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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22965316 No.22965316 [Reply] [Original]

Don't sell bros, just wait for September, the announcements are going to be great.

>> No.22965347


>> No.22965416

It’s always just announcements of announcements. Fucking hell I hate this project. So happy I sold this pajeet piece of scam shit

>> No.22965443


>> No.22965519

I was the biggest RLC shill and even I hold 0 at this point.
Around the time they made a whole tweet about iexec being used by some anon to create a pricefeed oracle, I knew it wasnt what I had thought.
I do expect iexec has the ability to go parabolic with a single key announcement. But I dont have time to wait. I gave them June, July, Aug and Sep.

>> No.22965563

Sirs... buy at the FUD
just buyed 200 more oil barrels

>> No.22965938

|Sir but GOogle news, EDF, Orange news, Gaia-x, AMD, Amazon, Ant Financial are all coming out in September, just wait a little more.

>> No.22966404
File: 46 KB, 551x557, EAEC9D69-DE8A-43E4-97DB-EB1A5B901E7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stolen meme is cringe.

>> No.22966526

google news should cause a pump if they actually do a joint presentation and google mentions iexec by name
I kinda trust Lei not to bullshit us so that alone makes iexec undervalued right now

The rest looks like hopeful thinking desu
Gilles dropped some breadcrumbs related some big EU news but I dont really trust him

>calling a pepe stolen

>> No.22967009
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it's because wassim and blair do insider trading on shitty announcements of announcements
anyone prove me wrong and explain why they keep doing this shit other than some1 making bank on this

>> No.22967078

even if google says some shit, they already broke the effect by announcing it 2 months too soon
insider trading

>> No.22967153

I dont think its smart to completely write out Iexec though.
Looking at the facts, they have a fully functioning computing assets marketplace that can now be accessed without actually directly interacting with the marketplace.
Huge implications there. And not only do they have counsel and partners in the biggest tech giants, the EU itself is bullish on the team.
They could EASILY be implemented into the the infrastructure that the EU is building. At the drop of a hat.
However, their marketing is horrible and they should have never alluded to huge announcements and then released underwhelming news time after time.
Iexec will 100% be a boy who cried wolf scenario.
I just feel better holding other things at this point in time.

>> No.22967596

September 2037 is going to be great

>> No.22967901

Yeah I did not say september, and if I did it was by mistake

>> No.22968136

Ocean holder here and I love RLC as a project. Will be chuckling my Ocean divs into RLC.

>> No.22968301

>copying WTFWT with no creativity
>thinking it’s pepe
Cringe, Ranjesh. No one is buying your paid chink scam.

>> No.22968380



>> No.22968626

still doing great! this shilling is very LINKlike!

>> No.22968989

seek help

>> No.22969919

ok september 2021 here i wait

>> No.22970388

Same bro. We’re too stupid to live. I threw away my wife’s son’s college fund for this shit.

>> No.22970845

This is some decent fud fellas!


>> No.22970973
File: 183 KB, 640x480, jackonexec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ is sleeping on the next link, AGAIN. How come you retards don't realize that now that the technical updates are out of the way it's only about adoption. If you gave this project 3 years for technical updates then give them at least another year and a half for adoption. Listen to me, Gilles Fedak (our god) delivered everything that was promised. He delivered EVEN MORE, the fact that you can tokenize a cloud asset wasn't in the whitepaper, they just did it because they thought it'd be amazing. Imagine in 5 months from now when you can take a loan on Compound/Aave with your cloud assets... Seems nifty doesn't it.

Gilles never dissapoints, he never promised a giant green dildo, remember that. He only promised the technical updates, which the team delivered. Now he's promising adoption, which will be the driving factor in the price explosion. Just 1 use case in the real world is enough to send this to 10$+. If this gets a few REAL use cases it'll be easily a top 20 coin with a price of 35-50$+.

Don't say you haven't been warned, this shit has been shilled for fucking 3 years. If you haven't realized what I said above.... than fuck you, suck my dick.


>> No.22971054

niec, screencapping this!

cheers anon! see ya on the moon!

>> No.22971082
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Also, once it gets 1 use case and other people/projects realize how good it actually is to off-chain compute most of the stuff dapps do it'll get a ton of other people/projects using it (off-chain computing is literally a MUST, since we can't do everything on chain. If you think you can than you're just plain fucking retarded. And no, 2nd layer scaling solutions ARE NOT ENOUGH). It was the same with chainlink, the price exploded because of projects starting to implement their oracles. Before that it was literally a nothingburger hated by 50% of biz and loved by the other 50% of biz, which also applies to iExec.

