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22982935 No.22982935 [Reply] [Original]

Why BTC still above 10k? THIS IS BULLSHIT!

>> No.22982951

because we're not going below $10250 we will hold the 21 wma now for at least 3 years

>> No.22983016

you meant this is bullish, right?

>> No.22983051

Mutt market opens in 2 hours, patience anon

>> No.22983079

It's your dump. Enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.22983078
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10k is the new bottom for BTC. Deal with it.

>> No.22983091

My alts lost 60% in sats while BTC didn't move and even barely increased in dominance.

>> No.22983182
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>this thread

>> No.22983422

btc is now a stable coin that can only fluctuate between 10k and 11k
once the rest of the market realizes this, all shitcoins will moon

>> No.22983441
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>> No.22983443

This won't age well.

>> No.22983849
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because Bitcoin is the strongest, hardest currency ever created by mankind.

No amount of bad news or bobos can kill it, it is literally indestructible.

>> No.22983867

next year we will have the same conversation but just add another zero to BTC price

>> No.22983873

Because we are in an extremely bullish patterns and we don’t fall for Jewish tricks. People in crypto are much smarter than that, plus March was the dip buying opportunity of a lifetime.

>> No.22984080
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Why BTC still above 100k? THIS IS BULLSHIT!

>> No.22984260

>people in crypto are much smarter

>> No.22984316

all of this is just a fear induced bear trap. crypto kiddies think trump getting covid is the end of the free market system while it's actually just a good opportunity for some whales to spook small scary fishes out of their assets. stocks probably won't even follow down and close green today.
could be a good crypto weekend with all those idiots fomoing back in.

>> No.22984343

won't be much longer. markets abotu to crash. Im talking about the real amrkets not this tiny little crypto cringe market which will crash right alongside the stockmarket. b-b-b-b-b-b-b-ut muh uncorrelated assets. cryptotards are so f cringe lmao

>> No.22984363
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Every trick in the book has been pulled out to prevent the next ATH. Slightly delayed, but nothing can stop the inevitable.

>> No.22984400

I mean yes, name one other asset class that’s minted more millionaires from poverty in the last 10 years. Just because you haven’t doesn’t mean others haven’t. Hell even my 2017 ATH was $1.7m USD so even I’m not out of that range. Stay salty.

>> No.22984425
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Biden increasing corporate tax and radically changing capital gains tax won’t impact the markets?

>> No.22984478
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bobo tears, mmmmm

>> No.22984500

Don't be delusional, most crypto investors are dumb fucks, some of who got lucky getting in early. That's like saying lottery winners are smart.

>> No.22984553

30 minutes left

>> No.22984572

i'll go take a shower, and come back in 40 minutes, it's going to be either a bloodbath or just snibby snibby doin 'is thang

>> No.22984595

Checked. Also, you realize that people load this board up with FUD on purpose to keep people from buying crypto, right?

>> No.22984594

Except it’s not a lottery, there are still a lot of stupid fuckers that buy shit like PotCoin or whatever. I invest in platforms, use cases, purpose and the tokens with connections.
>t. Invested in Antshares before Neo, ChainLink, and now Algorand
Stay poor, you don’t realize what’s happening around you

>> No.22984621

>lot of stupid fuckers
Yeah like 99% of them

>> No.22984628

Duh yes, this board is full of psychopathic selfish motherfuckers. They’ll happily sell you a dogshit coin while playing down a literal Central Bank Digital Currency token they are accumulating themselves. I’ve made money so I have nothing to lose helping others, unlike the poo in loo streetshitters that can’t afford a loaf of bread

>> No.22984660

Because the alt market is mostly made up of retarded boomer speculators listening to their autistic nephew's advice but continuing to treat crypto like a stock.

>> No.22984679

Of course you did. And I made millions selling bridges.

>> No.22984791

because xBTC that's why don't ask anymore

>> No.22984857


>> No.22984878
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Believe what you want to believe, it was fun taking these screenshots back then

>> No.22984961
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Is it really that hard to believe

>> No.22984986

Larp confirmed.

>> No.22985006
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That some people are just incredibly ahead of the curve?

>> No.22985036

if $1m in crypto holdings is an unreasonable unseen amount of money to you then im not sure what to say

>> No.22985061

6 minutes left, leverage your shorts, hide yo kids, hide yo wife

>> No.22985064 [DELETED] 

Why am I wasting my time convincing a poorfag, fuck off you stupid nigger

>> No.22985127

Based as fuck. No 2017 fags browse here anymore. As a veteran, what's your prognosis for btc and alts in the next 3 years?

>> No.22985174

2 minutes

>> No.22985189

Not sure why that got deleted, we might retest 8k on a bear fakeout. My bets are on BTC, Link, and Algorand. It will feel very different than anything you’ve experienced, the only thing that’s come close is recent Link gains.

>> No.22985339

I was around in 2017 but only did like a 5x kek. I doubt it'll be the same magnitude of intensity thi time around though.

>> No.22985395
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>> No.22985414

Imagine March without bitmex orders to keep the thing afloat
There is no bottom anymore, only a matter of time

>> No.22985496

you were saying?

>> No.22985500

You’ll end up pleasantly surprised then, better to have lower expectations. This is a 3+ year bear market we’re experiencing. There is a reason most people will remain perpetually poor, just keep paying attention and buying like a greedy motherfucker. I have no mercy for poorfags and they will taste the cold steel of my AR15 if they ever start their little communist revolution and arrive at my doorstep.

>> No.22985562

3 month bull three year bear WTF . Gambling on shitcoins is better option.

>> No.22985586

It was a year long bull with insane pullbacks. I started at the tail end of 2016.

>> No.22985658

that was easy money for sure

>> No.22986947
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>tfw my altcoins are far more affected by a BTC dump than BTC itself