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22943018 No.22943018[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

High IQ
Very arrogant/snobby/superior/belittling personality

how to reduce this? how to become humble?

>> No.22943031
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so heres the thing, ive combined jelqing and nofap and the results are unbelievable

my test and virility has shot up drastically, the results in the gym speaks for itself alone, not even taking into account how i feel on a normal day to day basis, and my dick gains? the length, the girth, the vascularity... its absurd the gains ive gotten, stop being a betafag and start nofap+jelq, itll quite literally SAVE your life!

>> No.22943058

Wear a cage uwu

>> No.22943067

First read up on your diagnosis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferiority_complex

>> No.22943090

add to that prostate milking

>> No.22943118

You don't. People never change and you are just an asshole. Accept it.

>> No.22943120
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no faggot kys

>> No.22943130

Not smart enough to figure out how to be kind?
Very high IQ

>> No.22943185

lift heavy. eat good. don't jerk off.

>> No.22943187

Also I forgot to mention your second diagnosis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect

You are just a 110 iq retarded faggot that compensates for your inferior complexities by acting as an asshole. Godspeed fucktard

>> No.22943339

based thank you

seems to be it

i did different iq tests online and got 124-140
people say online iq tests don't really work, so i might actually be 110 iq
im aware of dk effect, valley of despair was a few years ago for me

>> No.22943388

Those are all bullshit, what matters is what you got on standardized tests you took in school or an actual IQ test

>> No.22943428

my lifestyle
>wake up
>drink coffee
>smoke weed
>drink coffee
>smoke weed
>jerk off

haven't exercised in years
smoked weed daily for years
haven't had a girlfriend in years
jerk off everyday

>> No.22943457

Unironically, take mushrooms. You'll realize how small you really are.

>> No.22943476

i try to every 6 months to get perspective and reprioritize stuff

>> No.22943533

That's because you're insecure deep down, and intelligence is the only thing about you that is higher than most so you cling to it with all your life and have decided unconsciously years ago that it is safer to judge other people on it than to let in the vulnerable pain of the fact that you don't belong, even though deep down that's all you really want. Even belong to the people you so vehemently judge, creating even more emotional knots in your psyche, causing you to feel the need to lock up and "become hard" even more.

>> No.22943564

being arrogant is not a crime, just try to be it in the right time

>> No.22943582

hang out with competent people who will belittle you and insult you until you ahut the fuck up

>> No.22943782

i agree, this is true.

this is one of my biggest fears, because my self-esteem is low. but deep down i know you're right, good tip for gaining humility

>> No.22943871

Do something hard
Declare you will do it publicly
Continue increasing difficulty until you either join the ranks of the great western men who built the foundations of modern society or fail early enough to fully understand how incredible those men are thereby gaining humility

>> No.22943918

Read my comment again, all you need is in that comment. I was you.

What you need to do is go towards that immense reservoir of pain inside of you, and allow yourself to feel it, slowly over time. Dig into yourself and your emotions.

Your whole problem at heart is that you are afraid to feel. Because feeling brings up the pain. But feeling is also what makes you human and what connects you with others.

The only way to learn to feel again, is to go through the pain you're protecting yourself against. Anything else is a dead end.

It's not gonna be fun. But it will be ultimately the most rewarding thing you could do for yourself.

>> No.22943938

you dont have to be friendly to anybody just recognize who helped you when you needed help and try not fucking those people over with your "I am so based and superior" mentality. also nofap off course

>> No.22944094

thank you anon. you hit the spot. your comments gave me a small serotonin boost. i know i have a lot of work to do.

thanks, that's a based pov

>> No.22944132

Take psychedelics or strong weed, you don't have an IQ problem you have an ego problem

>> No.22944526

i fully understand and agree with this need to belong. i've had difficulty with belonging/relating to others ever since i started going down rabbit holes.

the more knowledge i obtain, the more i feel distanced from people
i have this addiction to learning about unconventional topics (seems cutting edge stuff is usually unconventional, so i spend alot of time looking into unconventional things, which causes me to feel more distanced from others)

psychedelics help me temporarily get rid of the ego and view things from different perspectives
weed just numbs me, pushing whatever emotions into the future
i had a bit of depersonalization few years ago, so i've been reconstructing my ego and personality past few years

>> No.22944555

i've been stuck in this ego trip of superiority, because it's the only way i can feel 'secure'

i think dabbling with psychedelics has caused a lot of these insecurities to come out and now i have to deal with them

>> No.22944764

are you german?

