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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22974884 No.22974884 [Reply] [Original]

Lets hold Andre Cronje and his YFI team accountable for the EMN scam.

Join t.me/EMNJustice2

>> No.22975023
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Couldn't they just fix the contract and keep building using EMN so the price become what it was again? Would that be possible? I still want to believe Andre is a good guy.

>> No.22975038

Give it up you’ve been at it all day

>> No.22975309

Why did you delete your other thread for you stupid degen. Grow up and accept that you fucked up. Blaming other people for your own problems is peak retard.

>> No.22976002


If you're lucky they might even airdrop V2.

Not that you deserve it

>> No.22976160

you scammed me out of my life savings

>> No.22976211

>I stupidly gave my life savings away because I'm dumb

>> No.22976216

I'm sorry you lost an ETH.

Your village must be very upset.

>> No.22976217

Lmao cope

>> No.22976220

Kek no shit what a deluded fuckwit.

>> No.22976232

I sold my YFI and bought CORE, fuck this scamming piece or shit

>> No.22976236

Just go to a casino next time

>> No.22976402
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andre is a liar and a fraudster

>> No.22976417
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>> No.22976438
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>> No.22976627

Get off 4chan and go outside. Dwelling on your own fuck up and having the audacity to throw blame on someone else is so retarded.
Reconsider whether you should still be in crypto or perhaps a psych ward.

>> No.22976695

15m stolen, oh hacker returned 8mil cuz he's a nice guy, kirby claims everyone will get 50% back, Banteg is working on it almost instantly then claims people will get 33% cuz 50 isnt possible. He then later adds a tip for his work, some people arent aware and tip him 100% its just scammy all around. Andre claims he was asleep but retweeted eminence 3 mins before the dump.

>> No.22976719

>Dwelling on your own fuck up and having the audacity to throw blame on someone else
andre is the one who fucked up and threw blame on us
>Reconsider whether you should still be in crypto or perhaps a psych ward.
andre is the one mentally ill according to his lawyer

>> No.22976756

didnt your fathers teach you to never trust a man with a name that rhymes?

>> No.22976760

what kind of psychos over invest in a contract with no website, no audit, no public information whatsoever?

i lost about an eth because im not a degenerate gambler, i simply took a small calculated risk

>> No.22976767

Kek this sums it up nicely, imagine this going to trial and the yearn devs screaming "its your fault for buying an unaudited contract we dindunuffin!"
Looks like andre's defense brigade are popping up anytime a thread gets made on /biz/. Im sure they would absolutely love if everyone just blamed the investors for being dumb instead of asking where that money went and why he and his team were advertising a test token and stayed quiet as millions of dollars came in and their whole twitter was going off with people talking about it

>> No.22976776




>> No.22976805

Wtf was the market cap of this shit? Why is everyone so butt fucked?

>> No.22976841

give me back my fucking moneeee Crongeee

>> No.22976843

Anon everyone knew it was a big risk, thats what defi is. You simply cant say "you knew the risk" when you steal millions of dollars from thousands of people, that's not how the law works. Look at what happened to Bitmex they got too cocky and now they are arrested. Andre got greedy and decided to steal millions and set up a charade to make it seem as if people had just sent money to a contract that got hacked, while he and his team were encouraging people to buy into said contract.

>> No.22976846

Andre held a vote to ask whether a whitepaper first or to just drop it. All the schizos voted to drop it so he did? How did he fuck up ahahaha you dumb fucks literally voted to drop it without any documentation then furthermore you then chose to throw money at it which you ended up losing.

Grow the fuck up cunt kek.

>> No.22976916

That’s your fault faggot. Enjoy poverty

>> No.22977104
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Let's take responsibility for actions
Join t.me/OPisafaggot

>> No.22977168
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andre cronje is currently under criminal investigation for fraud


see for yourself

he has a long history of scamming people

>> No.22977671

>supposedly legitimate legal siezing of a website
>uses gmail
God you retards suck. You're almost as bad as the Xar faggots with their fake lawsuit.

Kill yourself.

>> No.22977706

Fuck andre and fuck yfi

>> No.22977801

Give up. You made an investment decision off a fuckin retweet.

>> No.22977860

I seriously thought no one in crypto could have been retarded and schizo enough to do this but I have been proven wrong.

>> No.22977887

>he has a long history of scamming people
Kek, taking peoples money that they willingly give someone and scamming are two very different things you deluded fuck.

>> No.22977925

Fuck off AIDF

>> No.22978111
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