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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22937087 No.22937087 [Reply] [Original]

is multichain liquidity farming even valuable?
I like the idea of rich whales moving other coins into yield farming but is it valuable only because eth has the most traffic?

>> No.22937240

all chains will have there own liquidity farms retard

>> No.22937476

can I get a link to the discord?

>> No.22937477

Eth is written in SOLIDity not LIQUIDity you retard. Biz gets more retarded by the day.

>> No.22937507

Biz doesn’t understand liquidity farming yet, great I’ll wait for you to catch up.

>> No.22938111

Bringing BNB and Solana into farming is going to be huge

>> No.22938524

Bringing these trips to ydex is greatly appreciated

>> No.22938679

Checked and keked

>> No.22939444

Trips = 1000%

>> No.22939612


>> No.22939689

the schizo actually back again?

>> No.22939814

>whales moving other coins into yield farming
could you explain a little bit better to a retard?

>> No.22939891

its simple retard. Whales control assets other than ETH and they can yield farm with those assets and get paid in ERC20's which is a game changer for yield farming platforms.

>> No.22939941
File: 150 KB, 1357x273, Screenshot_2020-09-30 biz - and just like that YFmoonscam shill hordes dis - Business Finance - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11 posts
>10 unique posters

I love how you can follow the same shill group jumping from scam to scam leaving the previous scam in shambles

>> No.22940021
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>> No.22940061

they always post multiple threads within a couple hours of each other with memes ready to go for a project that's never been on biz before. then they go around bumping each others threads. to any newfags seeing this: do not give money to these indians

>> No.22940087

yep, it's so artificial and obvious

>> No.22940383 [DELETED] 

you are exceptionally mad rn bud

>> No.22940439

literally the same wording as the moonbeam shills, you dont even try

>> No.22941025

do you really think that developers market coins on biz?

>> No.22941039

What is this suppose to be saying?

>> No.22941466

ofc, what else would they be doing?

>> No.22941490

That's gmak's wallet bro

>> No.22941779

it makes sense, BNB is huge

>> No.22941869

>liquidity farming
what's the difference with yeild farming?

>> No.22942018

Nothing really, the dexes liquidity will be incentivized by the YDEX tokens mined from pooling non eth assets

>> No.22942028

I hope so. I think he’s XRP schizo. They type the same.

>> No.22942313

Schizos actually help people do their own research because no one takes them at their word

>> No.22942730

I just bought a suicide stack in case it moons

>> No.22942772

BNB is a scam

>> No.22942951

Best performing scam in years

>> No.22943099

Still a scam

>> No.22943143

this. ive been in bnb for years

>> No.22943422

>they can yield farm with those assets and get paid in ERC20's which is a game changer for yield farming platforms
What's the difference in geting paying with Erc20 coins or getting paid in Non Erc20 coins and then selling for it?

>> No.22943978

some people like ERC20's

>> No.22944438

some fags

>> No.22944570

is that your pajeet leader's name?

>> No.22944659

>>they can yield farm with those assets and get paid in ERC20's which is a game changer for yield farming platforms
>What's the difference in geting paying with Erc20 coins or getting paid in Non Erc20 coins and then selling for it?

>> No.22944825

He’s a twitter influencer
You can sell your farming income for whatever but this will have the ease of yield farming on eth but using bnb and sol assets as collateral

>> No.22945173

that is actually a really good value proposition. Bring the BNB and SOL boys into defi

>> No.22945360

I concur

>> No.22945524

money is money, of course they will take it

>> No.22945869

I love money

>> No.22946133

going up rn

>> No.22946277

holy shit you're right, moonbeam is MOONING

>> No.22946487

I sold the bottom again

>> No.22946497
File: 12 KB, 209x241, 93899E90-65B0-4F57-89DD-A0EA1BE43DEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really do be

>> No.22946619
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I fell for the fud

>> No.22946995

>Fell for the fud


>> No.22947006

no stopping it now, that shit is going to moon with influencer hype

>> No.22947016

YMAX will literally release this on October the 3rd. Fomo in faggots

>> No.22947411

there’s room for growth in both places, faggot

>> No.22947415

YMAX is a scam

>> No.22947625

Its called pay to lose. All yield farms, and possibly the entirety of ethereum network, are pyramid scams.

>> No.22948170

Closer to a ponzi scheme. Actually its not even close to a pyramid scheme

>> No.22948376

saved ty anon

>> No.22948565

The more I look into this the more I like it

>> No.22948764

YMAX lost their devs check tg

>> No.22949069

another one bites the dust

>> No.22949308

people with money make a killing

>> No.22949618


>> No.22949804

everything involved is money nigga

>> No.22950075
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>> No.22950552

Check my fuckin dubs

>> No.22950568

No dubs faggot

>> No.22950574

No check my fucking dubs

>> No.22950589


>> No.22950751

It is a sign. Time to buy

>> No.22951029

Oh absolutely sir

>> No.22951348

Yes it does

>> No.22951458

Digital oil is on sale

>> No.22951754

Id rather buy this scam than RLC

>> No.22952074

I’m sick of seeing these shitcoins

>> No.22952234

So stop browsing biz?