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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22956074 No.22956074 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 24 and have literally zero dollars and no bank account, but I do have some loose change in my jeans. I have no credit, loan, or bill payments and have no decerniable skills besides barbecuing. What are my options or should I just give up?

>> No.22956092

Suck dick for 10$ per pop and buy chainlink

>> No.22956107

This. Or just forgo buying Chainlink altogether and suck 100,000 dicks at $10 a pop

>> No.22956119

Open a bank account, get a job, money goes into bank account. Does this really need to be explained to you?

>> No.22956150

Get a job to get $500/1000, start from there

>> No.22956159
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>no decerniable skills besides barbecuing
open a bbq pit

>> No.22956193

Get a job and gamble your wage on crypto, duh

>> No.22956231

what would you suggest looking at

>> No.22956268

Be a linecook. Restaurants are desperate for linecooks. It's a shitty job but builds character.

>> No.22956273

Retail or fast food you dolt

>> No.22956363
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That would be over selling myself considerably
Kind of, never done this before. Long story short I dropped acid and had an Epiphany that if I didn't turn things around I'd die a faggot. I packed my bags and drove two states away ghosting everone I know and will not go back until I'm successful. Currently day 3 and I'm living in my truck on a target parking lot.

>> No.22956375

i mean tokens, i have a good job

>> No.22956389

Look into opening a food truck if you like cooking. The best money you can make is that which you earned yourself.
And NEVER give up, that's exactly how you stay poor and miserable.

>> No.22956478

Thanks man, kinda gay but I needed that

>> No.22956497

I think back of the house work is fun as hell if you're young. Restaurants are the most degenerate fun you can. Everyone's doing drugs and fucking each other. Speaking from experience as a waiter in the 2000's

>> No.22956550
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>Kind of, never done this before. Long story short I dropped acid and had an Epiphany that if I didn't turn things around I'd die a faggot. I packed my bags and drove two states away ghosting everone I know and will not go back until I'm successful. Currently day 3 and I'm living in my truck on a target parking lot.

>> No.22956566

I genuinely hoped you were some fag who disappeared so I could go about my night but shit man.
Open an online bank acct. Look up best fees and all that shit. Not American so cannot help you there.
You will have to go get any job you can, retail, fast food, warehouse, labouring. What ever pays.
Learn how to save before thinking of investing. Should be easy with no debt or bad spending habits. Once you have a couple hundred you can buy in, any less and fees fuck you too hard.
Real books on money, Barefoot Investor was one I liked when I was totally clueless, almost in your situation, search 4chan archives for more recommendations. You can download PDFs of them for free.
You probably have a lot of time, lurk here, use it to educate yourself. Instead of doing what ever dumb shit you do, dedicate it to getting your money in order and learning more.
You are young and have a shit load of time on your hands. The whole internet of information to learn from. When I was 26 I had $6 to my name. By 30 I was financially secure. Had a very similar epiphany.

>> No.22956599

get a fucking job and use your first paycheck to go /all in/ on chainlink.

>> No.22956631

You gamble on crypto. It's the only chance untalented people like us have to become rich. If your funds are limited start with solid low cap coins like DIA and then when they 10x you secure your gains in Bitcoin or Ethereum.
Don't buy any coin that is named after food or drink, starts with YF (except YFI), or uses a .finance domain for its website.

>> No.22956632

Not the worst idea either if you don't sweat that first check and leave your emotions out of it

>> No.22956646
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buy link asap

>> No.22957235

Is link really the way? Or are you guys pushing to pump and dump?

>> No.22957268

Line cook is probably one of the worst jobs you can have. Any job in food service isn't worth it really, except waiting since they do nothing and get paid cash.

>> No.22957363

Buy low - midcaps. Wait. Sell high. Repeat.

ARPA is a good long term hodl IMO. You can farm Bella Protocol with it. Both on Binance.

>> No.22957380

It was the way at 20-30 cents. Now it almost hit $20. Don't do it.

ARPA + Bella anon. Binance is easy to sign up to.