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22960778 No.22960778[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22961234

man face whore

>> No.22961255

>I'm 9.84253 inches
I'm gonna make it bois

>> No.22961330

I'm hung like a stallion also and white so you can imagine I literally have pussy knocking at my door all the time

>> No.22961354

same imagine having a penis smaller than 12in lmao

>> No.22961359

tfw a mere 7 inches.

>> No.22961570

Defi swaps are actually scams. Think about. For example uniswap has 0.3% fee, gas not even included.

You do on exchanges, even the highest taker fee is 0.26 % and deposit and withdrawal doesn't really cost much. It's not like you go multiple exchanges either

>> No.22961602
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>> No.22961606


she looks like a rat. rat poison time.

>> No.22961640

Caring what women think about penis size is the ultimate cuck mindset. Who gives a fuck what women feel during sex lol?

>> No.22961710


he looks like a goblino

>> No.22962049

>Who gives a fuck what women feel during sex lol?
Everyone who has ever actually spoken to a woman, so not you obviously you fucking retarded incel

>> No.22962142

I've had sex. I cummed. I never talked to her again. And my cock is only 5.5 inches lol. Whatever cuck enjoy arguing over dicks.

>> No.22962201

>tfw my dick is a smart contract ETF of the entire market cap of crypto in units of billions
I hate being a 3 inchers now

>> No.22962308

Settle down dicklet. As long as you have money or a personality that is enough to get by

>> No.22962418
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>> No.22962430

she has big tits

>> No.22962453
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Loopring LRC

>> No.22962470

>Arguing with holes by proxy

>> No.22962493

>3 posts by this ID
time to have sex incel

>> No.22962507

she couldnt handle 25cm irl
pathetic whore who grew up fatherless

>> No.22962663

looks like a democrat

>> No.22963137
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>posting takes a lot of work

>> No.22963323

Shes coping

>> No.22963404

Does anyone realize just how comically big a 10" dick is? That's like Mandingo size and likely to destroy 99.9% of pussies.

>> No.22963442

typically when you make women feel good during sex, you get more of it. just a tip, bro

>> No.22963529

Women have no ideas how to take measurements mentally. Tell her your peepee is 10in and she'll believe it, even if you are 6.
Stupid brainwashed whores.

>> No.22963557
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go back to lurking on /tv/ anon

>> No.22963576

cuck spotted

>> No.22963666

you can tell this one is actually kinda smart.
it takes a special kinda smart (for women) to get under incels' skin so consciously.

>> No.22963925
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>demonstrating to the whole world you are a whore
It's funny because they don't even figure what they did wrong until it's too late. Imagine your coworkers sharing this behind your back and laughing at you, your father being beyond ashamed, potential mates only considering you as a hole and 95% of the guys not even trying to mate you anymore simply because they don't fulfill your meme "criteria".
All this because you thought it would make laugh your cool wine aunt.
Pathetic and kinda sad.

>> No.22964036

Babby dick cope

>> No.22964063

>6.3 inches
>still can't do cowgirl with gf because my dick touches her cervix
Do the whores who fuck 10 inch dick guys have cervixes in their throats or are they just really tall?

>> No.22964191

Kek, nice ron.

>> No.22964224

is your gf short?

>> No.22964325

Who is this? I must have different tastes than anon because she's smoking hot.

>> No.22964337

That’s what I don’t understand. Some women, yes, have deep vaginal canals, but the average is 3-6 inches. It really makes me wonder if some women have actually had sex with a big dick. It’s like a virgin guy trying to brag about how tits feel when he obviously has no idea what he’s talking about.

>> No.22964555

Maybe they prefer anal

>> No.22964614

where can we see her get fucked by a mythical 10" dick

>> No.22964822


>> No.22964850

I'm a 5'10 manlet and she's shorter than me I think 5'5 or something.

>> No.22965202

lol buddy I guarantee you she makes more than you doing this shit, probably from her patreon alone.
She does not need to worry about a job with a body like that. And she will be smart enough to marry a rich guy if she gets tired of it.
Trophy wife is easy life.

>> No.22965228

but by all means maintain your cope fantasies

>> No.22965275

She needs to have her head cut off and punted off a cliff. I hate whores so much

>> No.22965404
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>> No.22965462

Why are you a faggot simp spamming this thread with your defence of women. Never mind i’d rather punt your head off a cliff

>> No.22965470


would love to see her breasts chopped off

>> No.22965489

nah not of women
most women are dumb
but I do love me some smart whores, I'm a degen like that

>> No.22966373

You don't sound like a degen at all. Just a simp.

>> No.22966524

this sadly. One girl asked how come my dick is so big but im only 5.56 inches (aka M16 penis) and others i couldnt please because they were blown out by chads. also asians typically have the shallowest vaginas so if you are a dicklet go for them to make you feel like a big man


LINK $10,000 EOY

>> No.22967786

Just keep pumping them with more ccs until they explode.

>> No.22967870

god i wanna titty fuck this worthless slut so bad.

>> No.22967932

I've literally banged about 30 women. Literally all of them could barely handle my 7 inch cock. A couple of the girls had huge vaginal canals I could literally fist them. Those women are fucked in a way because only a fist and arm can please them which is sad.

>> No.22968042

porn addict spotted

>> No.22968527
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7.62 inches (aka FAL penis) here. Too bad you're stuck with gook pussy while I get all the european and american pussy I can get.

>> No.22968958

It's pretty true, I mean by the time she finds out it's too late pretty much.
.t 6 inches

>> No.22969783

Based and average dick pilled. Almost no girl is gonna turn you away once you are at that point. So just bust a nut and move on