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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22964707 No.22964707 [Reply] [Original]

>literally has a telegram group 100+ strong whos explicit goal is to find, torture and murder you and your family
was it worth it, Andre?

>> No.22964719


>> No.22964771

Implying any of you ineffectual litttle sissy’s will do anything

>> No.22964785

he can invest the 8mil and hire protection services for the rest of his life just off the interest alone. your junkie hitman hired by a group of streetshitters will knock on the front door and get blasted by a big nigga

>> No.22964868

I wonder if you can found him by looking up who is following on his old twitter? Like all the ones for Cape Town. Find them, find him and have law enforcement serve him a warrant

>> No.22965071

He lives in south africa. You obviously dont know anything about SA or how easy it would be to get the local police to ignore/ be complicit in a staged home invasion against a white south african. Happens every single day . I hope the money was worth never having another good night sleep as if shit wasnt hard enough for whites in SA

>> No.22965113

What's the story here?

>> No.22965210 [DELETED] 

>He lives in south africa. You obviously dont know anything about SA or how easy it would be to get the local police to ignore/ be complicit in a staged home invasion against a white south african. Happens every single day . I hope the money was worth never having another good night sleep as if shit wasnt hard enough for whites in SA
andre scammed me out of over $100,000. i am going after him and his family. same for the rest of yfi team. if they dont fully refund us or airdrop us 1:1 emv2. my life saving are gone. my life is over. i am very serious

>> No.22965249

i dont know this guy but i hope someone kills him, he looks homosexual

>> No.22965265

Reporting your comment to the FBI just to be safe. Society is better when broke retards like you are locked in a cage.

>> No.22965309

You threw your money into a fire and are mad at other people for it

>> No.22965319

i also have no fucking idea who this is or why I keep seeing his face on here

qrd guys?

>> No.22965360 [DELETED] 

anons, lets hold these scammers accountable. join t.me/EMNJustice2

>> No.22965396

Some scammer (obvious for anyone with a brain) posing as legit crypto developer with DeFi buzzwords (DeFi is a scam anyway).

>> No.22965467

That’s what your stupid ass gets for chasing defi scams. Crypto is utter shit. Be poor and get reported for criminal threats.

You deserve to be on the streets or in a cell. If you have a family, you failed them and their misfortune is all off your greed. I hope that burns in your mind for the rest of your days.

The man isn’t stupid. He’s well protected with the money he’s made and will be protected out there. You and your group of poorfags can’t outbid the man for protection.

>> No.22965532

Won't happen. He will just come back stronger with another scam and get praised for it like Jeffrey Huang and CREAM.

>> No.22965569 [DELETED] 

>That’s what your stupid ass gets for chasing defi scams. Crypto is utter shit. Be poor and get reported for criminal threats.
>You deserve to be on the streets or in a cell. If you have a family, you failed them and their misfortune is all off your greed. I hope that burns in your mind for the rest of your days.
>The man isn’t stupid. He’s well protected with the money he’s made and will be protected out there. You and your group of poorfags can’t outbid the man for protection.
his family won't be as protected

>> No.22965581

God you’re dumb pol

>> No.22965619
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no idea what all this drama is about but posting in a thread where andre cronje just wrote a seething post


>> No.22965651


>> No.22965707


>> No.22965715

imagine putting you money into a known ponzi and then complaining when you lost it
>grow up

>> No.22965973

he is the new mtmox guy, like karpeles back in the day

>> No.22966011

discl: not giving out financial advice

>> No.22966072

SA probably has some of the best private security mercenaries because of this

>> No.22966096

Why would the FBI give a shit, he's committing a theoretical crime in another country

>> No.22966252

I remember these toothless threats against OMGs Yun Kamehamesaki and he's still alive last time I checked.

>> No.22966267


>> No.22966335

defi scammer;

his protocol .finance (automated liquidity investing protocl) was adopted by a shitton of pump and dump scammers

some legit teams have adopted the code but like 90% of .finance coins are scams; P and DS

>> No.22966420


Exactly. There was a massive thread about EMN the other night with hundreds of replies and still no one understood how the fuck it actually worked, yet ppl saw a couple of green candles and threw 50+ eth into it kek

>> No.22966534

Why the fuck won't he compensate the stolen money to the people? He is fucking billionaire.

>> No.22966571
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>> No.22966610

yes because country borders have stopped alphabet agencies before

>> No.22966693

As if the kike cocksucking FBI would care a rat's ass about a white in South Africa. They probably jerk off to that.

>> No.22967020

>He lives in south africa. You obviously dont know anything about SA or how easy it would be to get the local police to ignore/ be complicit in a staged home invasion against a white south African
You’re spending too much time on /pol.On the other hand he can kiss he’s ass goodbye if he took money from the mob.

>> No.22967100

The FBI operates in South Africa anon and accompany local police on ‘no knock’ raids to arrest suspects wanted in the US.

>> No.22967212

Cry more retard

>> No.22967355

kek at all these paid jeets spamming this shit. imagine buying a fiverr army because you lost your savings for being a retard.

