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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 156 KB, 671x982, mootsn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
229439 No.229439 [Reply] [Original]

>So both of his startups have failed.
>He is in shittonnes of debt.
>4chan is barely pulling any cash.

What advice would you give Dear Leader?

>> No.229440

I tell him to apply captcha to the website then later after people get tired of that bullshit, offer them a means to bypass it for a fee.

>> No.229445

I think Canv.as was doomed to failure, though I thought Drawquest was actually pretty decent.

I think Moot should have spent his time making Futaba 2.0 and a new upgraded imageboard. 4chan has problems, but it is incredibly popular.

Intergrate all of AppchanX's features into Futaba 2.0's code.

Give Futaba 2.0. Canv.as features, like inthread image remixing.

Give the new imageboard more focused, relevant and family friendly boards. So no /pol/, but more stuff like history, schoolwork, ama's things like that, steal what works from Reddit essentially.

>> No.229448

invest in dogecoin

>> No.229451

>family friendly

Yeah, turn 4chan in to facebook. Great idea bro.

>> No.229465

he's probably gotten countless friends and romantic partners from creating this site. he always has things to do, probably free admission to conventions and if he's bored he can arrange for a 4chan meetup wherever he is. he also has a ton of online social clout so he gets invited to formal and informal events all of the time. as long as he has enough money for food and rent then he's set, he doesn't need to monetize anything.

>> No.229469

The amount of viewers he has to this site, he could literally promote or draw attention to anything and make lots of money...

>> No.229471

He could bring back /l/ and make it a Pass exclusive board.

>> No.229476

God imagine if he made /his/tory and /i/nvasion and made them pass exclusive boards.

/his/ and /i/ the most requested 4chan boards since I've been here in 2004.
It's amazing we never got /his/tory though, since it's blatantly obvious that Moot doesn't give a fucking shit about 4chan anymore after he let /pol/ shit over fucking everything.

>> No.229479
File: 1.86 MB, 400x197, russia doesnt care.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is the most honest board on the entire internet.

>> No.229484

4chan shop, sell 4chan gear

>> No.229490

The amount of traffic he gets, there is loads a dosh if he threw up a store and sold 4chan merch.

His big problem is he has moral issues about how he makes his money.

>> No.229497

If he had no moral issues about how he makes money he'd have done what >>229445 suggests and consequently ruined the entire site and alienated the entirety of the userbase. For him it's not the best thing but it makes a difference.

>> No.229517


>> No.229526

>romantic partners

Citation needed

>> No.229529

>His big problem is he has moral issues about how he makes his money.
What kind of jew has moral issues about money?

>> No.229531

All that guy suggested was upgrade the site and make it family friendly, which is fucking stupid because 4chan is all about minimal moderation and anonymity driving blunt conversation.

He won't even do shit like allow donations.

>> No.229535

>Hating on /pol/

JIDF detected. But seriously, /pol/ is an incredibly popular board and brings in a ton of hits. In fact, our pseudo /econ/ threads started there.

If moot was serious about making money from 4chan, he would be pounding the pavement looking for investors/sponsors to integrate tons of new features like the anons above suggested. But he's a lazy weeboo that got lucky.

>> No.229537


/sfag/ here. I thought of you Wipe when this board was made. You're probably the only tripfag I like, I feel like you only post when your trip is relevant.

Unlike Fart Admirer and his pedophile gang

>> No.229539

ITT: A thinly veiled attempt by moot to obtain advice.

Hi Moot.

>> No.229540

I just keep the trip on at all times on /biz/. Mostly because I hate deleting it out and re-typing it. To a lesser extent I think tripping helps with accountability.

>implying moot cares about any thread that doesn't involve sucking his cock and talking about the "good" days of 4chan

>> No.229544


I'm not a /biz/ regular so I can't comment on that, but I was a /sfig/ regular.

Fart Admirer and the faggot horde on /pol/ post even when it doesn't matter. As if they were ever relevant.

