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22965812 No.22965812[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What’s the best way to kill yourself other than a firearm?

>> No.22965902
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Hold on now fren, here's a little secret for you. Use Vitamin D, start with 10000 and work your way to 25000 over the course of a few weeks.

>> No.22965920

you sure that it doesn't?

>> No.22965932

With your phone you motherfucking asshole!

>> No.22966013
File: 476 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20201001-142159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well looks like I'm making a couple orders on Amazon

>> No.22966025

i don't take drugs

>> No.22966034

you must nofap and do pe, went from 6inch to 7inch

>> No.22966197
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Drink lots of sunny D then and be sure to get plenty of sunshine. It'll take longer and require you to leave your room everyday.

>> No.22966239

Is this legit? Sounds like bullshit to me. How can vitamins spontaneously inflate your dick?

>> No.22966290

Testosterone enanthate or cypionate 500mg/wk, go down to 375mg/wk if you feel any aromatization. If this does not work after a couple months you should drop test to 250mg/wk and add trenbolone enanthate or hexahydrobenzylcarbonate 500mg/wk. You can inject once a week but I've seen better results with twice a week. Some guys seem to enjoy pinning in which case three times a week is great, but you don't get the same increase in benefits going from twice to thrice as you do once to twice weekly.
This next one will do a lot for suicidal ideation but if you are fat you are more likely to run into aromatization. Dianabol 20mg/day, take it with your morning caffeine pill or whatever else you take upon waking up. A good men's daily multivitamin, vitamin D as another fren suggested(I just take 5k iu/day though). Zinc picolinate 50mg and magnesium glycinate 400mg are nice before bed with 3mg Melatonin and a glass of wine. Just remember you can't have wine and dbol together. Both have tremendous mood and health benefits so pick the one you like more after trying both every day for six weeks.
Run for 30 minutes twice a week, lift for 45 minutes three times a(should be able to do three or four lifts in one 45 minute session).

>> No.22966376

I'm tempted to try it anyway. It's just money, I'm already on the D and vitamin k has other benefits too. I didn't look through it but for guys with micropeen topical DHT has helped them get another inch or two. Unfortunately it doesn't do much for guys with normalpeen.

>> No.22966537

It does. Went from 5 to 7 in a year and a half with 30-45 min training every other day and one week off every month

>> No.22966731

Just my 2 cents as a 30+ boomer:

Dick shrinkers
>calorie cutting / intermittent fasting
>more than 2 weeks of noFap
>excessive fapping

Dick enlargers
>steady state cardio
>L-arginine + zinc
>hitting age 30
they say you stop growing past 25, but I truly noticed an increase in size as I became a boomer

>> No.22966748

5 to 7 ?
2 inches, really ?
What is the routine ?

>> No.22966777


>> No.22966808

Anabolics my boy.
If the peen has androgren receptors that respond well to vitamin D and K then boom, youre getting a bigger peen.

>> No.22966814

FACT: The average penis size of a Boomer is 16.10+ while the biggest Zoomer penis is on average only 12.99cm, the dick size of other generations is also quite small.

11 out of 13 Boomers have bigger bbc (Big Boomer Cock) then all other generations.

This explains why women LOVE BBC. Sorry Zoomers, you can't compete!

>> No.22966835

Buy bathmate ripoff from aliexpress for around 19$. Start with 3 sessions of 5 minutes, 5 days a week. Do light jelqing after you are done. Thanks me later.

>> No.22966905

Chug bleach

>> No.22966917
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If they're disreputable enough to be selling it as a penis enlargement pill, the odds are the pills even contain these vitamins and are not instead chink poisons are approaching zero.

>> No.22966996
File: 153 KB, 1080x1080, 1576978340105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one is selling D + K2 as penis enlargers dude, it's used for a host of other health benefits

>> No.22967040

BathMate + the SABRE/Angion Method along with regular exercise for overall good cardiovascular health is the easiest way to a bigger peen.

The vitamin D/K megadosing sounds interesting too though.

>> No.22967066

will it shrink back to original size if you stop taking the vitamins?

>> No.22967106

it shrinks back to minus size unfortunately anon

>> No.22967158

Just looked into it, a few causes for concern:

1) Study had only 14 people in it. This is less concerning to me because ALL of them saw some sort of increase, but it does make you question the general scientific validity
2) Participants self-measured. So who the fuck knows here
3) Participants were the guys friends... what?
4) They were asked to take 50,000 IU of Vitamin D DAILY. That's an INSANE amount which could easily lead to Vitamin D toxicity and shred your kidneys and liver.
5) They're shilling a packaged vitamin to buy on their website
6) There are NO other studies about this and this one wasn't even peer-reviewed. If it was, it would have likely gotten destroyed.