>> No.22967485

You misunderstand me I have no skin in this game, I am just doing a threat analysis for him. Even with connections to intel services/law enforcement (and lets face it with the money he stole he can afford them) he will be looking over his shoulder for a long time. South African millionaires can afford some of the world's best mercenaries/private counter intelligence (ex Koevoet,rhodesians,etc) but stealing so much money in such a public in- your-face-way is not a trifle.
>muh pol

Ah yes the security issue in south africa is a /pol/ conspiracy theory nothing happens in there its very safe you sound like you are very knowledgeable about the subject do tell me more

>> No.22967740

US alphabet agencies have lost lot of their reach and influence outside the US in the last decade.
I witnessed them getting purged from Cambodia by the chinks, i imagine the same applies to SA

>> No.22967994
File: 331 KB, 640x892, 47307F54-CC54-43D9-B350-BFA96359D4BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks South African police ignore crime when the victims are white

>I witnessed them getting purged from Cambodia by the chinks, i imagine the same applies to SA

>> No.22968157

planning a hit on an asset
good plan, if I remember that is why Ross sits forever

>> No.22968188

>Thinks South African police ignore crime when the victims are white

In some cases yes there is a reason why pruvate security is so popular amongst those who can afford it, and the police do not have the manpower to address every tip they receive. You act as if home invasions against wealthy white Africans isnt a thing I suggest you kindly shut your mouth until you do some research and see the numbers for yourself and compare them to crime stats from other countries to determine if there isnt a discrepancy. Something bad happening to a "white south african who had scammed money off internet coins" would not be as unusual as lets say a home invasion in Beverly hills or malibu targeting an american millionaire.

He already had money from his other projects I will never understand why he got so greedy he just had to brazenly steal so many funds in public and then falsely claim he was asleep. Seems money and financial knowledge cant buy you common sense. If I was in charge of his security detail I would tell him to return the funds to emn holders via airdrop or something asap and put this behind him before something happens.

>> No.22968698

>andre scammed me out of over $100,000.
He gave you every warning about the dangers of it. There wasnt even any information on it outside of the contract address. You could have had some restraint.

>> No.22968723

>In some cases yes there is a reason why pruvate security is so popular amongst those who can afford it
That’s because national police only do calls for serious crime like murder,rape and house robbery.Everything else like noise complaints and dogs barking too loudly are dealt by the city police.Financial fraud are handled by detectives from another agency.Private security companies patrol the neighborhoods for their clients.Wealthy gated communities in the US also have those type of private security companies and even hire off duty cops.
>You act as if home invasions against wealthy white Africans isnt a thing
Home invasions is a reality for wealthy and middle class South Africans of all races not only whites.
>Something bad happening to a "white south african who had scammed money off internet coins" would not be as unusual
Swim with piranhas and expect to be eaten regardless of race.

> He already had money from his other projects I will never understand why he got so greedy he just had to brazenly steal so many funds in public and then falsely claim he was asleep
Hopefully he didn’t scam underworld figures otherwise no amount of private security is going to save him.They will simply target his family in order to get to him.He is also screwed if he scammed American clients and they decide to press charges.

>> No.22968925

yes i heard sinola cartel took their uniswap token to yield farm his defi card game and is pretty pissed now

>> No.22969066

Do you retards actually think it was Andre who took your money? It wasn't, dummies. It was some Yearn dev or someone else. Garauntee it.

>> No.22969076

>>Home invasions is a reality for wealthy and middle class South Africans of all races not only whites

Whites are overwhelmingly victims compared to their population percentage. You are a acting as if post-apartheid sa doesnt incentivize violence against "the boer" in radio media universities etc. I dont know if you are lying out of ignorance or malice but its clear you are lying. Btw im not "white" I just hate when people like you falsify the statistics data and even the popular "kill the boer" sentiment because it doesnt fit your agenda

>> No.22969878

What happened?

>> No.22969957

>Whites are overwhelmingly victims compared to their population percentage. You are a acting as if post-apartheid sa doesnt incentivize violence against "the boer" in radio media universities etc.
That would count as hate speech anon if that’s happening.

>Btw im not "white" I just hate when people like you falsify the statistics data
I which data are you referring to?

>> No.22969997

Anon, you do know nelson and winnie mandela were communist terrorists behind several bombings? You know they are recorded on video in the mid 80s I believe singing kill the boer? Have you even read the wikipedia article about south africa?

>> No.22970022

Imagine thinking the sort of retards who put real money in brand new untested smart contracts have the organizational skills to get revenge lmao

>> No.22970133

yeah but you wouldn't want to take that chance. plus, in reality the $8m won't last long, i read somewhere that harry and meghan's security detail runs to about $5m a year.

>> No.22970221

>Anon, you do know nelson and winnie mandela were communist terrorists behind several bombings?
Anon you do realize it’s now 2020 and back then people of color(and some whites)in Apartheid South Africa were fighting an authoritarian regime that had nukes?Thought people in the West wanted Africans to stay in their respective countries and fight the regimes oppressing then instead of fleeing to Europe as refugees.

>> No.22970230

This is a thread for the sub 50 IQ portion of crypto investors isn't it?

>> No.22970338

>garauntees sth

>> No.22970359


>> No.22970794

>sub 50 IQ portion