>> No.229546

>liking tripfags
back to reddit

>> No.229548
File: 298 KB, 1044x783, 1392998718796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do you say he is in shittonnes of debt?

>> No.229550

I know a model who actually dated moot for quite some time so yeah he gets his share of pussy trust me

>> No.229553

Eh I don't know who that is..

Also, if you're listening moot, hire a marketing team and really push 4chan. It's the only successful thing you have going for you right now but you're not making any money on it. Make a 4chan IPO and use your marketing teams to get institution investors to pump your stock.

>4chan stock opens at 5$ a share
>Neets drive it up to over 9000 for teh lulz

>> No.229554

How does facebook make money and how could you implement that on to 4chan to turn 4chan in to a force?

>> No.229559
File: 12 KB, 143x166, Love and tolerance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that photo

Selling your data to the NSA/Advertisers

>> No.229592

ITT ways to kill 4chan

>> No.229594

How would my idea kill 4chan?


>> No.229766

I wonder how much sales does jlist make off 4chan ads?

Must be a shit ton because they have been advertising on here for 5+ years.

>> No.229793

mootkins has been making millions off this website, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Ever since he created the 4chan pass he has been rolling in shekels

>> No.229803
File: 98 KB, 511x383, 1191907581985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a future where 4chan wrecks m00t's life to the point where he has to suck dick behind a red lobster for cash highly amuses me

>> No.229814

jidf pls

>> No.229841

I'd tell him to jump on the crypto bandwagon. He could've raked in hundreds of thousands of coins just by posting a couple of donation wallet addresses at the bottom of the page. Then again, i'm sure the feds who pay his salary and keep him out of jail wouldn't like that.
I miss the reddit bitcoin tipbot as well. Krautchan is adopting it, why not 4chan?

>> No.229871

He's probably made a bunch of bitcoin selling passes. Wonder if he sold them like a dumbass.

>> No.231001

Why doesn't moot just invest in some shit?

>> No.231006

Fuck, I'd pay him to fuck me.

>> No.231036

the payment processor he used turned them immediately into usd.

moot should just do the j-list thing himself and integrate a weeaboo garbage e-shop into 4chan for the wapanese boards. put a rotating amazon affiliate link to a fedoracore movie in the header on /tv/. do the same on /lit/ with books. bulk whey protein on /fit/. nazi helmets on /pol/. Give people the option to buy something they'd buy anyway and also support the site.

>> No.231050

Get a jawb
In a company even

>> No.231109

Tell moot to accept fucking donations.

>> No.231154


>> No.231162

He has debt? Says who? I think 4chan makes enough to support itself and Moot so I think he's satisfied.

>> No.231168

It's slowly happening. /v/ is like /r/gaming these days. Mods ban for everything there.

I think moot's best cash cow would be to make 4chan pass exclusive boards.

>> No.231207

well he is still pretty thin and young. I think he still has a lot of miles left on that tight anus of his. I would have him move to san frascisco and post on CL to get gays to push his shit in. Could probably make 200 in a half hour per a day.

>> No.231219
File: 13 KB, 165x231, 1324482273888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>more focused, relevant and family friendly boards
>family friendly

wow, it's like you're trying to turn this place into complete shit

you are the most cancerous cancer I've ever seen

I demand that you commit suicide in penance for that terrible post

>> No.231225

moot is 100% pure aryan nordic fuck you

>> No.231231


he's 163% New York Jew

and being from New York myself, I understand how shitty that particular ethnicity is.

>> No.231232

>I think moot's best cash cow would be to make 4chan pass exclusive boards.

So it becomes SA 2.0? The day that happens, I will retreat back to the other chans. Fucking liberal faggots and their pay2join internet clubs.

>> No.231237


4chan is already the bastard child of SomethingAwful. At least moot had the foresight not to try to make money off of it.

