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22954581 No.22954581 [Reply] [Original]

AVAX: are you ready for Ethereum running on a super fast L0 protocol?

>> No.22954633

Yes, when will it happen?

>> No.22954919
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bougth avax yesterday. is binance withdrawals disabled for anyone else?

>> No.22955061

that motherfucker CZ must be staking.

>> No.22955214

Got 110k so I actually sold 5k yesterday, already got half my initial back.
And we're probably mooning from here but I was smart enough to go full yolo cheap, might as well take some profit early.

>> No.22955329

Only a good move because yolo'd in the ICO, big announcements coming soon.

>> No.22955366

i'm ready to dump the cones i get from the hard spoon
any info on when we'll get them and easiest way to trade them for eth?

>> No.22955385

For sure, but had I not sold at least a little when I 10x-ed previously I'd be broke instead of having 105k AVAX, 20K LINK and 20M RSR and 250k USDC.

>> No.22955419

what was your initial capital when you got into crypto?

>> No.22955463

$600 for a second hand motherboard, second hand ram, second hand 40gb hard drive and two radeon 7850-s.
Most people on /biz/ laugh at me for not having made it already, but I'm from a poor country and I've been receiving tons of help along the way, and I've been returning favors since...

>> No.22955478

I'm jelly bro

>> No.22955500

Good for you man. Many people who started in 2013 or even earlier are broke or poor You certainly made it for someone in a poor country.

>> No.22955553

we're all gonna make it bruh and I mean it
Thanks man, I know a ton of people who just bought drugs back then. Lots of regrets along the way, but every time I went more than 30% into something it has been a success (ETH at $100, way too late; ANS at $7, then LINK).
Well, except for BCH, but had it not been for cashies, I wouldn't have known and research Avalanche these past 2 years.

>> No.22955825

I am ready and waiting

>> No.22955839

what cones? Athereum token?

god bless anon, truly a visionary
were you in the ETH ico too?

>> No.22955855

No, I stop caring about my BTC in 2015 and fell for corekek propaganda afterwards.
Bought my first ETH at almost $100.

>> No.22955867

Sry for my pajeet English, I'm eastern european and drunk.

>> No.22956412

I only put in $1500 into the private sale because I don't really like Sirer and actually do not want this to kill ETH. I don't think it will, network effects are too huge by now, but it can't hurt to have a hedge.
Of course if I had had any idea back then that farming would completely clog the ETH chain, I'd gone in way harder :/

>> No.22956731

Traders won't tolerate high fees forever. Muh network effects work when the improvements are small, what we are talking about here is almost free and instant transactions *without* sacrificing decentralization.

>ETH 2.0
Vitalk recently said it will take a couple of years to fully finish the roadmap of ETH 2.0, but even if it finishes tomorrow it would still be inferior to Avalanche in terms of throughput, latency and decentralization.

>> No.22956944

traders trade on exchanges and don't send around coins and tokens like some degenerate horse gamblers

>> No.22957084

Call them whatever you want. They want low fees and they want it now.
The ERC20 bridge and big projects will be announced soon. The migration to Avalanche will be swift once it starts.

>> No.22957149

Serious question: Why is this shitcoin dumped from 16$ to 4$?

>> No.22957200

>he thinks AVAX is just another shitcoin

>dumped from 16$ to 4$?
It never traded at $16. There were IOUs at scammy exchanges before the mainnet launch.

>> No.22957345

it will never happen, same as dot migration never happened, or nobody will ever use ftm, xsn, xtz or other vc tax evasion scams

>> No.22957424

I'm grateful for these centralized scams because they confuse retards like you which give us smarter people the chance to buy AVAX early.