710

AMPL will pump then dump back under 80 per usual.

>> No.22993721
File: 90 KB, 1024x1363, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22993748

>Speculators with the know how on how to currently buy the coin are currently pumping/speculating.

>> No.22993761

That post proves anon simply does not understand Ampl.

>> No.22993810

Take a breath, everyone. Binance hasn’t even announced the listing yet. Most people aren’t aware of the listing. More gains are to come. This party is still going.

>> No.22993838

Wait till the official Binance press release, then we can evaluate everything. Until everyone is in the know, we won’t know where this train will stop.

>> No.22993852

Binance is over.
It's over.

>> No.22994040

the balancer ampl pool that gets rid of impermanent loss is the hype. if a geyser is released you get potential gains from it appreciating, from fees and from the geyser.. just need some fools to buy in

>> No.22994309

How can it be over if it hasn’t even been officially announced? Wait until the official listing and then see what it does.

>> No.22994444


>> No.22994591

I wonder if the legendary tooth anon is still in

>> No.22994711


>> No.22994766

afaik this was his wallet, he had almost 6 figures not too long ago

>> No.22994893
File: 25 KB, 1084x618, Screenshot from 2020-10-02 22-24-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked but

>> No.22995186

Now we’re getting to it