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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 21 KB, 512x512, not_a_bald_faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22950495 No.22950495 [Reply] [Original]


I'll never again refer to the venerable Brian "Chad" Armstrong as a bald faggot. Nor will I again refer to his venerable company as "Cuckbase."

>> No.22950514

aint reading that shit, did he call someone a nigger?

>> No.22950519

Well he is black so he's allowed to say that.

>> No.22950527

yeah this is a pretty cool move but still fuck CB

>> No.22950581

he should've never left texas and should've started coinbases there....
tx is an at-will state (unlike ca) and he could just fire the sjw and give the reason for firing as "you're an sjw" and there is nothing anyone could do about it....certainly wouldn't need to bribe them.

>> No.22950628
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I couldn't believe this when I read about it.

First of all Brian Armstrong is a huge faggot, and I will stick to that until the day I die.

Second of all, he didn't say anything offensive, nor is this some sort of "anti-free speech" directive from Coinbase. All he wrote in his dumb little blogpost boils down to "don't fight about politics at work, instead you should focus on what I fucking hired you for."

Finally, what this REALLY boils down to, is tha as a CEO in Silicon Valley, in order to run a successful company you need to either 1) succumb to the faggot tranny mob or 2) have literal hundreds of fall guys that you offload the SJW bullshit onto so you can fire them when the faggot trannies inevitably start crying about some retarded political bullshit. Study Amazon or a myriad of other successful modern corporations and you can see how this was done perfectly. Brian Armstrong is either too beta or too unlucky to get away with this.

Anyways, I hate Cuckbase, but I trust them more than any other mainstream crypto company. Critiquing what Brian Armstrong tried to do here is hilarious because he was clearly trying to walk a tight-rope between the faggot trannies while appeasing people he knew he needs, but he fucking failed miserably. He's a coward and not a cutthroat CEO.

>> No.22950766
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Also, I know some anon can explain this better than me, but in the past TWO things have happened that made me eternally despise Brian Cuckbase Armstrong:

1) an old time anonymous acquaintance contacted Armstrong, essentially begging (pathetically) for money. Instead of ignoring the guy, or taking pity on him, or privately giving him some money to get back on his feet, Armstrong posted some disgustingly arrogant blogpost about the advice he gave this old acquaintance. It wasn't even that the advice was bad (it was really dumb fucking advice, something like 'keep working hard'), it was the fact that he posted it online and acted like he did the guy some huge favor. Dumbest shit I ever read.

2) Armstrong then goes and donates a ton of money to some African charity, which I personally don't really give a shit about (he can do what he wants with his money), but he ONCE AGAIN posts some big public blogpost about it like "PRAISE ME FOR WHAT I DID" and this is pretty soon after he just told an old struggling acquaintance to basically fuck off.

He's a pathetic coward with no conviction and no morals. He will be kowtowing to the tranny faggot mob within the next few months. You can bet your house on that.

>> No.22950788
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>disgustingly arrogant blogpost

actually I think these were tweets and then he inevitably deleted the tweets when more socially normal people told him how fucking retarded he was. The point is, Brian Armstrong deserves all the hate he gets

>> No.22950825

>He's a coward and not a cutthroat CEO
And you're a backseat driving 4chan faggot who couldn't manage a pet goldfish.

>"don't fight about politics at work, instead you should focus on what I fucking hired you for"
is all a reasonable person could want out of the workplace culture war. It's not like he can announce he's going to build gas chambers and genocide the troons as nice as that would be.

As >>22950581 describes, the bald heterosexual can't even just outright fire these people. So he is doing the best thing he can realistically do in his constrained ass position. You can bet that these fags are already having panic attacks about how "unsafe" they feel. You can bet that CB won't be doing Hate Whitey trainings like damn near any company of their size.

Literally what would you do better? You're just beating your chest

>> No.22950853

I will write all that off as high functioning autism

>> No.22950870

Thats awesome

>> No.22950877

His employees walked out in June midday when he didn't say Black Lives Matter during a company All Hands meeting. He caved a day later and tweeted it. He lost all control and now he's doubling down due to not wanting to alienate investors. Cb employees are seething.

>> No.22950907

yes, i wouldn't be surprised if he relocates his company to another state in coming year or so...maybe wy
as a start-up he needed ca for access to vc money, given that he is about to go public ca is just dead fucking weight at this point.
investors would much rather he was in some low tax at-will state.....

>> No.22950920

Nigger looks like a alien

>> No.22950957

>maybe wy
Would be cool. Kraken got its banking license in Wyoming. If BasedBase moves to Cheyenne, it is the Bitcoin capital of the US.

>> No.22950994

yeah, if basedbased moves to wy i will probably by a few hundred acres of land in wy as a long-term hold. could become crypto vegas

>> No.22951000

I remember number 1. Will also never forgive him for that one. What a dick.

>> No.22951180

yea, he did (2) to try to save face from (1).

at the end of the day, i think he's just an autistic retard who does cringey shit and then does more cringey shit to cover it up.
i think this situation is slightly different tho, the sjw are direct threats to his power / company. assberger autistic tards are not stupid and can be sociopathically cruel, so there is a decent chance he starts obsessing about them and thinking 24/7 of ways to fuck with them
look, i'm not a fan of cb, but the difference between a brian armstrong and say a tim cook...is BA views cb as HIS company. whereas tim cook waltzed in as a homo into a company someone else built so felt free to give 4b to a nigger for a pair of headphones.

