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File: 30 KB, 640x640, xETH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22947604 No.22947604 [Reply] [Original]

I choose xETH as a token to illustrate my point but the same question could be asked for AMPL, xBTC, and the likes.

I live in the US. I buy an elastic supply token. 24 hours after, I receive more tokens for free. I sell the additional tokens for a profit. Since I didn't pay for them, what does the taxman say?


>> No.22948144

biz is unironically missing out on this one
this gets thrown around a lot but this time it's actually real
make yourself a nice birthday present to commemorate 17 years of lulz and grab a bag of xETH

>> No.22948204
File: 84 KB, 233x533, 7A5BFBD2-8900-49F6-9628-007FE9DBE6C7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo I like when my coin isn't posted on biz, saged
>Fuck you op

>> No.22948249

Why the fuck is it pumping right now? This is not sustainable. I'm selling my bags and calling it a day

>> No.22948286
File: 15 KB, 474x474, terry delet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make yourself a nice birthday present to commemorate 17 years of lulz and grab a bag of xETH
Idk what mongoloid fairqueen just posted this, but go back forth from whence yee came Traveler, we're not to fond of your kind in these parts.

>> No.22948289

>everyone makes money daily
>everyone can sell their tokens daily
Wanna guess how I know this shit will die in less than a month?

>> No.22948425

The only good thing about xETH is the ecchi poster, his threads are delightful for the eyes if you slim through the pics and ignore his pajeet shill posts. No amount of shilling will make me buy this scam, just look at how hard AMPL crashed. You should avoid elastic supply ponzi schemes like the plague.
>inb4 your IQ is too low to understand

What's the purpose of xETH? What initial value does it have? Do you get your daily rebases if people stop buying?

That's right. Retards likening them to stock splitsare beyond saving and deserve to stay poor

>> No.22948456

lmao they copied xBTC

>> No.22948468

xBTC is better

>> No.22948477


>> No.22948623

How many years has it been since he died?
Should I buy xETH?

>> No.22948668
File: 30 KB, 642x802, IMG_20200930_114453_581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a scam

>> No.22948809
File: 302 KB, 1925x1126, deep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duly noted

>> No.22948994

Why are there more threads about this lately? I though the PnD was over and done two weeks ago. People didn't move on after seeing the anonymous team or the scammers behind COM endorsing this project? lmao

>> No.22949598


>> No.22949925

the air you breath is taxable if you want it to be.

>> No.22950078

What did you sell it for? Unironically the IRS values it as zero and your profit whatever the equivalent value of USD at the time.

>> No.22950774

The fudders in here LOL
Stay mad, xBTC has done jack shit since release and xETH has fucking 12x so far

>> No.22951339


xeth was first dummy

>> No.22951353


Gains are taxable. Just report gains, bro.

>> No.22951413

Literally all these forced tokenomics coins are garbage and will be dead in a few years.

>> No.22951832

are stock splits taxable events?

>> No.22951932


That is all that's the shill that's literally it it's just that that's all that's the shill that's unironically the shill that's all