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22942166 No.22942166 [Reply] [Original]

All yield farming activity on Ethereum will soon be flowing through Value Liquid. If you’re still writing YFV/VALUE off as some y-clone you haven’t been paying attention.

>> No.22942435

It sounds incredible and it’s nice to see a “clone” progress DeFi with an actual unique product

>> No.22943112

>yield farming activity on Ethereum will soon be flowing through Value Liquid

>> No.22943131

Because holders say so lol

>> No.22943145

so heres the thing, ive combined jelqing and nofap and the results are unbelievable

my test and virility has shot up drastically, the results in the gym speaks for itself alone, not even taking into account how i feel on a normal day to day basis, and my dick gains? the length, the girth, the vascularity... its absurd the gains ive gotten, stop being a betafag and start nofap+jelq, itll quite literally SAVE your life!!!

>> No.22943404

Look at phase 4. Value Liquid will be the most cost-effective way to migrate your capital between yield farming opportunities.

>> No.22943509

Im convinced all the fud around this is paid balancer shills

>> No.22943729

>most cost-effective way to migrate your capital between yield farming opportunities
I went on Yfvalue website and they have their own pools... I don't understand what do you mean when you say ''to migrate to other opportunities''

>> No.22943766


Just buy the shit so team can dump on you.

>> No.22943944

https://liquid.yfv.finance is where Value Liquid is hosted. They just launched phase 1 so there’s not much to see yet, but by phase 4 you will be able to swap (for example) UNIv2 liquidity for equivalent BPT, SLP, or VLP liquidity without having to manually withdraw the underlying assets from one and then deposit them into the other. This allows you to move your capital to where yields are highest quickly and efficiently.

>> No.22944037

The way I understand it is that they will allow LP's to rotate their liquidity to other projects with just a few mouseclicks, but the LP's have the option to convert their liquidity into tokens that will alllow Value Liquid to harvest fees FROM the OTHER Liquidity Pools and distribute them to Value holders in the Governance Vault. Unironically VERY bullish, because that means that Value gives all their LP's the freedom to rotate their assets around to other projects with higher APY's, while simultaneously plopping a finger in these new pies.

>> No.22944050

kek, if the team was going to dump on you, wouldn't they have done it at $80? Why would they keep developing more and more products/services if they're just looking to dump?

>> No.22944230


Sigh....you do know that even now there are yfv tokens being minted? They won't dump themselves. It is an on going process.

>> No.22944265

and? that ends in 3 weeks

>> No.22944540


16 days

>> No.22945470
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>> No.22945651

Yea this thing is the tits and I tried to tell you all to start farming weeks ago. Now we have actual delivery. When OG farm whales stop dumping massive bags everyday we gonna see some awesome shit. It's not to late to get in on the action with farming..


>> No.22945770
File: 316 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200930-165432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q&A with the co-founder of YFV in pic related

Im also hearing that the gov vault will
be paying out in market bought tokens after the total supply is minted. Bullish af.

>> No.22945799
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>> No.22945992

Wonder who the big auditer is