Also my green ID confirms it!


>> No.22971134

Listen you piece of shit OIL SHITTERS, if there is something special happening on that announcement, I will be buying my shit, riding the pump for three days, and DUMPING the shit, THIS OIL SHIT, IS JUST SHIT. THATS ALL IT IS

>> No.22971139

yeah baby! i'm screencapping it all for the future bros. gonna print it out nice and big and hang this on my wall. cheers

>> No.22971303

5 years
5 versions
0 pumps


>> No.22971330


>> No.22971463
File: 275 KB, 537x532, oculues_weldexec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with you, it literally had a pump before each release. Everyone dumped, bought back in 4-5 months. You literally made a easy x3-6 every single time. I'm up to 16200 barrels because of those pumps and dumps.

And also as I said earlier... 0 adoption. We're in the early adoption phase RIGHT FUCKING NOW. Give it 1 year and 6 months and you'll have adoption. And as I already said earlier.... adoption will trigger the price pump, not the technical updates. We only have 1 major technical update ahead of us... the fog/edge computing update, which is really major, because they need to lower the latency (the time it takes for the end result to get from the iExec network to the end customer... some operations are really time sensitive, so having fog/edge computing implemented is a must)

But all in all, they'll get the edge/fog computing at the end of this year (3 months from now), after that it'll mostly focus on marketing and adoption and the latter will drive the price up. And I do believe that in 2021 we'll get a new technical road map, since I still believe there could be more in store for iExec. Maybe they'll even optimize some of the old stuff, which would be ok with me to. But the point is, THE ADOPTION IS ON THE WAY. Not buying now or selling now is a big big mistake

>> No.22971666

While iExec is really a good tech, Gilles is an oportunist. That's all.
iExec actually never needed a coin to work, RLC is not needed. The workers can be paid in ETH but Gilles needed a way to fund his "social habits" so he printed a coin from thin air and he's riding hype since then. Let's recap

V1 - He rode the decentralized hype because Golem was pumping. He even embedded Golem's tech on iExec (you can compare the sources codes, it's everything on Github). If you want real rendering tech please check Dfinity

V2 - IoT
IOTA was considered a blue chip back then. So what did Gilles do? He came with an IoT marketplace and that smart cities thing. Again iExec pumped but only for a while. When people finally realized it was a nothingburger they dumped it

V3 - Oracles (or "doracles")
We all know about "doracles" LMAO. They never documented it, nobody outside the team knows how it works or how to use it. Again, they rode Chainlink's hype. If you want real oracles please check Chainlink

V4 - DeFi and Tokenization
Gilles AGAIN is trying to make money based on hype. Decentralized computing has never to do with DeFi, but again Gilles rewrote the whitepaper with some buzzwords to ride the DeFi hype. If you want a real asset tokenization tech please check OCEAN

>> No.22971802
File: 1.14 MB, 1600x1066, slutexec_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're saying is they literally predicted every major trend 3 years ago. And now the next major trend is fod/edge computing.... Interesting...

>> No.22972758

Got any coins for that? Lol
All you gotta do is buy trends that iExec predicts just not iExec itself.

>> No.22972850

You will eat those words soon enough. RLC will eventually explode so hard in value it will become the next BTC tier gains.

RLC is unironically the first "blockchain tech" that matters and comes to fruition.

>> No.22972901

You literally cannot be more oil in than me

>> No.22972960

and LINK MARINES is stolen from DGB newfag

>> No.22972984

I sold all my organs to buy as much RLC as possible. I'm a cyborg now. The only part left of me is my brain which I will soon get rid of once I will be able to upload my consciousness to the iExec cloud.

>> No.22973683

it fucking better, i bought 3k months ago cause of you shills and its done nothing

>> No.22973758

At least LINK marines made it and you're still holding french bags

>> No.22973866
File: 495 KB, 585x781, ie new dop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all fud is niggerfags, sayj

>> No.22974011

>he didn't buy RLC and LINK at the same time
why always try to fight one or another?
I already cashed out a hundred grand from LINK

>> No.22974086

if something big was really coming then Gilles wouldn't be all giddy after iExec did a measly 5x, he made it and ran off to jakarta

>> No.22974188

I'm surprised of how Gilles managed to scam /biz/ for 5 times, he's neither smart and trustful like Sergey

>> No.22974873

>smart and trustful
>700k dumps
>still no staking, sgx, tee