Overall my guess is this is complete bullshit, but hey it's your body and if you're that unhappy with your dick then what's a kidney or two to sacrifice to try it out?

>> No.22967219

>We expect sometime in the near future to have available in one capsule 50,000 units of D 3 and 100 mcg of K 2, EXCLUSIVELY at Self-Health Systems

This is straight from the website of the guy who did the "study"

>> No.22967224

This is for PP gains right?

>> No.22967247

Whoops wrong (You)
See >>22967219

>> No.22967407

Overall male health techincally, but with that comes obvious PP gains.

>> No.22967435

don't buy from that shithead, sports research and other brands are non-chinese proper vitamins

>> No.22967506

helium exit bag

>> No.22967639

What’s the point of penis growth if you’re never gonna have a gf retard

>> No.22967702

This is anecdotal but I’ve been on massive amounts of vitamin D due to a deficiency and my dick looked absolutely monstrous last night. I literally stopped during a fap session and took photos of it next to my iPad, which is 9.7 inches. I shit you not my dick had grown from around 7.5 to almost 9 inches which is like Mandingo-tier porn level. It looked huge even on my 6’6 frame.

I had no clue vitamin D could even affect your peen size but this actually might explain what was going on. It was like I had the most rock hard boner of my life as well as just looking bigger and longer than it ever has. So based

>> No.22967782

How many IUs?

>> No.22967827


>> No.22967842

You know who gets lots of vitamin D? Black people

>> No.22967845

I dont buy the part about fasting but other than that it looks good.

>> No.22967978

It DOES work. You just havent done it long enough or fucking it up somehow

>> No.22968003

Not really
there dark skin makes it super hard to absorb vitamin d

>> No.22968048

No they don't, because their black skin blocks it out. By this logic gingers that stay outside should have horsecocks

>> No.22968087

>No they don't, because their black skin blocks it out. By this logic gingers that stay outside should have horsecocks

So do black people have the ability to make their own Vitamin D?

>> No.22968107

My bad

>> No.22968240

did some research, looks like sitting in the summer sun shirtless at noon (most uvb and body is faster at processing it at this hour) could give you 20k iu in 30min. vitamin d is actually a hormone apparently and the only vitamin your body produces itself

>> No.22968293

Yes but in the modern era most blacks have vitamin D deficiency due to not being outside enough to compensate for the melanin. So if anything blacks should have micrococks if we are associating penis size with vitamin d absorption

>> No.22968352

You should really get a vitamin d test if you're gonna start this and test each month. You don't want vitamin d toxicity.

>> No.22968444

Jelq to death

>> No.22968460

also in regards to vitamin k, the two foods with highest sources of this per serving by far is collard greens and spinach. get tan and eat fresh spinach get that big popeye dong op

>> No.22968538

Apparently vitamin d toxicity can start to set in when people are taking north of 40k daily

>> No.22968773

They can't. It's bs. I have an 8inch by 6 inch dick. I was born with a large dick (The nurse told my mom it was the largest dick she'd seen). by the time I was 10 it was 5-6 inches. At 18 it was the size it is now. It's literally all genetics or the average dick size would be quickly increasing over the years. it's not.

>> No.22969206

You wouldn't lie to us Anon, right?

>> No.22969273

lmao what is it with these penis size threads popping up all over 4chan lately?

>> No.22969304

just the demoralization flavour of the month

>> No.22969344

>anons convincing mouth breathers to take toxic levels of vit d
never change

>> No.22969345

didnt ask for schizo opinion, sorry.

>> No.22969364

btw the elite jewish overlords dont need to demoralize anybody on here, 4chan is passive and accomplish nothing. kys.

>> No.22969423

this type of scam is as old as humanity itself probably, lol

>> No.22969440

Youre so wrong, gtfo newfag

>> No.22969464

that said you can actually enlarge your dick by drinking a special infusion of testosterone with afterbirth placenta, something in the stem cells stimulates growth.
You can buy it on my website, I did a scientific study with 20 of my friends.

>> No.22969495

You are a 2016 trump election tourist, kill yourself