>> No.22951892

He looks very much so like the type of guy who may or may not have a bag of DIA because he just naturally gets along with the DIA team solely based on the fact that they look the same in comparison with the rest of the world.

>> No.22951937

Yeah, I’m thinking that’s based

>> No.22951989

keep firing those fucking shitskin NIGGERS.
i hope he fires akmed or akbar whatever the fuck that kikes name is.
he stole my fucking linkies.

>> No.22952572

Everything in this thread is propaganda. I don't know who's jewing who but there are a lot of you hebrew cockroaches here on /biz/. I like what Armstrong said about social justice warriors not being appropriate for the workplace and as for the man himself, I don't know him.

>> No.22952617
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Telling your employees to shut the fuck up about leftist activism while they are at work and showing them the door if they don't like it is some absolute king shit, I will make sure to use Coinbase to onboard my fiat in the future.

>> No.22952621

It's a trend today.

>> No.22952663
File: 134 KB, 1124x1053, 1601528497306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The former CEO of Twitter got so mad about this that he's calling for Brian to be lined up against a wall and shot lol

>> No.22952691


>> No.22952743

Clever move honestly. Not sure specifically what he's referring to, maybe hiring policies. Politics have no place in a workplace, however there are some social issues that transcend politics, so I'm not sure where the line is drawn.

Yeah this guys retarded. But I kind of get where he's coming from because he's dealing with a social business. An exchange is mostly platonic to the issues he has to deal with.

>> No.22952772

Yes anon I too can relate to wanting to commit genocide

>> No.22952826

Oh no, yeah true. I'm just saying apples to apples. A huge social media business (the way it's designed can influence future social policies) is so different from a crypto exchange. He's 100% wrong, but it's important to note this.

>> No.22953005
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>the revolution

>> No.22953025
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Based Armstrong

>> No.22953114
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You're seemingly the same type of beta coward that Armstrong is.

>what would you do better?

Easy. I'd realize that I'm not smart enough or perfect enough to do everything on my own. I'd hire a black native american transexual faggot to run my diversity sector and then slowly siphon all the retarded faggot to a place where I can legally fire them/fire the retard that is supposed to babysit them.

You're clearly not the type who can run an immensely successful company, just like Armstrong isn't. That's ok. He shouldn't have to be. Even the most uncharismatic of human beings (Armstrong literally sucks the charisma out of a room) can delegate to people that are able to pick up the slack. How do you think someone like Zuckerberg can run Facebook? He's just fucking smart enough to know he can't do the charismatic things on his own. He surrounds himself with people that can. Is Armstrong too fucking retarded to realize that as a CID white male, he can't fucking address politics on his own? If he's not smart enough to delegate this kind of shit, he's fucked. Period.

>> No.22953145

>maybe wy
keep dreaming redneck, the south and midwest will continue to be and always have been a shithole

>> No.22953188

>he could just fire the sjw and give the reason for firing as "you're an sjw"
That is not how at will always works. You may be able to fire without cause, but once you state cause you need to be able to substantiate the cause and defend it. Just fire and do not state the cause or prepare for trouble.

>> No.22953455
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These people lmao

>> No.22953522

That is unironically based.
I used to use a different fiat onramp, but I'm definitely switching to Coinbase.

>> No.22954690

Saved and checked. It'll occur to them though. In the odd event it does, they won't care, because they're "winning". I doubt this is the first sort of unrest event/conflict which has this affect on people.

>> No.22954702

*never occur to them

>> No.22954716

how is that remotely chadish?
someone who is sabotaging a company deserves getting getting fired wihtout compensation, not a reward

>> No.22954902

i feel like there aren't that many people on biz that have worked in the bay area and understand tech company politics.

coinbase isnt going to move to fucking wyoming to save money on taxes, that's not how the world works. all of the talent and capital is concentrated in the bay area, and the homogeneity in ideology is a reflection of that. being anti-SJW is strictly a bad business move when 98% of the people in the industry, the people that you rely on, are SJWs. there's a reason why most big tech companies will post some shit about BLM and inclusion and diversity, it's the best option to avoid destabilization.

>> No.22954956

>fire SJW employee for being a cultist retard
>get sued
>case comes before Judge Sheila Usuryfeld

enjoy immediate bankruptcy

>> No.22955027

Good. Fuck this pandering to dead criminal niggers

>> No.22955175
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>pays sjws to be sjws
Nope, I'd rather keep giving away my fees to chink exchanges and chink miners, thank you.

>> No.22955191
File: 618 KB, 750x1000, 1599530724493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cantz BREEV! I wants muh reparashunz fo da rugpull!

>> No.22955360

i find this tweet funny in an ironic way
revolutionaries are usually the first ones to get purged after a successful revolution

>> No.22955628

Where them screenshots from

>> No.22955763

>I'll never again refer to the venerable Brian "Chad" Armstrong as a bald faggot. Nor will I again refer to his venerable company as "Cuckbase."
I like it, but Coinbase still sucks.