>> No.231257

I have a hard time believing moot's not making any money off 4chan. He gets millions of unique visitors a day. The 4chan passes alone would be enough to pay the server costs. Then he has the Jew list ads and custom advertisements from 4channers. There's no way he's broke.

>> No.231261

He's right. He is trying to turn it into complete shit.
But it's really profitable shit, which was the point of the thread.

Anyway 4chan merch would be a huge cash cow.

>tripping helps with accountability.
Every tripfag says this. But when was the last time you heard a tripfag actually acknowledging his past mistakes?
Besides, people don't put on trips for that. That's just a nice-sounding excuse.
And your idea (>>229553) would kill 4chan because the average person is fucking dumb. Letting more people in would lower the quality of posts as a whole.

>> No.231263


>He is trying to turn it into complete shit.
>But it's really profitable shit

This sums up my problems with modern society pretty well.

>> No.231275

He isn't. Moot's networth is over 1 million

>> No.231280

moot has a normal job on something IT related, 4chan is just a hobby that actually used to bleed money until he implemented passes.

>> No.232464

Profit off of 4chan

>> No.232477



>> No.232490


>> No.232502

I'd say 4chan pays him modestly and decently at this point, and that's all he wants. We've been blessed as a community with a founder and admin that isn't a greedy meddling piece of shit.

It's also managed to stay relevant and popular after more than 10 years, which is impressive as hell.

When he wants to make bigger bucks, he can tour as a consultant, given the shit and insights he has to community management and the social web, large corps are all over that shit at the moment (pretty much all the big players are trying to win in social, even the likes of IBM has their Sametime business intranet thing)

Treating 4chan as a business, what would I do to generate maximum profits? No big sudden changes to trigger an exodus anyway. I'd probably introduce a "marketplace", keep it 4chan styled, and skim something off the top. So many companies have been successfully capitalizing off 4chan's culture by merchandising it, all you have to do is provide a facility for these happy merchants to sell this shit through 4chan directly.

Then, bring advertising into the 21st century. Moot believes advertisers have no interest in 4chan, but that's because he's only spoken to broadbase agency advertisers. 4chan needs partnerships with events coordinators. You're telling me Coachella wouldn't advertise on /mu/?

4chan needs a roaming sales team who understand how to explain the market value and influence of the site to wary marketeers who are desperate to tap into the "edgy" market.

>> No.232508

diversify, his strategies are too much like grand plans that fall apart if one tiny thing goes wrong

he needs to generalize, test lots of ideas and kind of hone in on what people and evil corporations want, then he can do a tumblr

>> No.232527 [DELETED] 

4chan is outdated as fuck and sucks. I feel as if m00t could do so much more to make 4chan a more interactive and better website but he's just lazy I guess. Eventually someone will make a better 4chan and 4chan will become the next myspace.

>> No.232538

Let people pay him to become mods for certain boards. Watch them closely and take away the mod privileges if they abuse them.

>> No.233210

Monetizing 4chan would ruin everything good about it.

Just give him a way to earn good money elsewhere

>> No.233215

Moot's situation is fucking great. He maintains this shithole without selling out due to what seems like some sort of insane idealism. As a result, 4chan is like no other place on the internet. Moot should just camwhore for money, I'd tip

>> No.233228


>> No.233237

Become a Social Media/Web 2.0 consultant.

Charge a few K or more per consulting contract.

Easy way to reach 250K a year seeing as his skill is extremely high.

>> No.233249


>> No.233538
File: 8 KB, 300x100, 1393872205884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at some moderately successful 4chan clones such as PIC related.

They tend to fail outright due to mismanagement or flounder due to insufficient activity.

In the case of PIC related (name of website is flagged as spam), there are two vastly different communities that have nothing in common (r9k and /new/). Both communities are forced to coexist on a relatively small site.

Tl;Dr managing online communities at an admin level is a tough job and many others have failed whereas moot has mostly succeeded with a few intermittent stumbles