>> No.22944820


>> No.22944848

>guys how do I become humble???
>just squeeze your dick weird in the shower bro
This fucking board

>> No.22944862

here's the thing, you aren't actually as smart as you think you are. probably not even close. keep reminding yourself that. it helps

>> No.22944933

your just a type 1 jew OP


>> No.22944963

that was literally me. I've mostly beaten it but the process has cost me.

>> No.22944971

Came here to say this. 5g in the dark tames the ego

>> No.22944976

meh. people are throwing money at me to work for them. i ve worked 20 years on my skillset in conjunction with personal development. my advice : do the same. also, remember that health is the ultimate asset.

>> No.22944983

>standardized tests you took in school
you still define yourself based on your high school performance? fucking christ no wonder all of you are poor

>> No.22945008

weed and psychedelics are only temporary solutions. being kind to people is the best drug of all.

>> No.22945091

That's good. Don't run from them. Deal with them. At least a few hours per week as your soul focus. Sit down and go at it. Feel, write, cry, be angry. Get that shit to the surface.

>> No.22945095

>how to become humble?
do you ever take risks? do you actively work on personal projects, in spite of failure? do your aspirations hinge on your actions more than luck?

of course not, because otherwise you wouldn’t be asking this. you’ve built up a social callous to protect yourself. the “intellect” you pride yourself on is kept bottled up, because you’re afraid to take a risk, because you’re afraid people will look at you the way that you’ve trained yourself to look at people.

log off 4chan. go pick up a difficult activity. fail over and over again until you learn to respect the process of mastery, rather than trying to rationalize every failure along the way.

>> No.22945110

This was me
Did a ton of mdma to fix it. Finally not a retarded /pol/ack anymore and actually care about other people

>> No.22945133

Why do autistic dumbasses always think they are smarter then everyone else? Is it a defense mechanism for being socially incompetent?

>> No.22945153

you're literally a failure, tell me what makes you superior again?

>> No.22945176

Based anon, I've been through the same process and this is 100% correct

>> No.22945187

what you suffer from actually have a name, it's a personality disorder

>> No.22945253

>Is it a defense mechanism for being socially incompetent?
literally yes. a lot of this is instilled by schools from a young age.
>parents are emotionally unavailable, incompetent, narcissistic, etc
>kid may or may not be autistic - the more autistic, the more extreme
>succeeds in school, put on a pedestal by the teacher
>other students feel resentment rather than competition
>kid is ostracized
>the lack of a comfortable home life means the kid is constantly defensive, and likely not living a proper childhood
>the kid has not been able to understand their emotion in a safe environment, pushes feelings down
>only objective measure of individual success is grades
>conflate grades with intelligence
>base personality around “intelligence”
>backed by teachers ready to boost their ego, kid takes pride in being subservient to all forms of authority, learns to leverage their intelligence as a form of bullying, and locks themselves in their head
that’s how you end up with 75% of the posts on this fucking website.

>> No.22945296

disagree on a semantic level. narcissists don’t seek help, or have the capability to reflect like this on their own. it’s very likely, though, that one or both of op’s parents are narcissistic, and that op’s behaviors and world view were warped by them. that’s what leads to these moments where the facade falls off and reveals a sensitive child trying too hard to act tough.

>> No.22945299

Also OP you will only start having empathy for others once you realize how you suffered/was neglected by parents or whoever it was. It's a hard road though so the narcissistic trait is there to help you have a sense of self that otherwise would be totally shuttered. you can also have some traits of antisocial personality disorder