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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22924266 No.22924266 [Reply] [Original]

what will happen once neets acquire a significant share of the world's wealth? wouldn't this destabilize our society?

>> No.22924291

quite the contrary. NEETs will leverage their resources to usher in a new era of peace, prosperity, and comfiness

>> No.22924310

No because you spend it on stupid shit. We're a consumption based economy it'd be fine.

>> No.22924534
File: 447 KB, 1803x1349, 1588268435314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We Davos now

>> No.22925579

world is fine with they being neets rn, they being neets after it's just the same

>> No.22925601

Any neet with any sense will run far away from society to grow food in the woods, which won't disrupt anything.
The total retards who buy an inner city apartment and a sports car will be tagged and tracked with the rest of them, no threat to anyone.